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Harry Styles Imagines @harrystylesanus. I know how much it meant to you. Damn you, mother nature.Harry started to breath erraticly and his mouth was a bit pouty. He didnt have to use words for you to know that he is furious with you. I found him bending down as he tried to take off his shoes, but soon he straightened up - his back probably didn't want to let him. I dont know what came over me. He brought his hands up to wipe the tears from your face as you stared down at your hands. I-I need to cool off. Liam threw his hands up in the air before walking up the stairs, the sound of your bedroom door slamming coming soon after. Snatching it out of your hand, Zayn threw the mug into the sink causing it to shatter. His heart melted as she looked up at him, her big eyes he fell in loved with filled with worried tears. Anne, being the angel she is, was excited and happy about the news, not seeming to care that you had just completely ruined the surprise. . You squeeze a bit tighter as the pain increases. Birth is a big thing, of course its normal to be nervous. I-I would never do something like that, but he was drunk and wouldnt listen to me. Shes so close, Harry thought to himself, feeling her heart beat against his own, her lips are so, so close. They should kick in soon.". He suddenly lifted the girl, making her let out a loud squeal as she gripped onto his shoulders causing him to let out a low chuckle and placing her on the counter, standing between her legs and giving her another quick kiss in the cheek before moving back to the meal to finish it. Alright, you have another contraction coming very soon. Holy shit, that was terrifying. He deserved to feel some of the pain you were going through. He was very exhausted. How could you do this? Well soon you will be on break and I will have an entire year with you to spill more wine and ruin more of our home furnishings. You joked causing that mesmerizing smile to appear on his face. Yes you can, if anyone in the world can its you. He whispered, leaning his forehead against his and pressing a soft kiss on her nose, you are the strongest person Ive ever met. And as for the birth process he slowly began, Im never gonna leave your side, gonna give you my hand to squeeze and break if you need. Harry hasnt said a word since you spoiled the news over an hour ago. Just go, Y/N. Harry- she whispers, heart glowing as she looked at the man, setting down her flowers on the counter and quickly wrapping herself in him, this is so sweet, you did all this just for me?. How are you doing, babe? You asked lightly, knowing by how tense he was that it had been a long day. He did that a lot. okay so i saw one of these for niall but, one where y/n cant afford harrys life style but doesnt like him paying for her and its just angst with fluff at the end? You want to be alone, then go be alone and stop touching me" You choked on your words as you turned on the tap to start washing the dishes. As she scooted closer to him, she felt it, that dreaded familiar feeling and her eyes widen, heart stopping its beating a moment before pounding rapidly in her chest. Y/N? And just like that, the tears began to fall from your eyes like they had the night before. Our morning isnt ruined, as long as Im here spending time with you Im happy you know.How cheesy was that oh my god Harry!, I couldnt help but laugh. You were electric tonight, Bubby! you smiled at him when he ran off the stage, sweeping you up in his arms and carrying you as the band quickly loaded up the bus, gripping onto him tightly as loud laughs came past your lips. He had told you so many times to be careful around his instruments, but you never thought something like this would actually happen. You alright, Y/N? He asked you, his soothing hands running through your hair. when harry was doing the gender reveal in nashville he looked so happy and excited; and i keep thinking about him talking to the reader right after the show about their future children and how they are going to be the best parents and how he excited he is for their future together,, just so much fluff :(. You were being pushed to the point where you almost completely lost your balance, but one of the guards caught you just in time. Youre like the sexiest man alive and Im just some inexperienced girl who somehow got you. Thank you so much for requesting . I-I just feel really bad about what happened and when you kicked me out last night, I thought we were over for good and I dont want that because I love you. Your voice was muffled against his shoulder, but you knew he understood every word as he began to rub your back. And Im sorry it took so long but I just got the inspiration for it and all just came to me at once! He looked back over to you to see some blood on the back of your sweatpants. She was telling herself, its Harry! By the time you were in the SUV, Harry by your side, you realized you had been holding your breath for the duration of what just happened. you were beautiful. They soon selected a movie, the lovers cuddling close together as they both watched it peacefully. The silence lingered on them for a while, taking in each others company and not really looking at one another as they listened to the other breathing. We have some leftover pizza in the fridge Ill heat up for you. Harry sweetly asked, opening the packaging. You got him for a whole year this time. One of those stupid paparazzi? He asked, his voice shaking with anger. Imagines! Harry Styles As It Was Part 1 A second later you hear it. Y/N, I dont really want to talk right now. He mumbled, tiredness and sadness present on his voice. It caught me off guard and I didnt want it to happen. When Y/N emerges back into Harrys room, dressed in his clothes and feeling fresh, her heart flutters more than ever before. He was stressed out because he wanted everything to be perfect, he didnt want to fail. Harry wont be mad. I sat down on the edge of the bed next to him and smiled. You kiss back in an instant, hands coming up to his shoulders, tugging on the hair at the nape of his neck. Ahh Y/N now we have crumbles in bed!, he laughed. Very very Happy Birthday! "Harry, the only way for you to take it away is to get me pregnant and I'm gonna have to pass on that for awhile, if that's alright.". Thank you for this request, I absoulty loved it so I hope you like what I came up with!! Darling, could you grab whats left in that last bag please? Harry called out from his closet, putting away his new sweaters and trousers. The two of you sat in silence, Harry biting his lip and mumbling profanities under his breath as he watched a bandage being placed over your hand. You are so important to me. Of course everyone has always called her a natural after seeing her babysit or playing with her nieces and nephews but this was going to be so different. Ay, come ere babe. You felt his arms wrap around you as you began to cry into his shoulder. Were almost there! Harry urges you. Zayn Malik Comforts Harry Styles During Health Scare - The Inquisitr I really a-. You just couldnt keep up with him. He knew he wasnt helping with the situation, but the thought that someone had hurt you was driving him wild. She entered his bathroom and groaned at the blood stain that accompanied her on her pair of sweatpants. Your heart was beating a mile a minute, but you just kept your head down as you began to walk out of the hotel, the wall of screaming fans hitting your eardrums harder than you expected. I am officially mad at you, Harry said the second you entered back into the studio that was connected into the home that he was renting, to coffees in hand. I know you didnt cheat on me, Y/N. Your breath got stuck in your throat as the words slipped past his lips. Come ere, Y/N. You cuddled up next to Liam on the plush white sofa, his strong arm around you as he handed you a glass of red white. Liam:We havent even been here a day and things are already going wrong.. I like to share to you guys !! You could feel Pauls strong presence behind you as he, and the rest of security, guided you towards the car. His jaw tenses and his shoulders rise up and down at a slowed pace as he tries to keep his breathing steady. Youre my first priority, always. He took it everywhere and now, it might not even be able to get fixed. You fell to the ground, the blow to your body radiating up and down your arm as you clutched onto it, tears falling harder than ever. I am quite proud of her, thank you. Harry jokes, his arms still tight around you. The guys have already left for the airport, they are just waiting on us. He grabbed his light purple jumper from his luggage, tossing it your way to give you something to wear. Why are you laughing at me babe I tried to be cute you know.., he pouted.I brought my hand up to his cheek and gently stroked it. You knew if this meeting went poorly, he was going to blame you for messing up his lucky suit. Louis managed to catch the whole thing happening, his less than sober eyes refusing to believe that the guy forced himself onto it. You had just been walking through the flat when your foot hit the stand Nialls favorite guitar was resting in, causing it to fall over against the hardwood floor. He then gently leans in to kiss your lips. he shyly smiled at you. You turned your head to the side, not wanting to look him in the eyes. He gave her a small nudge, before leading her to a seat outside the changing room, due to the fact they got in trouble last time for having her come into the same one was him. What happened to your hand? He asked suddenly, moving to pick up your injured hand that had been resting in your lap. Y/N bit her bottom lip hard, staring at the man as her eyes welled up with tears as her mind sped through the past few weeks, let alone her emotions having been a complete rollercoaster the past hour after being surprised by both Nick and Harry in the short time span. Sorry for taking a short little break, Ive been feeling a little better but I missed writing too much so I had to come back. Ill be righ here, Im not goin anywhere, okay? You give a small nod as another contraction constricts your stomach. Harry instantly turned the TV off and slid off the couch, kneeling before her. She wishes she could, especially dreaming of being able to buy something Harry would buy for himself and just be able to try and repay somehow for everything he has done for her. You know I love you, right?, I know and I love you forever, you giggle, leaning forward and pressing your lips against his blushing cheeks and his arms come tighter around your waist, pressing your bodies impossibly closer, whats with you tonight bubs? Now are you ready for some films babe?, he asked. You couldnt believe he was telling you to leave. Make sure to check out my Harry Styles fanfiction I have going on Wattpad HERE. You would rather have him yell at you then be like this. Push, baby, push! He was gripping back at your hand just as fiercely as you were gripping at his. The boys and their friends had just left, finally giving you the peace and quiet you needed. I understand. You just wanted to go home and figure things out with him. Here is part two of the three part (maybe four) Harry imagine. Hanging up the phone after speaking with Y/N, the last thing I wanted to do was be hauled off to do a string of interviews with the lads. I-Is it the wrong color? Imagines: Meet Me Backstage - You grab Harry's attention in the crowd and he shows you a good time after the show Stress Reliever - You had a bad day, but Harry makes it better Praise Kink - You know exactly what to say to get Harry riled up Eyes On You - You show up to an interview in a sexy dress, and Harry can't keep his eyes off you Open the door, babe. Liams voice was soft on the other side of the locked bathroom door, causing you to feel even worse about feeling the way you do. You couldnt help but smile back, nodding. You got hurt because of me. "hi," he said giving you a little wave. The security guard next to you guys saw your hand and immediately reached for the first aid kid in the backseat, pulling out sanitary wipes and a large bandage. I wrapped my arm around his lower back. I know you wouldnt do that. Bringing your face to his, he gave you a long kiss on the lip, wiping your tears away. He turned his body to my side and looked at me. i just think you're cool Don't Hate Me - on hiatus You thought you could really leave me? Ryan spit into your ear as he grabbed you by the hair, bringing you to your feet. Harry looks over at you, smiling. He kicked the door open and close in an instant, connect their lips before separating them lay her down on the bed, a sly smirk on his face as he stared down at her, slipping his shirt over his head before starting to hover over her. You were doing the best you could and trying to support him in every way possible. Harry quickly asks, sensing her off breathing, "Are you in pain?" She shakes her head as the tears start rolling down her face, her hormones making her break within an instant. Closing the door behind you and sitting on the edge of the bed, the shift of the weight on the surface caused Liam to sigh. It helps you calm down a bit but a second later you were pushing again. Please feel free to read if you're doing the same thing or just simply enjoy reading imagines. I've missed you darling" he smiled. Once inside, Harry helps her out of her coat and leaves both their jackets at check-in. Yeah? He asked, eyes wide and hopefully, a precious smile plastering his face. I am just glad you arent hurt. Leaning your head against the steering wheel, the tears continued to flow as the guilt was so much that it felt hard to breathe. Thank you for everything." Babe, we have to get up or we are going to miss our flight. You placed your palm against his bare chest as his eyes blinked awake, a low groan leaving his throat. Harry has taken her on so many different trips, gotten her custom gowns, designer shoes and jewelry and it made her feel terrible. Pacing around the living room, you couldnt watch one more shitty reality show in hopes of it easing your mind. Youre so beautiful, he smiles, leaning up again and kissing your lips softly before pulling back to stare at you, and all mine, forever. You had tripped slightly over the white rug causing the wine from your glass to spill all over the surface. Shes perfect. Dont forget to send in your requests! Can you just text me what you use?, Im sorry. Y/N, whats wrong? Wiping your face once more, you shook your head at him while staring at the floor, feeling so foolish. I really hope you like how this turned out! Your hands slide across his bare chest, sliding the sequin jacket off his shoulders with a smile as he begins pressing kisses along the sensitive skin of your neck, chuckling to himself as your eyes flutter closed. My eyes wandered down until I saw something standing prominent under the sheets. The girl kneels down, searching quickly for the stain remover and any leftover pads or tampons that she had left at Harrys in the past. If he had been watching where he was going, the coffee would have stayed in your mug and not have ended up all over him. Hes in the shallow end and he will probably still find a way to drown. You, the crew and the boys were enjoying the day off in South America and the lounge chair you were sitting in was so comfortable, you had no plans on moving for the rest of the day. I finished a couple of minutes later and went to the bathroom to wash my hands. You get more than you bargained for with some guy. Amanda.28 years old. Y-yeah, Im here. Standing up from your place in the living room, you knew the damage had been done and there was no removing the stain. If you want to support me > please, All comments and feedback are welcome and encouraged!! The door slammed with so much force that it shook the walls as you passed, a shiver running down your spine. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE FINAL PART TO MY FIRST SERIES! He slowly turned his head into my direction and a small smile appeared on his lips. Harry Styles Imagines on Tumblr - #harrystylesimagine It was pouring and dark out and Harry just forced you out of the car because you accidentally said something you shouldnt have? His bloodshot eyes gave away that he wasnt sober, his slurred speech representing the amount of drinks he had consumed over the night. He was almost worried he spoke his thoughts aloud as she suddenly jerked back, wiping her eyes with the baggy material flooding around her wrists, an embarrassed smile covering her face as they made eye contact. You let out a small scream as you push harder. Y/N, what the hell is this? Oh this is what hes waiting for, I thought to myself. Dont worry about it. Givin me the best gift a man could ever get. He tells you before he kisses you again. Harry just made her feel safe, she knew he could tell him anything and he would never judge her, he would always be there for her and never make her feel stupid for anyway shes feeling, always telling her to never apologize for her emotions. That guitar was so important to Niall. Yeah? He muttered, his voice suddenly much lower, taste good?. Im scared. You confess to your husband as you lay in a hospital bed, gripping at his hand after you had yet another contraction. Not even a day after moving into your new place with Liam, you were already ruining things. 8,533 views Sep 3, 2022 Harry's doesn't realize how weak his back is, and participates in many 'human pyramids' during the One Direction days. She began whispering profanities to herself, wishing she could have planned better and could have packed more extra clothes instead of just the dress she wore the night before and the pajamas she was in now. The morning sickness, the too rough kicks and all off the other turmoil her body has been going through. -. "Will you do something for me?" You can read it here. She shook her head in disbelief, wondering how she got to be the luckiest human being in the world to be able to have him. Reaching the end of the hall, you knocked on the only room you knew wasnt vacant and prayed that he was there and not out partying all night. You wanted to cry. PAUL, DO YOU HAVE Y/N? You heard your boyfriend shout over everything, panic in his voice. I was being a hothead and well, I was a little drunk. She shakes her head as the tears start rolling down her face, her hormones making her break within an instant. I have nothing to say for myself besides the fact that I am in my ACOTAR phase and it has completely taken over every millisecond of my life and those of you who know, know. Breathe with me, baby. In a moment of not pushing he begins to do the breathing you had learned to do during labor and you mimic him, staring into his green eyes as you do it. What do you mean none of em are good enough for the album?. It could be a nasty tweet, a cold glare or insults being shouted at you from the seats at shows and Harry would take the blame for all of it, even though it was out of his control. She bit her bottom lip and nodded quickly, pulling him closer and nuzzling her face in his neck, pressing a soft kiss to the skin and his hands sneak under his hoodie she was wearing and rubbing her back. Baby Styles had arrived in the world. There might be enough time. Hey guys! "I thank you," I whispered before Harry connected his lips with mine. Im so sorry, Ive been an absolute dickhead.. His white shirt began to absorb the rain drops, the dark ink of his tattoos showing through the fabric. Harry grins and sits beside you on the bed, transferring your daughter into your arms. I'm sorry for falling off the face of the earth. It was an accident. Its time. The nurses come on each side of you and lift your legs up higher as the doctor gets in place. She felt completely out of place, walking through the luxury store with Harry wearing an ensemble costing close to three thousand dollars and she was wearing a dress from one of her favorite online shops costing her around $60, with that being a splurge. I found myself fidgeting uncomfortably in the interview chair as the lads took over and answered all of the questions. Just get the fuck out, Y/N. She shook her head faster, breathing picking up as panic filled her, every possible thing that could go wrong flashing through her, sobs racking through the pregnant womans body. Louis:How could you do this? I cant! I love this so far he whispered, looking at you quickly, I havent felt this excited about a song in so long. I- You stopped speaking, knowing that no amount of words was going to comfort him in a time like this. falling Birth Anxiety Did you really date [insert name here]? He took only the gel from me and sat up, "I've already taken the painkillers. Can I get you a snack or drink or anything before bed?. WARNING: May be triggering. Harry comes back to you as your daughter is wrapped up in a blanket and deposited on your chest by the nurse a minute later. They coddled up in bed and while Harry was quick to follow sleep after offering his fianc a smacking kiss on her lips, Y/N wasn't as lucky. Y/N just didnt know if she could do it. Keep on writing!!! Harry said lying down on the bed. She quickly pressed her lips onto his, fingers tangling in his hair. Bringing you in close, you turned so he was hugging you into his side, the warmth of his body comforting you. "hi," he said giving you a little wave. The past few months had been hectic, Zayn going in and out of meetings and the studio working on his new album. I way overreacted about the party situation and at your house I dont know what happened to me, I feel so horrible., Stop. Harry corrected, shaking his head, Im the asshole here, not you. He just stood there, staring at his guitar with his mouth ajar. The point is that I specifically asked you not to say anything and you went and ruined something me and Gem have been planning for months. Of course he was a normal person, feeling the occasional doubt and worry about not being a good parent but he knew with Y/N by his side he could do anything. Just remember that at the end of it all we will have a beautiful baby girl in our arms.

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