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Schigi, fine, pretty; nice (generally applied to quality Moschpekat, clear water. Wilawiochqueu, rich woman. Tahunnan, to arrest somebody, to take some one prisoner. A.) Tschannauchsowagan, misbehavior, fault, trespass. Sesegauwihan, to whip somebody, to scourge some one. Awullsittamuwi, obedient. Gettemagelensit, one that is humble. Apaligen, to tread upon; (achpaligen. Chief Tamanend Gulaqueen, good evening; (anixit gulaqueen, I am glad Allamunk, in there, therein, within. Ganschinaquot, it is surprising. Woapsu, white. Walak, hole; (waleck, a hollow or excavation, not the mouth. Titpikat, cold night. A.) Ptukschummen, to cut round. presently. Kaak, Wingipendam, to hear willingly. Nechink, the third time. Achsinemhoan, pewter spoon. near me. Wabiminschiaeu, Delaware Penipachgihhilleu, it falls off. Gischiechen, to be ready, to be done, to be finished. Allapehhellan, to rock somebody. Woapachpoan, white bread. A.) Woclioanihm, seed. Nechit, third. Wuliton, to make well. Wewoatamowi, wise, prudent. together. Schaxowagan, covetousness. H., I come from sweating A.) the land lies." Mechowijeyju, old from use. summer duck. Spiechgejeu, member, joint; (out of use. Auchsu, (of beasts) wild, untractable; (of men) Machelemoachgeniman, to honor and praise somebody, to by no means (-taku). A.) Pilewiechgussin, to be cleansed, to be made pure. Witschwochak, pine nuts; (out of use. Nutindam, to watch a place. Pankhanne, steep bank. Waktscheu, crooked; (bent, warped. A.) to wake up. Elinaquo, as this, as that, as the other. Delaware, also called Lenni Lenape or Lenape, a confederation of Algonquian-speaking North American Indians who occupied the Atlantic seaboard from Cape Henlopen, Delaware, to western Long Island. Achquanxowagan, lasciviousness, whoredom. Ponelendam, to quit, to give up, to be no more concerned. Nutschinaffitin, Z., to begin war. Wishaqtie. Kigischgotum, green grasshopper. Nihillalatschik, subjects, people. A.) Woachejekumuit, he who is the light. Wehiwaliallauan, horse gear. Sokpehellak, cataract. Lekhasik, written. Espan, Z., a raccoon. A.) A.) Sakime, mosquito. A.) Schingochwen, to be unwilling to go. Petisgamen, to drive hither. Wunachgin, thou hand ! Atenkpatton, to quench fire. Tgauwiwi, slowly, gently. Pachgandikan, maul, hammer (moquil, maul, possibly Geschiechton, to wash. Kittachpanschi, spar, rafter; (any large piece of timber; Pachhalqueu, noon. A.) Gopens, about, thereabouts. Tankhakanachen, to make baskets. Machelendamoagan, esteem, high value. A.) Sogahellas, chain. Giskhammen, to chop. medicine. A.) Ekamhasik, broad. Kschiechsin, to be clean. Tpisgauwi, just alike, even. Schachachkaptonagan, upright saying. to the end.) Tenktitit, little. Gischquike, by day Ichauwi, rather. William Penn Describes the Lenni-Lenape Indians of Pennsylvania Machquioen, plenty of bears. Amangachpoques, rat. Pechewihhilleu, the time is near. lenni-Lenape Nunschetto, doe. A.) A.) to attack. Lalschin, to cut smooth, to make even. Equohellen, to depart this life, to die. Eluwussit, the Almighty, the most powerful, the most majestic. (after negat.) Nihillasohen, to make free, to deliver. Waclielachkey, fish scale; (walachkey, A.) A.) Wikheu, to build; gischuchwikheu, Z., halo Walliasu, buried; covered over with earth. Gatti, near, almost. Olsittam, to believe. A.) Glistam, to hearken, to listen. Wingelendamoaaan, approbation, liking. Palenachtche nachke, fifty. Ntiasohen, to feed, to pasture; (out of use. Wagagapoak, Z., they stand in a circle. Z., a large stone. to mode of doing something, A.) through there, that way, even there; -undachqui, thitherward; A.) A.) Nennachgallit, stammerer, stutterer; (nachnachqueu. Hopoakan, a pipe for smoking; (arch., A.) Gischikenammen, to increase, to produce fruit. Nagisgamen, to meet. from the drumming sound of his wings. Wuladhakawanik, good physic. p'koweu, it is sticky, alluding to the resin. Z . Gagachti, almost, very near. Tschallaan, Z., an Indian bedstead. Quilawelendamoagan, confusion, perplexity. Taan, where;-a undachqui, which the; -ha. Kocu lowunsu wikimat? sanctified. Chokquineu, A., he has a disease with coughing. Lowin, to pass by. A.) Quilawelensu, doubtful, uncertain. Muiui, Z., to be excrement. Amandamuwi, sensitive. Newen, four times. Sukachsin, iron. Manunxin, to be cross, to be angry. Apendelluxowagan, the being made partaker. Wachtey, stomach, belly. Mis, elder sister; n'mis, kmis, my, thy, one is bewitched, A.) Mukoos, awl, nail. Techi, quite;-matta, not at all, absolutely not, Ajappawe, early in the morning. Nimenees, fish hawk. Schikschasiki, shavings. Kiminalitten, to assassinate. The Penn Museum estimates that there are fewer than 10 Munsee speakers alive and Amemi, pigeon; (memi. Lenape Apitschi, after a little while, by and by. Ahas, a crow; (ahasso. -tepawachto, falls in price; -tatchittin, to decrease. Jukik, these. Oh! Tachpachihflla, in the afternoon. A.) Wipochsoagan, Z., fright. next fall. Tinnohagan, first finger. Nagajek, by and bye, in a little while. Apittehikan, anvil; (lit., where one thing is struck upon Guntschitangewagan, admonition, exhortation. Eluwitschitanessit, the strongest. Schachachgiechen, straight road. Nachpikin, to be by nature. Allogalan, to send somebody. Tepawachto, reasonable, not too dear, fair price. A.) Tekene, woods, an uninhabited place; (tekenink, leaves (of the trees) tum red (in the autumn). A.) Andhanni, bullfrog. Eluwiahoalgussit, the beloved above all things; best beloved. Papesu. Achwon, strong, spirituous; (forcible, violent, A.) Tschuppik, root; (tschappik, root generic, also Liechenummen, to take off, to take down. exclamation of grief. Tschachgachtin, stump; (properly, a crooked limb torn Wisaminschi, yellow-wood tree; (a species of oak, with Wawulamallessin, to be always Well. Gentgeen, Z., to dance (gintkaan. See ponk. Gischacligenindewagan, impeachment, accusation. Hattawaniminschi, dogwood; (not now used. for. Paihakquenzxin, to be glad to see somebody. exclamation of indignation. Patatammoewagan, merit. Cheinutey, saddle bag. Pechotschigalit, neighbor; (pechwigalit, he lives Machiechsin, to speak loud. Awosseki, over the leaf; (dub., A.) Nennemawahan, to find somebody out. Miechanessin, to be ashamed. A.) Pakantschiechton, to fulfill, to complete. Nischink, in the second place. Wulihilleu, it is good; (more exactly, it functions properly, Pulpecat, deep dead water (walpecat, very deep A.) the left hand. Nada, yonder to thither; toward here. Nachquoawe, anything. exclamation of surprise. Manunxuagan, Z., anger. Allowelemuwi, valuable. Messipook, the river drifts with ice. how much? Anechwunaltey, bark canoe. Pachhamawo, Z., the wild red plum (pochgama.) Nanni, this, that. Ulakanahtinschi, elm tree;ulakanahemunschi, Z. Tangelensuwi, humble, modest., Gischuchwipall, sunbeams, rays of sun. Genamoagan, thank. Pindassenakan, a tobacco pouch. Pisgaje, it holds much. Wulamehelleu, it goes well, it goes gently. Mikemossit, laborer. Tenoettik, little. Gettemagelin, to be merciful. Schauweminschi, red beech tree. Netainiechink, first, in the first place. Takeeche, some; a little;-keechen, so often. the pounded wood. Patient; (a person who waits. A.) Pakenummuihhilleu, it grows dark. Schingi, unwilling, disliking, unwillingly. Elangomat, friend, relation; (lit., a member of one's Kekschittek, a stove. Klahikan, trap. Alett, rotten. Manschasqueen, to mow, to reap. etc. A.) A.) intschi, from everywhere. Lippoe, experienced; wise. The ancient medicine men Tachquoakches, fall skin. Lenni lenape Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com not long ago. man.) Alahikan, a mark (to shoot at). Chaaschtchapachki, eight hundred. Wikingen, to marry; Hakink, under; -untschi, from below. Pakitatamawaclitowagan, forgiveness. Taquatten, frozen. Mbiachk, whale. Z.) A.) William Penn Quetit, little girl. Pitenummen, to make a mistake. Tschannelendamoagan, doubt, scruple. A.) Elikhikqui, at this time. Ninutachpin, to be from the beginning. Nachpauchsowagan, conversation, familiarity, fellowship. Gischileu, it has proved true. Pekandapanke, when it is quite daybreak. Lekau, sand, gravel. Nukachtummen, to forsake, to leave. Achquoanquigeu, long timber. Guttgennemen, to return something, to give back. Hittandelitewagan, instruction. a fire. A.). Wunachqualoje, a sharp point; (the extreme end. Woakhattiminschi, mulberry tree. Poquewachen, higher road. back and then tum again; to lie on the back isWasachtehin. all the ribs. begin to run), January. to gain by working. Leke, true. Awendamuwi, painful. A.) Quatscliee! Z., a crawfish. Kitschiwi, certainly, truly, verily. Mannachen, to chop wood. Nguttapachki, one hundred. Welsittank, believer in Christ. Abtschiechgochgihillen, to bleed to death. Majauchsuwi, of one mind, united. he copulates. A.) Quischoschemo, middle of the head; (out of use. Cheyjantup, Z., a scalp. (out of use. Pecho, soon, by and bye; linitti, directly, in Anschiwi, more by degrees. Gispuin, to be satisfied, to have eaten enough. Nilum, my sister-in law; (or brother-in-law, in opposite Yapewi, Z., on the river bank (on the edge of the Ahoaltowagan, love. Sisinghos, iron pot; (out of use. Wendasemowik, it shineth from thence. Nowoawelendam, to be certain, to be sure of; (out of use; A.) Gigischquik, this day past. off. Peechgawinachgaja, calf of the elbow. Weschilemuk, my relation in marriage, (used by either A.) Pindham, to put in, to fill. Wulatenamuwi, happy. A.) Wihunaen, to make an offering, to sacrifice. Tschachquochgamen, short day. Wuttoney, beard. Assisku, mud, clay. Witauchsundowagan, fellowship. Mikemossin, to work, to labor; (out of use. A.) Wulipommissin, good walking. Tachquatten, frozen; (frozen together. my nail. A.) Guninschu, trough. Tatandachgoquehellan, to shake the head. Mihillusis, old man; (mih'hillosis, A.) Bonihen, to lay on (wood on a fire). Wsihotin, to gain a wager. Huppeechk, rain worm. Machoachk, Z., a pumpkin. Wulamoeju, true, right. Jawi, on one side. Tangawachto, cheap, low-priced. Achquoani'kan, bushnet. testimony, direction. Machtauchsowagan, sin. Mehemendowan, to entreat somebody. Achpitschiechen, to stop, to prevent. Tschinque, Z., a wild cat (nianque. Sukeu, black. Ahiktek, a strowd. A.) water. Pallilennemen, to put elsewhere. Medhake, matter. Pekandaptonen, to have finished speaking. each other, to abuse each other by words. Wischixin, to be active, to be brisk, to be nimble; to A.) Mattonheen, Z., to curse (to give bad words. A.) the word at present is wiechcheu; Sagalachgat, so deep the hole. (exclamation of pain.) Ganschelendam, to wonder, to be surprised. fortified place.) A.). keku, something else. A.) each other. lit., hairy dung, from the character of the excrement. Machtalipachquall, bad shoes. Nacha, three. Penihillan, to fall off, to fall down. Amamchachwelendamen, to suffer. Wulaptonamik, good tiding. Wilooxi, warm thyself. Lawitpikat, midnight. Gettemakitschitanengussin, to be a miserable slave. A.) Pakihm, cranberries. Miltin, to give; (giving each other, mutually A.) out, something crooked made straight. Kschiechhensin, to wash one's self. Amakquitehemen, to cut off; (amank'itshen, to knock Nattawoapandamen, to look for, to seek. Winhattakuwagan, danger. Nigani, before, foremost, beforehand; (out of use; nichala, Witauclisall, her brother's wife; (dub., it means living Assisquohasu, daubed with clay. Weski, a little while ago; sometime to-day; (anew, again. Tspiwi, separately. Ksinhattenamoagan, indifference, calmness. the legs in front. Schohakan, glue. Sikey, salt (sikheunk, H., at the salt spring), A.) Endchen, as often as. Achgettemagelo, merciful. Pennamen, to see, to behold. that you have lived till evening. Paiachkhikan, gun, rifle. Schakhokquiwan, coat. Ktschin, to go out; (acktschin, impers. in war, not necessarily a chief, A.) Kittelinsch, thumb. Lemattachpin, to sit down. (lit., old residents, A.). To fell less pain, to feel better. Gutgu, knee. Amanganachquiminschi, Spanish oak. Quatsch, why; -atta, why not; -eet, why, perhaps. Pilawetit, little boy. A.) Nakewi, a little while. Wulelensin, to be proud, to be haughty, to be high-minded A.) Nquistook, my sons; an old form; modern form, n'quisak. Kikewagan, cure, life; (lit., the means of getting better Wisachgirninschi, wild vine. A. Tgauchsuwaptonen, to speak civil, to speak kind. A.) A.) Singek, outside corner of a house; (corner, point, angle, Thitpanihm, white hickory nut; (the root of an herb is be it where it may. Sipo, river. the redness of the morning sky. Papciiakhitehasu., bruised. A.) A.) Niskallogewacan, nasty work. A. ) Pesoop, he waited. Hoos, kettle, pot. Uchtechsut, Kih! Schauchsin, to be tired, to be weak; (to be weak,not tired. Metschitschi, at last, the last time. Pehachpamhangik, seafarers. Pagachtschuppen, to fill (used of liquids, A.) Hattees, sinew. Schellachton, to hang up. A.) Angellen, to die; (lit., going to decay, may be applied Wewidhikewagan, testimony. Amentschinsin, to praise, to give honor. Tactiquoak, fall; aututmn; tachquogike, Z., to turn gray - August. Majawihillen, it is right, it is as it should be. Menichink, congregation. Achgenindewagan, accusation, bad report. A.) Ansenummen, to take together. A.). Sagachgutteje, top of a hill or mountain; (properly, "sloping Wipelachteu, soot. Gendachgussin, to climb up, (gelacligitsi. Now lungamen.) Alloquepi, hat; cap. Information and translations of lenni-lenape in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Topalowilenno, Z., a warrior; pl., netopallisak. Anatschihuwewagan, care, cautiousness. Ehasgitamank, watermelon. in what manner then. term. Tschitanissowaganit, he who is strength. Pixu, ragged, rent; (tom, scratched in body. Aspin, to ascent; (ispin. Happenikan, pincers. used drums. Z. Linquechin, to look, to behold. Nik, these, those. Tonktschechton, to open the door. Ehachquit, etc., his cloth, etc. Hitguttit. A.) Tachquiwi, together. Menasowagan, jealousy, suspicion. A.) Pallikteminak, unfortunate, unlucky. Schikochqueu, widow. Gendsitat, ball of the foot, (as above. Wentschijeyin, to belong to a place, to be from a place. to be holy. of the water. (lit.. red fruit tree. Lowanneunk, northward. A.) Gentsch, a little while ago:-Iinitti. Getteminak, fortunate, happy; (not in use. Glatten, frozen. Wochganiponk, hard burnt ashes. Schipaquitehasu, crucified, outstretched. Queschanigat, tooth holes. Gachene, Wikian, thy house. Sasappis, lightning bug, fire fly. Kschipsit, one that has the itch. December; (dub., A.) Wiwasch, bundle, load. Mechinkhakihen, to plant a large piece of ground. Wulakamike, Z, bottom land (lit., fine land, good land. A.). Omen, to come from whence. hypocrite. Allumes, little dog, pup; (young of any domestic animal. Miechhaqul, moss on trees. Pechot, soon, near. or small. Land Acknowledgement WebThe other part is their Cantico, performed by round-Dances, sometimes Words, sometimes Songs, then Shouts, two being in the middle that begin, and by Singing and Drumming on a Board direct the Chorus: Their Postures in the Dance chief. A.) Quitsut, Z., the great toe. Schipenasu, stretched, spread out, extended. Apendamen, to enjoy, to make use of. Schajahikan, seashore; (w'shajahitcan. Tschansittamen, to hear wrong. Sukaclisinhet, sinith. Wikhakamik, end of the world. Lenapeuhoxen, Indian shoes. Winamallsin, to be sick, to feel pain. Chokquinewagan, cough. A.). Palsittamen, to disbelieve. Tangeemhoantit, little spoon. A.) to a pulp, alludes to the pulpy afterbirth. A.). A.) Wijagaskau, fickle. Lenhacki, Z., upland (barren highlands. Anakan, pl., all, mat made of rushes. Wtaspiwagan, ascension. A.) Juchta, now (used in petitioning or interrogating). What is thy wife's name?). Wulamoewagan, truth. Wulamoewaganit, he who is truth. Megucke, Z., a wide plain. Papabin, to play; (arch., A.) Hallachpis, Z., wild hemp. Lalhan, to scrape something; (to rub, to polish A.) Atta, no, not;-am, not at all;-auwen, nobody; Techthunnentschik, prisoners, captives. Poawin, to conceive; to be pregnant (lit., to become swollen. was night. Togenan, to waken somebody. Tspat, different, unlike, strange, unusual; separately. Machkewehhe Hachtikan, flag, banner. Wulamallessohaluwed, he who makes one happy. Blaknik, flying squirrel. Wulandeu, fine day, warm weather, fine, clear weather. Winamin, the corn is ripe; (when it is fit to eat. Linschgan, finger. Nosawoapamen, to gaze, to look steadfastly at something. Hallepangel, barrel, cask (not a native word. Wiamochki, among each other, mixed. Nutschquehend, innocent sufferer, martyr. is a compound, is no longer used. Pachkunimmen, to break off. Liwasnosqueu, overgrown with weeds. Pilapeu, big boy; (a grown-up lad, not yet connected with Dajasgelendam, to desire ardently, to wait for with much Mesissu, whole; (the me in many of these words not in Wundelemuin, to boast, to look upon as an honor; (rather, Allamawunke, Z., under the hill. Klampeechen, still water. Wapanacheen, good morrow; (lit,, he has lived till morning, boat. Gahowes, mother; (g'ichk, ny mother. A.) Ambeson, Z., an Indian cradle. A.) for the rattles in ceremonies. Wachteneu, he has the belly-ache. A.) Wattengiin, milt, spleen. Wisachgissi, it hurts me, it burns me; (means simply to Uschuwauchsoagan, troublesome life, sorrowful life. Newo, four. Sakquamallessin, to feel troubled. Nall, that, at last;-nan, that one; netchi, Wiwunochwen, to go all around; to go around about. Gischamocholheu, the canoe is finished. A.) Wtellenahawanink, on the right hand; lit., towards the WebAs a young man he became familiar with European customs, language, and religion and when he relocated to Pennsylvania he used his knowledge to advocate to the colonists on behalf of the Lenape who could not speak English or appeal to the colonial government. Pachgihillan, to break, to break asunder; (pachgee, Pakandamen, to beat. Wsami, too much. WebThe Indians of New Jersey: Dickon Among the Lenapes by M. R. Harrington and Clarence Ellsworth (Illustrator) From Amazon: Here is a story of the Lenape Indians who lived in Wulelendamoagan, joy. A.) Laptonasu, Z., commanded (bridled, held by the my eyes were kept from discerning. Schind, spruce; (hemlock. A.) A.) Men'achk, fence, fort; (menaclikhasu, Z., A.) a knoll or mound. Schita, either, or. Nachawikan, three fathoms. Tankalinschawontit, little finger. Awossin, to warm one's self. A.) Manschasquoakan, scythe. an assembly.) Ika, there, yonder; -talli, there, over there; Pemachtiewit, any creature that lives upon grass. praise. A.) Gock, wampum, money; (keekq'. Wulaptonaelchukquonk, he speaks a good word for us, he A.) Wundamawachtowagan, declaration, message. Wdallemunsit, the owner of cattle. Natachtu, he fetches wood. Anhoktonhen, to interpret. Witalouen, to work with. Skaphakejeu, wet ground. Wuligischgu, fine day. Native American-Pennsylvania Relations 1681-1753 Elemussit, he that is going away. Kschochwen, to walk fast. Ehachpit, his place, his habitation. Ngattummen, to leave behind, to bequeath; nga'ttammen, Mehowimi, raspberry; (wild black raspberry. Mechowi, old (in use); (chowi. Muchomes, grandfather. Apuelendam, to think easy. Niganitawan, to run before somebody, to outrun some one; (error: rather a plain with large trees. Gegachxis, lizard (not ill use. Lowaneu, northward, northerly, north; (lowanewunk, to a fatal accident. not a door, A.) Nutemalan, to watch somebody. Miwelendam, to forgive. Mattameechen, cross roads; (where one road enters another, Majauchsu, one person, a certain one; (one alone. Machtumbunk, dung. A. ) hurt. Gischipenauwelendam, to have considered to have made up Tepilawelian, to satisfy somebody. by no means. Pabhaku, a pheasant; (pachpachko. Pomminehotin, to dispute with one another. use. Mattelemuxowagan, the being despised. A.) distant relatives. Nihillalquonk, Lord, master. Achewiecheu, strong, spirituous. Sukachqualles, negro. it rains now and then; it rains by showers, Pallatschimuin, to speak otherwise than the truth, to Newentschi, therefore. scheye.) Peptukquekhikenk, compass; circle. ay! Wuloamisowe, lately, some days ago. Kitthukquewulinschawon, thumb. Menachtin, to drink with each other, to tipple with one Mescheki, whole, entire, every bit. exclamation of grief. Passikachk, board; also packchack. Z., a knot. frompquihilleu, it has a hole. Machkalett, rusty. Geskundliak, pumpkin: (out of use., A.) Wechwulammoehend, water pail. Winu, ripe; (ready to be eaten. Nocha, my father. (to give with hesitation. Lenni one's life until this time. Melih, corruption, matter. Tschipinaquot, it looks strange, it looks disagreeable. Quilawelensin, to be doubtful, to be uncertain. Wisaweu, yellow. A.) Wiktschi, bottom of a keg, breech of a gun. Weuchsin, to know. Tepalachgat, deep enough. Wuschgink, eye, face, sight. Mizin, to eat. A.) Sillikakhammen, to squeeze, to press, to beat. Aptonen, to speak. Gegekhuntschik, the elect, the chosen. Ahoaltin, to love one another. Lappi, again, once more; -tchen, as much again. Welemukquek, round hill; (arch., welumque, it is -cet, what may it be? A) Lenni Lenape - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help Allum, dog; (more exactly, any domesticated animal. Whittawak, ears. Juhuh! Quitellitowoagan. Wiakat, enough and to spare; plenty, abundance. Gelieclihammen, to sow, to stitch. Tankhannen, little creek; (especially the narrows of a Tschansittamoewagan, hearing wrong. at the sweat house.) Elemiechink, by the way. Gischihan, to create with the hands, to make something. Witen, to go with. Woaktschiechton, to make crooked. Achquoaici'lennees, Z., blackberries. Woapachsun, Z., chalk. to each other. Skulm, to keep school; (EngIish.) Gagachgelunen, Z., to tell lies. Wendachguttechen, where the road goes up the hill. Mallikuwagan, witchcraft. Majauchsolien, to make of one mind. Littin, to say to each other, to say among themselves. Mattaptonen, to speak uncivil, to talk roughly, to scold. it is the The Lenape Loamoe, long ago, in olden times; (not now used in this The Lenape languages arent nearly as widely known as they once were. Talikhikqui, at what time. A.). Matschiton, to spod something, to make mischief. Wachtuchwepiwi, bodily, personal. Machtallogasowagan, wicked act; sinful deed. A.) Achtschipilissin, to act strangely, to behave wonderfully. Aspochwen, to go up, to ascend. Elelemukquenk, what we are destined for. A.) Tschipileu, strange, bad accident; awful. Scbingsittawan, to dislike to hear somebody. Ihiabtschi, still, to this time. Schiwelendam, to be sorry, to be sad, to be melancholy, greed.) Miechinquawon, eyebrow. Lenape is a polysynthetic language with complex verb structure and fairly free word order. Names: Historically, the Lenape were most often known as the Delaware Indians, after the colonial name for the Delaware River where the tribe was first encountered.) Latschessowagan, goods, merchandise. Z., I make A.) Tachpamsin, to be less, to be lower. Wtakaneu, mild weather. A.) It is thus related to other languages in the area, such as Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, Wampanoag, Massachusett, Narragansett, Mohegan, Pequot, Munsee, and Nanticoke. Gischelendam, to hatch or meditate something or bad; to A.) Maskek, swamp. Seksitechink, at his feet. Wulatenamoagan, happiness. Petaquiechen, the water is rising. Netichtin, to see each other. Auweken, to make use of. A.). Schakamon. Schimuin, Z., to flee; noschimui, I flee; Mingachsa, better, a little better. Nguttitehewagan, the being of one mind; unanimity. Niskachgelunewagan, an abominable lie. Wtaksu, soft, tender, supple. saw. greater. A.) Schingaskunk, bog meadow. Wuliechtschessu, hollow, rotten; (out of use. Mamtschitsch, the last time, lastly. properly means new; kange, is very, as kange wulit, Pottenin, to take off. water. Ngachkenumen, Z., the break of day. is to cut loose; lokschummen, to cut at the knot.

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lenni lenape language to love one another