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Shortly after this foundation, Sigismund was crowned Holy Roman Emperor and, as a result, the noble fraternity achieved a heightened status as an imperial edifice. The Merovingian bloodline - FamilyTreeDNA Forums Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. World War, Maximilian, the Habsburg emperor of Mexico, By measuring the difference in mitochondrial DNA among many individuals, the age of the common maternal ancestor of humanity was estimated at about 200,000 years. Barbara was a Vampire who was taught by Ibrahim Eleazar, the keeper of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, and it is she who is the model for the beautiful Countess Carmilla Karnstein in Le Fanus novel of the same name. But there were many separate kingdoms in those days before England gained an overall monarch in Saxon times. The Bible is ambiguous about the role Mary Magdalene played in the life of Jesus. As a result, the traditional marriage arrangements of the pharaohs and princesses gave way to diplomatic alliances. - 31:409-10, According to Nicholas de Vere, "Briefly, the Dragon lineage starts in the Caucasus with the Annunaki, descending through migrating proto-Scythians to the Sumerians while branching off also into the early Egyptians, Phoenicians and Mittani. DESCENTFROMTHEMAINCOREOFINNER-CIRCLEFAMILIES. else if (document.all&&displaymode==0) ancestors' stories, into the religion we know today, King He reigned c. 2852 BC, about three centuries before the Gizeh pyramids are considered to have been built. genealogical sources include the New England Historical Genealogy [4] Today, it is more commonly seen as an attempt to explain the meaning of the name Merovech (sea-bull): "Unlike the Anglo-Saxon rulers the Merovingiansif they ever themselves acknowledged the quinotaur tale, which is by no means certainmade no claim to be descended from a god". The Merovingians' long hair distinguished them among the Franks, who commonly cut their hair short. Aside from these chronicles, the only surviving reservoirs of historiography are documentary sources (letters, charters, laws, etc.) [17] Hen believes that for Neustria, Burgundy and Aquitania, colloquial Latin remained the spoken language in Gaul throughout the Merovingian period and remained so even well in to the Carolingian period. The decisive element, for me, is that Clovis was the first king to have been baptized a Christian. He wishes to remain anonymous for Wild stuff! Merovingian Family Tree You Should Check It - FamilyTreeX The Nephilim Bloodline Goes Back at Least 6,500 Years to Ancient the Priory of Sion and Be sure to subscribe to Their Content as well. As his spouse, Mary Magdalene led the list of women who followed Jesus. Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about! signed the Magna Carta, King Henry Ist, II, and III, who were About 59 Merovingians. For readers of The Biggest Secret the following will These aristocratic Merovingian children married into almost all of the noble families of Europe during the 5th, 6th, and 7th centuries. detailed in Along with Sigismund and the twenty-three nobles, Sigismunds second wife, Barbara Cille (daughter of the Austrian Duke Hermann of Styria), was joint sovereign. Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. This is a "Pay what you Like" Service. However, The "Reptillian" Alien Species is something totally different and has infiltrated the original Dragon Lineages. The Bible does not expressly say whether Jesus was married or not, nor does it say whether Jesus fathered children, or not. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (by virtue of its maternal, nonrecombining mode of inheritance, rapid pace of evolution, and extensive intraspecific polymorphism) permits and even demands an extension of phylogenetic thinking to the microevolutionary level. View Site Genealogy and bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene For their personal safety, they were taken by ship to France, which had a large Jewish population. The sacred culture of the ancients was, nevertheless, retained in the Messianic line of King David of Judah (c.1008 BC), whose significance was not in his generally portrayed descent from Abraham and the Shemite strain, but in his Pharaonic heritage. Only families in the first 20 generations of descendants of Charlemagne are listed. After they met and fell in love, Jesus and Mary Magdalene were virtually inseparable. The Court pursued the teachings of Thoth, which had prevailed from the time of Nimrods grandson King Raneb, a pharaoh of the second dynasty. The family maintained dominance over the monastery by appointing family members as abbots. Number of occurences. It derives from the very earliest of Sumerian culture wherein 'kingship' was identical with 'kinship' - and 'kin' means 'blood relative'. Franks Piso Homepage researchers tell me that the Totse charts, posted They include the Houses of Hapsburg-Lorraine, Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesquieu, and others. The 13th Illuminati Bloodline is where the Anti-Christ will come from. win2.location=selectedurl Masculine & Feminine Names from the Merovingian Line c.400-c.600 AD. The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court was based upon an ancient bloodline tradition stemming from ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Scythian lineages. The bloodline and the hidden The Merovingian dynasty ( / mrvndin / MERR--VIN-jee-n) was the ruling family of the Franks from the middle of the 5th century until 751. The Merovingians are a The Royal Bloodline: The Descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene In Merovingian times, law remained in the rote memorisation of rachimburgs, who memorised all the precedents on which it was based, for Merovingian law did not admit of the concept of creating new law, only of maintaining tradition. The name Merovingian derives from that of Merovech, of whom nothing is known except that he was the father of Childeric I, who ruled a tribe of Salian Franks from his capital . It was kept in this gourd for 217 years. var selectedurl=document.jumpy.example.options[document.jumpy.example.selectedIndex].value After all, King David, Solomon and even Jesus were all pre-Christian dynasts of the line. Today, there are at least a dozen families in Europe who are of Merovingian descent. } This was done because of the Elven Races' Royal Heritage of being the original Keepers of this our "Mother Earth." The Elven Races or "Dragon Bloodlines" Still exists . 2nd Feature Article - THE 13 TH ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE. Aristotle, who in turn was taught by Merovingian, Name Meaning. period and beyond to thousands of years BC. After the fall of the Ostrogoths, the Franks also conquered Provence. Luke 3:23. of England, sponsor of the King James version of the Bible, Prince Charles From the 5th generation after Charlemagne already, only 3 direct male branches subsisted : the Count of Vermandois, the King of Lorraine, and the King of France (Louis IV 'd'Outremer'). every ancient shrine. royal genes. As we have seen, the Courts dubious re-emergence was instigated by Sigismund von Luxembourg, King of Hungary. This is a follow up to my original genealogy of Miles Mathis. Draco was a divine emblem of the Egyptian pharaohs, a symbol of the Egyptian Therapeutate, of the Essenes of Qumran, and was the Bistea Neptunis (the sea serpent) of the descendant Merovingian Fisher-Kings in Europe." Recently an attempt was made to estimate the age of the human race using mitochondrial DNA. Jesus!! The title was not dynastic; Pendragons were appointed from Celtic royal stock by a Druidic council of elders Plantard playfully sold the story as non-fiction, giving rise to a number of works of pseudohistory among which The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail was the most successful. Racism goes hand in hand with claims of aristocratic genealogy because genetics is always close to the heart of . After Mary Magdalene, her children, Jesus' mother, and their entourage escaped to France, the Royal Bloodline perpetuated itself, intact and incognito for the next four hundred years. Merovingian dynasty, Frankish dynasty (ad 476-750) traditionally reckoned as the "first race" of the kings of France. He was the first to issue distinctly Merovingian coinage. ), Priarios of These concessions saw the very considerable power of the king parcelled out and retained by leading comites and duces (counts and dukes). [6] After this their borders with Italy (ruled by the Lombards since 568) and Visigothic Septimania remained fairly stable. This article concludes a three-part series of investigative articles that I began with "Mary Magdalene: Was She Jesus' Wife?," published on November 10, 2019, and "The Royal Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene," published on January 3, 2020. After Jesus' birth, Herod issued an order to kill all male children in Bethlehem two years old, or younger. Built by. The Elven Lineages or the true Dragon Bloodlines Includes individuals Like King Solomon, Jesus (Yeshua), The Pendragons (King Arther), Merlin, The Dragon Princess (Melusine), All Faefolk And Merfolk and many others who have been considered myth or fantasy. Florida. [16], Yitzhak Hen stated that it seems certain that the Gallo-Roman population was far greater than the Frankish population in Merovingian Gaul, especially in regions south of the Seine, with most of the Frankish settlements being located along the Lower and Middle Rhine. From the reign of Clotaire II and Dagobert I survive many examples of the royal position as the supreme justice and final arbiter. geometry) and his name can be found on almost Extensive parcels of land were donated to monasteries to exempt those lands from royal taxation and to preserve them within the family. The dynastic name, medieval Latin Merovingi or Merohingii ("sons of Merovech"), derives from an unattested Frankish form, akin to the attested Old English Merewowing,[2] with the final -ing being a typical Germanic patronymic suffix. This led to a Holy Land revival of the pharaonic Rosi Crucis (dew cup) movement at a time when Egypt was beset by foreign influences, first from Libya, Nubia and Kush, and then from further afield. } It involves a gourd with blood in it. Here is a list of noble families who can trace their ancestry back to Charlemagne (747-814), and by this also to Charles Martel (686-741), Pepin of Herstal (635-714), Pepin of Landen (580-640), Clovis I (466-511), Childeric I (437-481), Merowig (411-458), and some older, mythical ancestors like Pharamond (370-430), Sunno (358-401 ? We want to change the attitudes of the many who have been manipulated for the gain of a few for over one thousand years. This bloodline also And this is just ONE of the reptilian bloodlines and The Merovingians: Were these Dark Age Kings descended from Christ? 42 presidents to Clinton are related to Charlemagne and 19 The Roman Catholic Church's Bible is a respected religious document within the context of (a) the time period it was written, (b) the religious messages it conveyed throughout the Roman empire, and (c) the religious interests it advanced and protected for the Church. Their offspring also married, birthed children, and eventually ascended to royal positions in France and other parts of Europe. Jesus' birth year is uncertain because Dionysius Exiguus, the Scythian monk who developed the "BC" for "Before Christ" and "AC" for "After Christ" system of dates in the fifth century, made a calculation error in establishing Jesus' birth year. [17] The absence of Frankish literature sources suggests that the Frankish language was forgotten rather rapidly after the early stage of the dynasty. Rabbis in Jesus' day did not have women disciples, so traveling with Jesus would have been highly unusual for a single woman. There, I showed how Mathis was directly related to Carolingian French King Charles Martel, and therefore Charlemagne. It appeared that the days of the Dragon heritage were over. At length, as the Roman Empire collapsed, Egypt fell to Byzantine governors and then, after AD 641, to the sway of Islam. It was through this particular Dragon inheritance that Solomon the Wise, some eight centuries after Queen Sobeknefru, was enabled to recreate the Royal Temple project in Jerusalem. 6. The Merovingian bloodline (European "royal" families) is harder to track because it weaves in and out of the other 12 bloodlines. Along with Sigismund and the twenty-three nobles, Sigismunds second wife, Barbara Cille (daughter of the Austrian Duke Hermann of Styria), was joint sovereign. Proudly created withWix.com. Chronologically speaking, it is not possible to sequentially arrange the events in the life of Jesus in any definitive way by a reliance on the Bible alone, as none of the New Testament's Gospels follows an overtly chronological pattern over his lifetime. Additionally, childbearing was viewed as the highest calling for a wife, while childlessness brought social stigma and shame upon her. Members were expected to have been ennobled prior to entry and were only elevated within the Society in recognition of their contributions to the welfare of the Crown. In medieval Europe, France was conquered by the Franks, a Germanic tribe. His half brothers Hevel and Satanael (better known as Abel and Seth) were less than half Anunnaki, being the offspring of Ateba and Ava (Adam and Eve) Now we can see how and why. The Counts of Vermandois remained the longest, in direct male line until Herbert IV (1028-1080). 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Sigismunds daughter Elizabeth was also a member of the Court, and the inclusion of the entire family thereby achieved the traditional overall standard of twenty six members or two magical circles of thirteen. One of their names, Clovis, evolved into Louis and remained common among French royalty down to the 19th century. Her first husband (of 3) was the French dauphin, heir to the throne of France. Gallery of Clovis Merovingian. As Americans have seen in history books about the birth of our nation, historians tend to present narratives that reflect the cultural norms and biases existing in the periods of history that are presented. After they married, Jesus called Mary Magdalene his "companion," which translates to "spouse" in Jesus' era. 31st, 1997. As the generations passed, the ideal of dynastic kingship spread through the Mediterranean lands into the Balkans, the Black Sea regions and Europe. Emperor of the West in the Holy Roman Empire; a stream of French Our appreciation to the Totsie WebSite for this Genealogy File. The most famous of these missionaries is St. Columbanus (d 615), an Irish monk. Later, conflicts were intensified by the personal feud around Brunhilda. There also survive biographies of saints of the period, for instance Saint Eligius and Leodegar, written soon after their subjects' deaths. Book a Cosmic Video Healing Session Here. Isabella of Castile and But, in the course of this, the crucial essence of the old wisdom was lost, and this gave rise to dynasties that were not of the true kingly race. if (displaymode==0) The following collection of studies reflects the nature of the authors final conclusions in 1993. explains, was taken to the United States where he became the secret PDF Merovingian Kings - Robert Sewell THE 13TH ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE During the fifth century, this Royal Bloodline intermarried with the Royal Bloodline of the Franks, thus engendering the Merovingian dynasty. The last PenDragon was Cadwaladr of Gwynedd, who died in AD 664. Beyond these royal individuals, the Merovingian period is associated with the archaeological Reihengrber culture. The funerary clothing and jewellery were reasonably well-preserved, giving us a look into the costume of the time. At around that time much of Britain fell to the Germanic influence of the invading Anglo-Saxon and Angle-land (England) was born as distinct from Scotland and Wales." Her liaison with the Roman general Mark Antony caused the final downfall of the pharaohs, and Egypt was subjugated by Imperial Rome shortly before the time of Jesus. Grimoald was arrested and executed, but his son ruled until 662, when the Merovingian dynasty was restored. "The kings of the early succession (who reigned in Sumer and Egypt before becoming kings of Israel) were anointed upon coronation with the fat of the Dragon (the sacred crocodile). Unlike the Anglo-Saxon royal genealogies, the Merovingians never claimed descent from a god, nor is there evidence that they were regarded as sacred. I have recently been sent a series of genealogical charts which detail Sigismunds daughter Elizabeth was also a member of the Court, and the inclusion of the entire family thereby achieved the traditional overall standard of twenty six members or two magical circles of thirteen. The Merovingian Bloodline Most scholars believe Jesus' ministry lasted about three years. The symbol of the Rosi Crucis had identified the Grail succession from beyond 3000 BC, and its graphic representation was a red cross within a circle. sponsors of Mitochondrial DNA can live 15 generations. - 29:183, "The Celtic Pendragons were not father-to-son successors in a particular descent, but were chosen from various reigning dragon families and individually elected by a druidic council of elders to be the King of Kings. [7]:384, Internally, the kingdom was divided among Clovis's sons and later among his grandsons and frequently saw war between the different kings, who allied amongst themselves and against one another. extraterrestrial-human hybrids who ruled Sumer, Babylon, Greece, At the wedding, both Jesus and the attending servants obeyed his mother's commands. //visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com The Hidden Secrets of the Ancient "Royal Dragon" Bloodlines if (document.getElementById&&displaymode==0) Her doctor was Nostradamus: Jesus also loved little children and, over the objections of his disciples, he ministered to them, as well. The death of one king created conflict between the surviving brothers and the deceased's sons, with differing outcomes. They include the Houses of Hapsburg-Lorraine, Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesquieu, and others. (That also means that this service is free to those who wish for the healing and can not afford to pay anything. 2. back to 1550 BC and beyond and includes many Egyptian pharaohs, (1478-1834) in which people were tortured and burned at the stake The great enlightenment of the Grail Code of service was condemned in a series of brutal Inquisitions from 1203, and anything remotely connected with the female Draconian ethic was justifiably dubbed Witchcraft. According to tradition, Merovech was born of a sea god after his mother was raped by a "bestea Neptuni Quinotauri similis." "Mero" is the root of "mermaid" and seed of the name Merovingian. It covers the period from 584 to 641, though its continuators, under Carolingian patronage, extended it to 768, after the close of the Merovingian era. Kingship was founded upon the ideal that all people were adherents of the earth, and that the earth bestowed sovereignty upon its first born people, the "Elven Tribes". Sinclair DNA Maybe Not Merovingian DNA - stclairresearch.com The Merovingian Bloodline - The Law Office of Mark Knapp PLLC A Merovingian whose hair was cut could not rule, and a rival could be removed from the succession by being tonsured and sent to a monastery. Other genealogical sources include the New England Historical Genealogy Society, Burkes Peerage, and a . They were represented by a Dragon Queen, and she empowered the Grail King, who could not be a king without her. After all, King David, Solomon and even Jesus were all pre-Christian dynasts of the line. Having presumptuously and erroneously assumed to have inherited the bloodline legacy in 1397, he drew up a pact with twenty-three royals and nobles who swore to observe true and pure fraternity within the Societas Draconis, a style subsequently misidentified as the Ordo Draconis (Hungarian: Sarkany Rend). [8], Eventually, Clotaire II in 613 reunited the entire Frankish realm under one ruler. While laymen made up most of the administrators, there was a gradual shift to a clerical presence from the reign of Clotaire II.[11]. Byzantine coinage was in use in Francia before Theudebert I began minting his own money at the start of his reign. The Merovingian king redistributed conquered wealth among his followers, both material wealth and the land including its indentured peasantry, though these powers were not absolute. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. "According to the Dragon tradition, the importance of Cain was that he was directly produced by Enki [Satan] and Ava [Eve], so his blood was three quarters Anunnaki. both of whom are of this bloodline. As we have seen, the Courts dubious re-emergence was instigated by Sigismund von Luxembourg, King of Hungary. The first Pendragon (Head Dragon/High King) was Cymbeline." Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. Merovingian Dynasty Family Tree With Complete Detail The Piso The families had forged their own marital links with the early princesses of the Egyptian succession. It was widely read; though it was undoubtedly a piece of Arnulfing work, and its biases cause it to mislead (for instance, concerning the two decades between the controversies surrounding mayors Grimoald the Elder and Ebroin: 652673). ancient world. This is the first book in a series of works covering the history of the Elven Tribes and the Dragon Tradition. The Royal Bloodline entourage arrived at Marseilles first. Those who stand as the leaders in this day and age are only imposters, literally stealing, killing, raping, and plundering their way into power. //Specify display mode (0 or 1) These bishops pronounced the Arthurian romances heretical and blacklisted the writings of Merlin in 1546 at the Council of Trento in northern Italy. Note that there are no more descendants in direct male line. The Bush Family Geneaology by DAvid Icke - Educate-Yourself After Jesus' ascension, Mary Magdalene, her children, Jesus' mother, Joseph of Arimathea, Martha, and others were smuggled out of Jerusalem by Lazarus. As such, Jesus' crucifixion occurred when he was about 35 to 38 years old. At least the Luxemburgundian got that right. The Merovingian realm was the largest and most powerful of the states of western Europe following the breaking up of the empire of Theodoric the Great. are so many genealogical links between these bloodlines that the Clotilda was a Chris tian and is said to have been instrumental in the conversion of Clovis to Christianity. This was the Sacred Messeh whose name was 'Draco.' He also promoted the marriage, fidelity, and family. Afterwards, she accompanied him in and around the province of Galilee, where Nazareth, Magdala, Cana, and Capernaum are located. They intentionally omit known and well-documented facts about the life and times of this royal couple to portray him as a deity. By 509 they had united all the Franks and northern Gallo-Romans under their rule. The line of Louis IV d'Outremer continued through his son, Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine, whose daughters married into the houses of Louvain (also descended from Charlemagne via the Counts of Hainault), and Namur (ditto, via the Counts of Luxembourg). After the victory of 718 of the Bulgarian Khan Tervel and the Emperor of Byzantium Leo III the Isaurian over the Arabs led by Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik prevented the attempts of Islam to expand into eastern Europe, the victory of Charles Martel at Tours limited its expansion onto the west of the European continent. Members were required to wear black attire on Friday - the day ruled by Venus - and to all intents and purposes they were to hold property in common. and Troy, and which, today, rule the world. By 509 they had united all the Franks and northern Gallo-Romans under their rule. Others prominent in the Societas Draconis were the, Although the Courts ancient origins were steeped in pre Christian lore, Pope Eugene IV was obliged to approve his Emperors non Catholic establishment, for the nature of the Dragon, even if you fake it, is such that its kingly tradition surmounts the mundane constraints of denominational dispute. Other bloodline and both were executed in the French Revolution. including Rameses II. They even encouraged interracial marriage to neutralize the lineage, but it didn't work due to the RH negative Bloodtype it'self. Not all information may be a current event but is to be used as a Library of information. An excellent history of the Royal Bloodline is also presented in "Holy Blood, Holy Grail," by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, Published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1982. Name. Nor did its Germanic traditions offer any code of civil law required of urbanised society, such as Justinian I caused to be assembled and promulgated in the Byzantine Empire. [1] They first appear as "Kings of the Franks" in the Roman army of northern Gaul. It's an unusual subject that has roots in occult belief and esoteric doctrine. Please be advised There is Problem with yahoo and some other Email Providers receiving our posts. In this environment, the right to kingship emanated from the female, since Mother Earth was herself deemed to be female. You know the ones. Study of the relationship between genealogy and geography constitutes a discipline that can be termed intraspecific phylogeography. Clovis's four sons divided the kingdom among themselves and it remained dividedwith the exception of four short periods (558561, 613623, 629634, 673675)down to 679. However, the true dynasts of the original Grail stock always upheld their positions and the spirit of the Dragon Court continued in influential circles throughout Europe and the Near East. passed on to the year 2000 US presidential favorite, George W. If you Enjoy the work of the different Authors that is Posted, The Hidden Secrets of the Ancient "Royal Dragon" Bloodlines. Merovingian coins are on display at the Monnaie de Paris in Paris; there are Merovingian gold coins at the Bibliothque Nationale, Cabinet des Mdailles. force behind the Morgan and Carnegie empires and owned

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