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How boring. Your attempt to broad brush all who disagree with you as feminists does not work. christian domestic discipline A History of the Corporal Discipline of Women January 11, 2023 In this third and final part of my three-part series on Christian Domestic Discipline, we explore how the practice of domestic discipline continue through the middle-ages and even into America up until the mid-20th century. No wonder Lauren was so confused in her marriage. And if they fail to submit or they fail in other duties as wives they willingly accept Domestic Discipline. I think its quite funny that you make the cultural practices of other countries an argument for how Christians should live. Oh boy, here we go. It took a long time for me to have the strength to leave him. Ben and I were miserable and the pastor at his church was no help, so we went to the pastor of my old church and he and his wife were very helpful in instructing us in proper CDD. Moreover, consent is tricky in these matters for a simple reason; many will consent to a humiliating or injurious act out of fear of losing their loverbut the Biblical reality is that the person, despite their consent, has just been injured or humiliated. So true! Its as if my fathers and brother-in-laws defensive shields go up and they tune out. We have a page for cybersafety in our Resources section too. It may be more difficult in your 30s, and may never happen. Except the exegeises you have been taught, does contradict. You have made my point. I am a submissive wife but do not always submit. Women get to be slaves for men, while men lounge about reading their bibles trying to find bible verses that support their new sadistic fetishes to heap on their wives and children. Michael is worried sick over his wife's whereabouts, and he's determined to put a stop to her irresponsible behavior. This is the right relationship for people to live in my opinion. So, a wife divorcing her husband unless she was independently wealthy was quite possibly a death sentence. And with that final parting shot, we can all say good bye and good riddance to Lone Voice. God doesnt love us any less than men but he made us to serve in the home. I get two on Sunday, one in the morning before worship, and one in the evening before bible study. Thank you for writing and shedding light on another form of domestic abuse that doesnt get talked about very much. Honestly I feel like I feel like these testimonials are written by perverts mostly old men who never had have been married or just absolutely disgusting men who are trying to make this normal I dont think these are actually written by real people actually experiencing this mess because quite honestly I would hope if you were that much of a Christian, that much in a head of household relationship your husband would not be comfortable with you describing your sore, red bottom if so he is as much of a pervert as that Pastor was. It is based on my real-world experiences doing personalized mentoring programs with more than 20 husbands over the past 4 years. They threatened to spank me if I didnt back down and I have no doubt it wasnt an idle threat. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. (There are no passages that support spanking. Julie Anne, your visitors are in the main grindingly politically correct and feminist and you are the chief, so much so that you cannot see that the Junia site, advocating for the inclusion of women in leadership in the Christian church and for mutuality in marriage is not the slightest bit feminist and flying in the face of scripture (starting with Genesis 2:18 and 3:16 funny how many great verses in the Bible are 3:16, isnt it? English Common Law said that wives were the property of their husbands. There are some real sins out there. I saw my mom get dads strap many times growing up and Mom always said that Dad was a good leader and that he did what God required him to do to raise us to be good Christians, my brothers to be good servant leaders and us girls to be obedient and submissive to those who God puts over us. We had no children (thankfully) and we are fully divorced. [redacted] said in a counseling session Jamin has admitted to using anger as a teaching tool for [redacted] like you would train a dog. Anyone who can inspire such bitterness in us still has a hold over us. Sometimes Ben thinks I need to be spanked everyday, when I forget that I am supposed to be the submissive one. Pastor then took over and showed Ben that I wouldnt break if I was spanked properly, and I got my first real spanking of my life. Lets see what passes the test of time and lets judge everything by its fruits (even though the negative and confusing fruits of your radical ideollogy can already be seen after a generation only. Jamin replied to Sgt. When we finally got to my parents, I figured I was safe so I started again. Male rulership of women is common all over the world, because it is a result of sin entering humanity, just as God had predicted: God told the woman man would rule over her God was saying that was a result of the Fall. Some men have apparently abused their authority, therefore any men having authority is bad. It doesnt follow. Yes, Im guilty of being obscure at times. Eph 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Jesus taught that followers of his are not to lord authority over each other, but you are advocating that. You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. Spare the rod, spoil the wife (LogOut/ What Is The Husbands Role In Christian Domestic Discipline? Each jurisdiction has its own laws and its own policies for how law enforcement deal with domestic abuse. Jennas Punishment Spanking (Christian Domestic Discipline Marriage #1) During a disagreement, Jenna storms out of the house without telling her husband where she's going. I submit that every target of physically, emotionally or spiritually abusive behavior is our sister or brother, and that no perpetrator, absent real repentance, is to be embraced as family. If you are really interested in having an informed opinion, a good starting point would be to search getting started with domestic discipline on the internet. s Christian Domestic Discipline Marriage Webchristian domestic discipline; Corset Waist Training; Deep Thoughts; Exercise and Chocolate; Fiction; maintenance; marriage; my submissiveness; Orgasm Control; Pierced Nipples; Punishment; Spanking; Submission; swingers In the beginning I would test him all the time to see if he was serious. This is not some sort of dark movement where people are held in chains in basements. Testimonials of Loving Domestic Discipline For where does it end ? For anyone wanting many more articles, and explanations, and rebuttals to the sexist views Take heed then to your spirit, and let no one deal treacherously against the wife of your youth., I think youd be surprised at how educated these people are. These three core values are essential: Communication, Consent, & Compassion. Still, and some may think I have gone way to far out on a limb here, I believe the misogynists you identify are not Christians. Another thing to bear in mind is that all Domestic Violence services are underfunded so the workers are vevy busy. I wasnt mad at my husband I knew I earned my punishment. Isnt bullying between two consenting children? There is a judge and there is a criminal, the judge proclaims a sentence against the criminal which is carried out. I get to hear why some other wives get spanked and all the wives want to tell the pastor why they got spanked. Thats their thing. When the man takes charge and makes really good, well-thought-out (and prayed for) decisions, its pretty easy for wives to submit. My father told me as a young teenager, rape is not that big of a deal. In an abusive home, children do not have a sense of a normal healthy marriage, so thismodeling of abusive behaviorcould affect generations. Sorry Daisy, I forgot. its the samething a guy who punched his wife in the face would say. A Lone Voice, your voice will be really lonely in the SSB doghouse if you keep up with the condescending remarks. Jamin wanted me to take a look at his finger nails because he was said his finger nails were too short to leave any marks. If you are currently living (or have lived) the Christian Domestic Discipline lifestyle and you would like to share how it has helped your marriage or relationship, please email your story and mention that you wish to share your experiences with other people. He preyed on his teen age nanny girl! [redacted] said Jamin has used pornography as a means of punishment towards [redacted]. First let me say that my husband and I have just recently found your site and think it is wonderful. Dont want me sticking my nose into your bedroom affairs? Does anyone have advice? Anonymous, christianddgroup.typepad.com, 13. When the policeman is at the door because the neighbors heard the wife screaming in pain, does she say all is well because it is truly an egalitarian, consensual relation, or does she say all is well because she knows that he is going to physically hurt her, or her kids or her family or whatever. :o). I write about marital discipline in a Christian home at my website spankingyourwife.wordpress.com. Yet you say, For what reason? Because the LORD has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant. I think youd be surprised at how educated these people are. Why are you so eager to judge that which you do not understand and have obviously no interest in understanding ? You accuse me of accusing. I would be fine with the term myself if used in that manner, but the word feminism unfortunately is usually associated with left wing, radical types who tend to do things like support abortion, and a lot of them vote Democrat. Women werent squelched when they were told to TELL MEN that Jesus had resurrected. And now for the part that might get me consigned to the doghouse: He is one pompous donkey. It was then agreed upon that my Tuesday spanking would be given at our counseling session, so they could see Bens progress. Continue reading. You imply that by talking about husbands with authority. Junia was a female apostle who taught men. When the man takes charge and makes really good, well-thought-out (and prayed for) decisions, its pretty easy for 2. And no, actually, they arent. You get all edgy. If men like you were running Christianity its reputation would be much better, and I am sure women and little girls would be suffer and much happier. Elijah did not begin by being arrogant, dogmatic, self-congratulating and dismissive (like you have been in this discussion). Have you read Marys song, known as the Magnificat? Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. It really is that good. If more husbands would do this, we would have LESS divorces and better marriages. Finally, I would suggest that the fix you are suggesting are the reasons domestic discipline has been making a come back lately and is here to stay. If accusations of anger are routinely hurled as thought stoppers by Christian tyrants everywhere, just think how effective wolf must think it will have been to accuse you of rage. Oh brother, that was too obvious. Out of our wounds flow compassion, understanding, & grace. WebBDSM provides a helpful framework for communication and safe, consensual exploration. But he is a wonderful, loving husband and father, a great provider and well, being in charge just suits him. But intolerance is intolerance, and here you are intolerant against religious freedom. And why do that one, and not the other, need it? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Michael is worried sick over his wife's whereabouts, and he's determined to put a stop to her irresponsible behavior. This is really strange, as it seems the husband turned a non-consensual sex fetish into his personal gratification and not his wifes, while hurting her mentally and physically through some crazy fabricated punishment, Lets treat adults like adult and lets avoid the temptation of playing the role of God.. That is called assault and battery and is illegal. ;) I am neither kinky, nor a doormat. However,his spanking wasalways controlledwhichmust have made it all the more confusing to Lauren. Good intentions yield more good intentions. Its the word of God: You are free to live this lifestyle. Domestic My mom told me that dad only punished her because he loved her, and that in a Christian family dad was in charge and no one can ever disobey him. I think nobody bothered to really answer because your self-proclaimed moral superiority, and arrogant psychiatric doctor tone make you guys look close-minded and beyond hope. The Bible says I must obey my husband in all things, our minister always repeats this in our bible study. I grew up in a home that practiced CDD, my mom was no stranger to dads strap that he kept on a hook is his study. One of our problems was that Ben wanted to go to his church, where they didnt believe in CDD, so we had no support system, but my pastor told me that I had to be submissive and that God would work all out in the end. Abusing men need to be taken to task (no, I dont know how, and in some cases they just never will be) but the fact of their existence does not mean God was wrong to say that the man is the head of the wife and that he shall rule over thee. The criminal has relinquished consent by the act that requires justice. What can be done to safely expose these abusers for what they really are and protect these women. You are a very dogmatic person. 1Tim 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. I debated putting this in the Godly ladies' thread but decided that I would risk my reputation to be thought of as forward because this is just too good to keep from men. So let me ask you a question. I offer personal advice and mentorship in marriage to men or women who contact me. Now I have a renewed confidence in our decision to live a CDD (Christian Domestic Discipline) lifestyle.Hubby also informed me that we are going to be working on a habit I have that he cant stand. But just like a chocolate addict will eat carob in moments of dire necessity. I see only 3.5% of Americans traveled overseas in 2009 (when the study was done). While social sciences are a useful tool, you perfectly demonstrate how they can be used as a convenient tool to outlaw deranging opinions and lifestyles by justifying the move by supposed facts. Im not a 15 year old kid still living under my fathers and mothers authority. Its actually ten : )Notice we are not commanded to love our husbands. . 15 reasons why Christian domestic discipline is a terrible, anti-Christian idea | Biblical Personhood, http://cryingoutforjustice.com/resources/hotlines/, http://cryingoutforjustice.com/resources/safety-planning/. Guided Wife A blog on my desire to be virtuous and submissive I love them but our relationship is often strained. You think that your intolerance is acceptable because you are on the side of political correctness. Your views are not applicable and do not work for women who are in poverty, who live in other nations, and who are never-married, widowed, infertile, divorced. There is no such thing as physical discipline of a WIFE, period. 1Cor 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. Im wondering what their thoughts were on it? Why? Those wacky scientists have way more education than you or I, so obviously you cannot correlate education with wise and good choices. If a man and a woman are not dating yet. If adults have the right to spank those who disagree with them, well, I shudder to think of all the spank-fests thatd happen on every count; in every church meeting, every work-place. I love him with or without discipline, but to be honest I really want it in my life. Resistance During a Spanking I see only 3.5% of Americans traveled overseas in 2009 (when the study was done). Just chalk it up to your personal preference and call it a day. . I know for a long time I did not consider myself a battered or abused wife. Since that law came out in 2004, I have yet to hear of a spanking incident as such, and I havent even seen anyone spank their child in public. Bike Bubba, when your wife dresses as a french maid, you still see her, albeit as a french maid, and not Kim Kardashian or some other woman (and I really fear for your taste as well Kim Kardashian of all people). What kinds of reactions can he expect from his wife as he introduces this into his marriage and how should he respond to his wifes reactions? And dont tell me you never wanted to have sex on an altar! You people that believe that spanking is abuse you have no comperhesion as to what its like deal with a hellish marriage and the damage on children. there is one kind of safety plan while the victim is still living with the abuser, and the plan gets modified when she leaves the abuser, and modified again when things alter significantly, such as if the abuser loses his job, if a court hearing is pending or has just happened, or when anything changes which might affect the risk for the victim. Wolf goes on to demandnot suggest, but demandthat you forgive. In Laurens situation, she described her husband as calm and never in anger, yet he referred to her in demeaning terms, little girl, as a father would say to a child. He was so different than the other Christians I had met, many of whom tormented my Jewish best friend and my completely secular family. At least thats his justification but this is far far more severe than spankings. Ben is a very strict HOH, and I love him very much because of it. It is very disturbing to read. Comfortable, but very childish, very full coverage stuff. Even Satan quoted scripture. His thumb nail was shorter but still long enough to make the marks I saw on the left side of [redacted] neck. It really is that good. And lastly the women whose fathers are not involved in these domestic discipline Lifestyles for your father to applaud your husband for laying his hands on you thats not normal none of this is normal. But I have come to believe that there was a form of CDD/DD in the days of the bible. Dark child, your nickname tells me something about your view. Are you able to support yourself okay? In the 70s went screaming for Radio Talk Show Host to interview abused women in the church; we havent come far have we? He was so different than the other Christians I had met, many of whom tormented my Jewish best friend and my completely secular family. However, this is nothing more than intolerance even if you think you mean well. I am right wing, conservative, vote Republican, am pro-life. I offer personal advice and mentorship in marriage to men or women who contact me. As far as I can see, no one in this conversation is opposed to the Bible or its teachings, but to your interpretation of them. Send in your testimonials! At times he could be very sweet and charming. I agree with you also but I dont agree on what some people say about pastors Spanking other peoples wives and brothers Spanking their sisters and son spanking their mothers I mean that just Blows my mind away right there I think if its between a husband and his wife only then whatever floats their boat more power to them, Ruth, how old are you? If every Pastor was like the one Susie writes about , the one who taught her husband how to be a good leader, there would be far fewer broken homes. In, the language of our marriage, in referring to this lifestyle choice, I tell my husand that I love being his baby. Cant get strength that will defend them a la Roy Rogers, so you get strength that will slap you around a la Gray or John Wayne in his worse moments. And please dont discount the experiences of those whove suffered under religious patrio-centrism or just plain chauvinism. As someone that has been burned and sexually abused I can say there is nothing worse then intercourse with a misogynist, men that go on about male headship, female submission to men. After everything shes been through at the hands of bible-spouting men, I wouldnt be surprised if shes given up on the faith. The modesty issue and him not wanting you to get any kind of lingerie shows a real distorted view of sexuality. But not one has done so who has a remnant of the Spirit. Our church is now my original church, and my bottom is now sore when ever it is needed to be. I never heard or suspected anything growing up. I mean, on Star Trek, Kirk listened to Spock all of the time, but Kirk was still the boss. Modern psychology approves a surgeon cutting off a guys penis, surgically creating a fake vagina, and will then prescribe estrogen hormones for the dude to look like a lady. [redacted] has confided in [redacted] and [redacted] about Jamins abusive behavior. I have a lot of respect for your father, and husband. I can also say , please sir may I go to bed without my nightgown and thats me asking to be intimate, Ben almost always says yes. I Hate that Thing: The Loop Domestic Discipline and the Bible Although defenders of domestic discipline argue that their lifestyle is biblically-based, many Christian religious leaders disagree. Anyway. I dont consider Christian mutuality to be the same thing as feminism, though there may some Christian women in the egalitarian community who are fine using the word feminism for themselves. They took all her her clothes off in front of everybody and then she got a spanking by the Pastor and her husband with their belts. The best part of domestic discipline is what has happened emotionally between this long-time married couple. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart! How did you finally put it all together that wife spanking was wrong? How are you doing now? Male headship is followed all over the world. Here are some tidbits of the arrest report: [redacted] told me Jamin has a couple of different hunting rifles, a couple of shot guns, a Glock pistol and another silver pistol. I cant remember if you said how long you were married. When this day happens, the laws will already have been written but will not be enforced or taken seriously anymore, so with many regards, the state of women will be worse than it used to be because theyll be nothing clear they can do to improve their fate. I find your style offensive. Unless I agree with you 100%, Im outside of the will of God? Then all the feminists have jumped around and yelled at me that I am mis-interpreting them. Hi, I read some of these odd comments about the bible, written by men in this case perverted old patriarchs. Unless the woman is locked in a basement like something on an episode of CSI Special Victims Unit, she is there by choice. So, if youre the family bully and thats the way its always been, does your wife really consent to being bullied? We had many problems. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Julie Anne can be reached at: JA@SpiritualSoundingBoard.com, Kathi can be reached at: Kathi@SpiritualSoundingBoard.com. So-called Christian domestic discipline occurs in a marriage when one or both partners use biblical support to rationalize an unscriptural and un-Christian lifestyle. And no, the experiences, however bad, do not nullify the word of God. Lydia00, Eph 5:21 does not contradict what follows. I know its hard, but it must be do-able by the grace of God and the power of Holy Spirit because our Lord Jesus said: Feminism is merely a modern Western aberration. its called, http://lisasjoydd.blogspot.com. When I got in trouble, the threat of not letting my mom hit me with a wooden spoon was that my dad would belt me, and the threat of not letting my dad belt me was essentially unimaginable. If he is afraid, he can call the cops. It mush be nice to be self righteous dont you think. Domestic Discipline and the Bible Although defenders of domestic discipline argue that their lifestyle is biblically-based, many Christian religious leaders disagree. What a heartless bunch. I asked you above if you are a man or woman and did not get a reply. Webchristian domestic discipline; Corset Waist Training; Deep Thoughts; Exercise and Chocolate; Fiction; maintenance; marriage; my submissiveness; Orgasm Control; Pierced Nipples; Punishment; Spanking; Submission; swingers In this first article we will demonstrate how the practice of domestic discipline aligns perfectly with Biblical principles and commands regarding marriage. It is strength under control, it is bridled strength.First Peter 3:1 says, In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives.It is very difficult to have two heads of authority.It doesnt work in the military, it doesnt work I mean, you have one president, you know what Im saying? Candace, huffingtonpost.com, 4. Any marriage in which one partner is exerting control over the other IMHO is wrong. Wife Spanking, Christian Domestic Discipline, Domestic Violence *** You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered. The best part of domestic discipline is what has happened emotionally between this long-time married couple. If you are currently living (or have lived) the Christian Domestic Discipline lifestyle and you would like to share how it has helped your marriage or relationship, please email your story and mention that you wish to share your experiences with other people. Or did he simply say a prayer for him and his wife, that they would be able to work it out in a godly way? Your inability to understand your counterpart speaks volume and certainly does not honour you. Our opinions dont matter when our husbands spanks us. My husband is in seminary to be a music minister and I noticed that he doesnt spank me like he used to. Its not just me that talks about your husband having authority, Julie Anne. (LogOut/ I got support from friends and it was only when I opened up to them that they helped me see it was wrong. You are going to have to move to a place of forgiveness.. Cooler heads prevail and your words are so helpful, not just for A Lone Voice, but to anyone else who may stumble across this old thread. Im issuing a trigger warning for this subject. This will allow you to see the educational materials people use and therefore to understand their rational and mindset. (Ill let her tell you one way or the other, if she wants to.). ), Lone Voice says, Plausible? You are more than a conqueror through Jesus who loves you. It is not for you to determine someones path of recovery. I didnt see it as abuse. Wife spanking is often referred to as Christian Domestic Discipline, as if to make it more politically correct. I dont think a Husband has the right to ask his wife to sin.But we are not given the wisdom God gives our husband they are superior to us, we are inferior my Minister teaches us this in our Wives and young girls Bible class Bible class. Not commenting on the way you cherry pick Bible verses out of context to make them confirm what they do not even talk about. Oh, and if lonely wolf comes here and puts you down like he has done to others, if he comes abusing you by accusing you, we will know that he is just one more supposed Christian who has elected to do the devils work where you are concerned. Domestic Domestic Discipline Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [and daughters] of God. (Matthew 5:6,9 ESV). You need to give their views more serious study and attention. And no, the experiences, however bad, do not nullify the word of God. Or are women and little girls suppose to hurt to make Christian men feel good, I lived this life, it hurts so much. Yes, Its true. For this purpose moderation and tolerance are key. When I got married my husband didnt believe in spanking me and this allowed to me act out and disrespect him This went on for about a year but one-day I got home late from shopping long after I should have made dinner for my husband to find my dad waiting for me with a strap in his hand. Someone or something seemingly convinced you that you are not a full adult, that you are a bad (dark) child who deserve discipline. Meanwhile, I assume, you do not see your partner as a bad (dark) little boy who need you to discipline him. Similarly, just asserting There are no Bible passages that say that husbands have authority over wives does not nullify all the passages I quoted which say the opposite to what you want to believe. If you are truly interested in learning more about that folly, there are plenty of websites and blogs and practicers on the internet. Even the words used I think make some women question whether it is wrong or not. Biblical Case for Domestic Discipline Thats in the Bible. The definition Im using with the word submissive is the biblical definition of that.

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christian domestic discipline testimonials