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[The Eds grin. He scores a direct hit, and the two fall into the water at the waterfall's base. Strangely, the number on the end is 62, and the square is incomplete. Oh don't you give up on me! Yes? Eddy finds something and hides it behind his back. This is true! [He begins to slip out.] "Eddy: "Uncle! ]Jimmy: "Second verse, same as the first! They are going to be in one Epic Adventure to get to Eddy's older brother's place. As he does so, he knocks a string of sausages loose. "Eddy: "Good idea! Goodness, Ed, that's filthy. "[A gear wheel clatters to the floor and rolls out from a gap between two machines. ]Kevin: "Right behind you, man. Unfortunately, on the way out, his mask gets twisted, rendering him blind. Kevin's bike is leaned against the garage. "[While his friends frantically look for Eddy's brother, Ed stands up and slowly walks towards something he sees, as if he's in a trance. Lee looks up, alert, and runs in its direction. ]Edd: "EDDY! "[Sarah skips into the trailer park. ]Eddy: [awestruck] "Really? "Oh dear. ]May: "Where'd they go? [He grabs Wilfred and they roll forward like a wheel. The second he sees it, he loses his composure. They're going to Eddy's brother's place!" Jonny peeks out of it. ]Ed: "Giddy-up, horsie! ]Eddy: "Super sweet! [Ed, terrified, breaks out of the exhaust pipe and dives behind Eddy. Suddenly, a rope with a melon tied to its end goes flying. Have you any money, Eddy? "[Ed arrives, and Eddy smiles evilly. I gotcha! The pig lands on the roof, and Rolf lands on the hood. "Like this one? ]Captain Melonhead: "Oh! Quit holding up the line!" [Kevin blindly rubs at his eyes.] ]Eddy: "DON'T HURT ME!" Unfortunately, it runs out of momentum just short of the side and hangs there, swinging. [Ed chuckles. "[Ed releases the car door briefly and grabs at the steering wheel. ]Edd: "Eddy, look! Whaddya think they did this time, Jimmy? ]Kevin: "Grab him! [to his friends] "LOOKING KEEP LOOKING! Spittle drips onto Sarah's cheek until Lee jams her finger into Sarah's ear, swishing it around in a Wet Willy. "[Wilfred arrives in a break between stands. If I might partake in this chat? "They need us more than ever, girls. He must have mailed it from this amusement park! ]Jimmy: "My hero. You interrupt Rolf's study! "Where ya hidin at, ya big lug? The magnet pulls the bear trap from his head. [He collapses. "[Ed manages to shut the door, tearing it away from Kevin. "Edd: "That's quite a coincidence. ]Captain Melonhead: "Your time of reckoning is now, rapscallions! "Marie: [taking Jimmy's other leg] "Laundry boy's all mine, Lee. I could eat a horse." Suddenly, Eddy runs up. I'm coming, babe! Save yourself" [He crumples to the ground. He then looks around and realizes that there's nobody there. A voice speaks from it, and the Eds start in fear. [She drops him by the washing machine.] Knock yourself out. WHERE ARE YOU, BUDDY? "Sarah: [annoyed as she walks towards the others] "Jeepers, Ed, you're still in one piece! [He looks for Edd. ]Edd: "Ed? ]Ed: "They got me, guys!" "[Kevin runs into the swamp and begins to clamber up the tree. "Eddy: "No! Dawg? Fortunately, it cracks as a direct result of this. [He rubs Eddy's armpit. "Ed: [jamming his head into Edd's face] "Saunas make me sweat! Ed, Edd n Eddy is an American-Canadian animated comedy television series created by Canadian adult cartoonist Danny Antonucci exclusively for Cartoon Network, premiering January 4th, 1999, and ultimately concluding on November 8th, 2009 with a made-for-television film titled Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show. ]Eddy: "Hey!" It's like a fairy tale come true! Edd failed. Eddy's brother removes his shades. "[Kevin is picking up speed when May is suddenly stuck into his path. "Look! Jspyster1; Matthaus101; . [He yawns. "May: "Looks like someone left something in their pocket! "Sarah: "We fell off that stupid slippery pig all the way over here, Jimmy! [Eddy climbs the steps to the trailer. Rolf brings up the rear, having managed to rejoin the chase. [He laughs as he runs away from Ed. What a shame. "[The credits roll as the kids sing. ]Captain Melonhead: "Holy Toledo, Splinter! I'm pretty sure they won't be going back to the cul-de-sac. Even more coincidentally, Kevin's bike is parked against it. Edd thinks about it. [moving Edd aside] "Look out!" ", [Nazz rubs two sticks together. Edd, now standing in a puddle of his own sweat, drops the glass. 'CAUSE EVERYTHING WAS MY FAULT!" "Eddy: "Trespass, schmespass. ]Eddy: [whispering] "This is all your fault, Sockhead! "[Plank, ripped and torn and almost destroyed, tumbles onto the windshield. ]Eddy: "I'm really starting to hate slapstick." "Ed: "Oh, let me, Eddy! You're so neeve. ]Ed: "Eddy's brother is so cool! ]Eddy: "Hey! I'm taking you to my bro's house, smart guy. EDDY!" ]Kevin: "Oh, what's the use? When he clambers back on, he tries another position, but this one hurts his back.] The sow has ruptured! "[As Edd cries, a handkerchief is held out to him. This rage train ain't stoppin till I thump those three twerps! Eddy proceeds to do all the locks. "Eddy: "Thataboy! Suddenly, Kevin slams their vehicle from the left, shaking them and sending them skidding. It crashes down on the sidewalk, and the rope goes slack, carving a straight line down the street. "Edd: "We seem to be on a Ferris wheel! ]Ed: "Stop! "Ed and Marie: [shocked] "Double D! Brain wave stuff! Rolf, meanwhile, lets out a piercing whistle, and his pig gallops up. Jonny, Rolf and Kevin grab on to the car as it breaks through the doorway and smashes through the second floor, sailing outside. Once the canteen is empty, he throws it and the cork over his shoulder. ]Nazz: [getting up] "Ow! ]Eddy: "Over here, Sockhead, hey!" [He spins it.] [He points to it. My bro'll make us eat a barnacle if we show up while he's watching Matlock. "Thank you. "Uh-oh. ]Eddy: "Surprised you didn't run out of paint. Jimmy helps the Eds up, and the fight concludes. We're wasting time! In addition to the lane, a house has suffered remarkable damage, and there is even an overturned ice cream truck in its backyard. ]Edd: [staring at Ed] "Oh, umcute. Nazz follows, shutting the door behind her. "Eddy: "What are ya?" Do you see him?" "Come back! [His friends stare at him. An illustration of a heart shape ; Contact . ]Kevin: "Cowards run and hide, right? Where'd you learn to do that? When this fails to get a spark, she tries again. Icky! "[Eddy steps out with a cleaver buried in his forehead. "Ed: [laughing and mocking him] "Aah! Reaching into his hat, he pulls out his labeler and starts to make a label as he walks towards the trunk. "Oh, pardon me. Outside, Ed and Eddy are still looking for toys. Ed then grabs at the door and continues to run. Release Rolf!" "Lee: "Get in line, girls. She is quickly followed by a second load consisting of Kevin and his bike. Sorry, mister." [He gallops around, looking for it.] [Marie hits her with a giant bag of soap. When a scam goes horribly wrong and leaves the neighborhood kids furious, the Eds embark on a journey to find Eddy's brother in the "Ed, Edd, n Eddy" series finale. [pointing to a snake] "This doesn't even look like a jellybean! ]Sarah: "Ew, it's a pig! Nazz reaches their back and grabs onto the open trunk. The car, having jumped somehow, lands on the fences bordering the lane. ]Eddy's Brother: "Park don't open till noon. He puts Plank on a melon-shaped chair and spins it before going to another one, sitting on it, and spinning it as well. ]Kevin: [slapping a mosquito] "Sweet. ]Sarah: "You idiot! Bugs are hitting Kevin as well, but he doesn't seem to care. Wilfred wriggles out and runs away, squealing. There, it stops and holds steady, while our hero climbs it. This could provide the very clue we need!" "Ed: "Oh boy, oh boy, I forget what we're doing! ]Kevin: "Time for payback! Rolf's tractor is sitting abandoned in a field of weeds. Bunch of mascot-hating, lemon-sucking" [Ed takes his comic back. "Jimmy: "Stop! "Eddy: "Um, I told the guys you'd put us up." "Rolf: [puffing out his chest] "Rolf has had enough of your platdoodle, elder one! "Edd: "Yes, wellwhat's our estimated time of arrival to your brother's sanctuary, Eddy? "Lee: [offscreen] "Why's this place look familiar? "[Splinter the Wonderwood is nowhere to be found. [A long shot of the field shows that Wilfred is gone.] ]Rolf: "WaitWilfred, no!" I'm sorry! "Edd: "Exactly!" "[Rolf slams into the dumpster. Edd stands up.] Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show (2009 TV Movie) : Cartoon Network/Warner Bros. Television/a.k.a. They run down the street. "[Ed chuckles, pulls up his shirt, and begins to drum on his belly. "Kevin: "That little twerp wouldn't have the" [realizing something] "That's it! We're really sinking now! The wheels are just barely staying on the top of the fence. "Ed: [grabbing Eddy] "Oh, oh, Eddy! [holding up Ed's comic book] "This publication was printed over ten years ago! "Eddy: "This comic's useless!" ], [Wilfred has come to rest under a tree and is chewing on some sausages. Fireflies start to gather. Top Users. [He yawns. We can't let this go, man. [He labels the rock. ]Edd: "We're fugitives, Eddy! "Pain! "[Edd spots Ed drawing on a cow. Ed, Edd 'n Eddy 1 season Animated 2001 English audio TV-G Buy Like any boys trying to survive their adolescence, Ed, Edd and Eddy are as clueless about girls as everything else.. ]Kevin: "How do you like your faces? ]Lee: [hugging him] "Your queens in shining armor have arrived! "Eddy, didn't you say your brother was once a whaler? [polishing it] "It mimics the common mallard in order to offer minimal disruption to the local fauna. "Ed: [panicking] "Food for Ed! ]Ed: "Chickens, Double D! Writers: Jono Howard Mike Kubat Rachel Connor Stacy Warnick Danny Antonucci A sprinkler is watering Kevin's lawn. He sees the Eds pass and snarls. "[Rolf turns back to the chair. [He goes after them, tiptoeing from tiny island to tiny island.] ", [The moon shines down brightly on the swamp. Avast thee, barnacle-ridden bully! ]Kevin: [groping for them] "You're going down, dude. My bike's thrashed!" [Ed is so close to being dragged out.] ]Lee: [grabbing them] "Why don't you two quit thinkin about yourselves" [slamming them together] "and think about our boyfriends!" [They slump to the ground. ], [Edd works on the boat while Eddy relaxes in the shade. My lumpy mutated horsie will save us! They dangle in front of Wilfred, and Wilfred begins to follow them. "Kevin: "Oh, man! "Jimmy: Ed, Edd, Eddy, Jimmy, Nazz, Sarah, Kevin, & Rolf: [As the kids sing the song, Wilfred eats out of Captain Melonhead's downed helmet. "To Eddy's big bro's house!" [He hands the suitcase to Edd. Arr! ], [The Eds are walking through another wooded area. ]Ed: [running in] "Trouble! How did it go so wrong? ]Eddy: [to Ed] "What else you got in there, lummox? "Edd: "Ed, comic book, please. Worser than polyester chafing! Suddenly, a crunch comes from behind him. [He joins in the attack. ]Rolf: "No." It was the unpredictable current that proved unfavorable! ]Ed: "Knock knock, I am Ed!" "Eddy: [tugging on the doors] "HEY BIG BRO! Edd hesitates. ]Rolf: "Leave some produce for Rolf!" "Eddy: "BIG BRO! "Ed: [still giggling] "Aw, we're sorry, Double D. Jelly bean?" ]Eddy: "You catch that, Ed?" "May: [grabbing Jimmy] "Babies don't do laundry! "Oh where, oh where has my rotting brain gone! [A toy rat is running in circles. [weeping] "Why oh why didn't you listen to me? 38. Has your thinkbox collapsed? "I'll go examine the factory's filing cabinets and see what I can find." Not finding his friends, he becomes scared. "Edd: [worried] "Wait! It's gone! Nazz's eyes bulge. "Ed: [wearing a pair of gag glasses] "Looks gaggy to me, Eddy. "Edd: "Edifying." "Where ya goin? About the ending of Big Picture Show : ededdneddy - Reddit "Eddy: [panicked] "Don't just stand there! She finds the dumpster with Rolf's indentation and stops. ]Eddy: "He's a maniac, I tell ya! Take me! [He pushes a heavy box into Eddy.] It then backs up and goes through a fence. ]Ed: "Look! [She picks up Sarah and turns her forward again. [Jimmy thinks, trying to find his inner pirate. [Ed begins to giggle.] "Stop! [Ed grabs the peanut with his teeth. Snoutface. Unfortunately, it also knocks May off balance so that she can't aim her slingshot. [He examines it closely. The Eds huddle together in the center of the room, waiting for the coming storm and hoping it will pass them by. Do something! "Edd: "Hurry please, I'm afraid I can't hold on for much longer, gentlemen! ], [Sarah and Jimmy skip past Eddy's house, carrying a basket. "[Edd stops dead. "Eddy: "What, are you kiddin me? Rolf sips deeply of the milk. Contents 1 Plot 2 Transcript 3 Trivia 4 Links Plot Eddy's most recent moneymaking scheme has backfired heavily and left the cul-de-sac in Peach Creek in a state of devastation. "[The horn honks again right before the truck hits Rolf. [He grins proudly. "[The kids strain at the door. "[Kevin puts his arm around her, and Nazz reciprocates. Duh! "Good lord! [He gobbles it. ]Edd: "Why, thank you, Ed. It feels the chains before reaching down and lifting one of the bolts. End of the line, dorks!" [She grabs Jimmy's arm.] Everyone loves us! "Ooh! ]Marie: [removing the hairpiece] "What a drip! Stripes. 11. [Wilfred lets go. Okay then. [He collapses to the ground. Are you aware of the consequences we're about to endure? "Edd: "Thank you, Eddy! "[An arm reaches through the space where the doorknob used to be. Eddy! [to his sponges] Be free, dear friends! At this moment, the wood erupts into flame. Uncle!" "[Eddy looks disgusted. "Sarah: "None of your beeswax! [He holds out a can. Rolf chases them. "[He spots a speck of mud on his bike and tries to clean it. "Eddy: [getting it] "It does? I almost had em! The door flies towards Eddy's brother and smacks him squarely, knocking him over. ], [As Kevin screams at the sky, the camera moves back to the park. Ed, Edd n Eddy. [He grabs a stick and pulls. At this moment, they reach the end of the fence and fly out over a dumpster. "If we're goin anywhere, I know a place so out of the way, it's practically invisible. [He reaches inside and pulls out a peanut.] Interestingly, in Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show, she first seems to admire Eddy's brother, but she is the first to say "Eddy's brother is a real jerk" and change her perspective of him. [He pushes Kevin in front. ]Edd: [angrily resetting the device] "Yes, well, it's all fun and games, but merrymaking nearly cost us this sextant! Can you see cartoons in it?" ]Kevin: "Hmm"Nazz: "Kev? "[Kevin is torn off by the pressure, and he flies off, slams into the slide and falls on Rolf. "[Edd is vomiting into a paper bag. "May: "No it's not!" Not after what they did. [sinister] "I bet he wants a date." "Kevin: "Those thieves couldn'tve got far. The Ed-boys must not escape! Belly's empty. "Jonny: "I ain't goin near that one with a ten-foot pole, buddy. The car leaps into the air and slips upside down. Bad! ]Eddy: "Hey!" ]Rolf: "Hmm. "Is that you? [She hugs Eddy and gives him a big kiss.] He's the king, baby!" "[Kevin and Nazz take off after Rolf. [He smiles sadistically. I just wanted to see Ed, Edd n Eddy get clobbered! Eddy sits up and adjusts the rearview mirror while Edd heaves himself up. "[The Eds run to the front doors of the factory. C'mon! ], [Sarah cuts a hole in a cardboard box and looks through it. Help me! "Can we please get down to the business at hand?" ]The Eds: "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! You're sinking in QUICKSAND!! "[A huge explosion rocks the set. "Kevin: [oblivious] "Oh, hey Nazz. Aw, bro, what'd I do without you?" [patting it] "Hello, Wilfred! "[Sarah grabs the paint and proceeds to slam it down onto Lee's hand. [wrestling with it] "This thing must come" [It snaps back onto his head. "Trouble! ]Sarah: [following him in] "I swear if he eats one more corn dog off the ground, I'll"Marie: "Look! [quieter] "Buses sure pack a wallop, huh, Plank? Nazz warms her hands by the fire. When he finally does so, he tries to lift it, but finds it too heavy. "[Kevin turns around. Stop!" The camera moves back to the ants, crawling on the ice cream, before the lightning crashes again and we see more of the lane, replete with footprints, downed trees, and boxes. Has anybody seen my pal? ]Edd: "Eddy! Lee screams in pain. Something big! "[Sarah and Jimmy tiptoe up to watch the show. Honest! "[May pins him up and proceeds to nurse him with a bottle of ketchup. Oh, the horror! Pooh Adventures of Ed Edd n Eddy's BIG PICTURE SHOW A backyard is shown. [Eddy grabs Ed, and all three fall to earth. He then tries to yank his arm free.

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ed, edd n eddy big picture show transcript