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(a) Where multiple shafts are used for ventilation and a single shaft contains a curtain wall or partition for separation of air currents. If extraneous electricity is suspected in an area where electric detonators are used, loading shall be suspended until tests determine that stray current does not exceed 0.05 amperes through a 1-ohm resister when measured at the location of the electric detonators. 57.19105 Landings with more than one shaft entrance. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 2027416030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html. (a) Any diesel powered equipment operated at any time in underground areas must meet the following maintenance standards: (1) The operator must maintain any approved engine in approved condition; (2) The operator must maintain the emission related components of any non-approved engine to manufacturer specifications; and. (4) At drum crossover and change-of-layer regions. At 66 FR 5907, Jan. 19, 2001, 57.5066 was added, effective July 5, 2001, except for paragraph (b). (4) Test results shall be evaluated as follows: (i) If the initial test run is valid and the stopping distance does not exceed the corresponding stopping distance listed in Table 1, the performance of the service brakes shall be considered acceptable. Prior to coupling or uncoupling cars manually, trains shall be brought to a complete stop, and then moved at minimum tram speed until the coupling or uncoupling activity is completed. (a) An adequate supply of potable drinking water shall be provided at all active working areas. 57.12013 Splices and repairs of power cables. Areas around explosive material storage facilities. (a) Be coursed directly to a return airway; (b) Be tested daily for methane by a competent person; and. Air in all active workings shall contain at least 19.5 volume percent oxygen. When a laminated partition is used, operators must follow the provisions of IME Safety Library Publication No. Power cables in shafts and boreholes shall be fastened securely in such a manner as to prevent undue strain on the sheath, insulation, or conductors. The control handle shall be clearly labeled to indicate that its intended function is for emergency stopping only. Power wires and cables shall be insulated adequately where they pass into or out of electrical compartments. Couplings for poles shall be nonsparking. Booster fan means a fan installed in the main airstream or a split of the main airstream to increase airflow through a section or sections of a mine. (c) Atop equipment not suitable for drilling. Distribution boxes containing short circuit protection for trailing cables of approved equipment shall be approved by MSHA under 30 CFR part 18. (4) A maximum speed limit is posted and observed for the elevated unbermed portions of the roadway. 57.22311 Electrical cables (II-A mines). (2) Flame safety lamps shall not be used in Subcategory I-C mines. Backpoling of trolleys is prohibited except where there is inadequate clearance to reverse the trolley pole. (b) A fire suppression system may be used as an alternative to fire extinguishers if the system can be manually actuated. If the miner disagrees with the evaluation results of the PLHCP, the miner may submit within 30 days additional evidence of his or her medical condition to the PLHCP. (b) Only persons engaged in making such ventilation changes shall be permitted in the mine during changes. 1. An Overview of MSHA Regulations | 360training Mantrip means a trip on which persons are transported to and from a work area. Fuel lines shall be equipped with valves capable of stopping the flow of fuel at the source and shall be located and maintained to minimize fire hazards. The safety cans and cabinets shall be kept away from any heat source, and each cabinet shall be labeled flammables.. 57.22226 Testing for methane (IV mines). is available with paragraph structure matching the official CFR (2) Alterations or repairs on ROPS shall be performed only with approval from the ROPS manufacturer or under the instructions of a registered professional engineer with knowledge and experience in ROPS design. (2) Where constructed of combustible materials, the outside surfaces shall be coated with at least one inch of construction plaster containing perlite and gypsum; at least one inch of expanded vermiculite, Portland cement and limestone; or other coatings with equivalent fire resistance; Brattice cloth and ventilation tubing shall be approved by MSHA in accordance with 30 CFR part 7, or shall bear a BC or VT acceptance number issued by the MSHA Approval and Certification Center. (b) Underground belt conveyors shall be equipped with a detection system capable of automatically stopping the drive pulley if slippage could cause ignition of the belt. Headframes shall be high enough to provide clearance for overtravel and safe stopping of the conveyance. (5) Upon written request from a person who is a subject of these records, a statement of the year-to-date and cumulative exposure applicable to that person shall be provided to the person or to whomever such person designates. (e) Blast holes shall be stemmed with a noncombustible material in an amount to confine the explosive charge. All persons shall wear suitable hard hats when in or around a mine or plant where falling objects may create a hazard. 57.12007 Junction box connection procedures. 57.12030 Correction of dangerous conditions. Air passing unsealed areas (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). 57.19072 Skips and cages in same compartment. Design, installation, and maintenance of railroads. 57.19080 Hoisting tools, timbers, and other materials. [A copy of Title 49 is available at any Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Office of the Mine Safety and Health Administration]. (2) The reasons for placement or change in placement; (4) The applicable standards and a time schedule for the mine operator to achieve compliance; (5) Whether or not conditions encountered during primary or access development are transient or permanent; and. No employee shall be assigned, or allowed, or be required to perform work alone in any area where hazardous conditions exist that would endanger his safety unless his cries for help can be heard or he can be seen. Components of the system shall be approved by MSHA under the applicable requirements of 30 CFR parts 18, 22, 23, and 27; or be determined by MSHA under 30 CFR part 18 to be intrinsically safe or explosion-proof. (1) This paragraph does not apply to car droppers if they are secured with safety belts and lines which prevent them from falling off the work platform. This code is incorporated by reference and made a part of this standard. (2) A stand-off inflation device which permits persons to stand outside of the potential trajectory of wheel components. (c) The task or series of tasks is completed. (b) Where the wearing or carrying of self-rescue devices meeting the requirements of standard 57.15030 is hazardous to a person, such self-rescue devices shall be located at a distance no greater than 25 feet from such person. (2) Only properly secured nonsparking equipment in the cargo space with the explosives. (2) Combustible liquids in closed containers. Auxiliary fans (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). At 53 FR 9615, Mar. 57.12039 Protection of surplus trailing cables. 57.4362 Underground rescue and firefighting operations. (2) Conditions noted by the person conducting the examination that may present an imminent danger shall be brought to the immediate attention of the operator who shall withdraw all persons from the area affected (except persons referred to in section 104(c) of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977) until the danger is abated. Purchase records noting sulfur content of diesel fuel. Thawing pipes electrically, except with heat tape. (a) Battery-charging stations shall be ventilated with a sufficient volume of air to prevent the accumulation of hydrogen gas. (d) A competent person shall test the mine atmosphere at each face blasted before work is started. When persons are working in a shaft Men Working in Shaft signs shall be posted at all devices controlling hoisting operations that may endanger such persons. Mobile equipment used for haulage of mined material shall be loaded to minimize spillage where a hazard to persons could be created. Stopping distances are computed using a constant deceleration of 9.66 FPS2 and system response times of .5.1, 1.5, 2, 2.25 and 2.5 seconds for each of increasing weight category respectively. (b) Records of inspections shall be kept in accordance with requirements of the National Board Inspection Code, and the records shall be made available to the Secretary or his authorized representative. Holes shall not be drilled where there is a danger of intersecting a misfired hole or a hole containing explosives, blasting agents, or detonators. (6) Unlighted or lighted only with devices that do not create a fire or explosion hazard and which are specifically designed for use in magazines. (2) On the surfacecovered metal containers or equivalent containers with flame containment characteristics. (d) Have devices to prevent accidental dumping where the bucket is supported by a bail attached to its lower half. Separation shall be sufficient to prevent the occurrence or minimize the spread of fire. Warning devices shall be located so that they can be seen and heard by a person designated by the mine operator; and, (2) Automatically deenergize power in affected areas, except power to monitoring equipment determined by MSHA to be intrinsically safe under 30 CFR part 18, when methane at any sensor reaches, (i) 1.0 percent in a Subcategory I-A or V-A mine; or. (d) At the completion of any instruction given under this standard, the mine operator shall certify the date that the instruction was given. 57.6701 Tamping and loading pole requirements. Emulsion means an explosive material containing substantial amounts of oxidizers dissolved in water droplets, surrounded by an immiscible fuel. If methane reaches 2.0 percent in the mine atmosphere, all persons other than competent persons necessary to make ventilation changes shall be withdrawn from the mine until methane is reduced to less than 0.5 percent. However, persons who normally work in more than one area of the mine shall be instructed at least once every twelve months about the location of escapeways for all areas of the mine in which they normally work or travel. (b) All welding operations shall be well-ventilated. Company official means a member of the company supervisory or technical staff. (a) A properly sized tow bar or other effective means of control shall be used to tow mobile equipment. (2) All persons, except those working on the fan, shall be withdrawn, the ventilation shall be restored to normal and the air quality in the affected active workings shall be tested by a competent person to assure that the air quality meets the requirements of the standards in subpart D of this part, before any other persons are permitted to enter the affected active workings. Vents for storage of Class II or IIIA liquids shall be isolated or separated from ignition sources. 52 FR 24941, July 1, 1987, unless otherwise noted. These incorporated publications are available for inspection at each Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Office of the Mine Safety and Health Administration. 57.14132 Horns and backup alarms for surface equipment. MSHA Standard 57.14106, Falling Object Protection. The wood grain of one layer shall be perpendicular to the wood grain of the other layer. Asbestos means chrysotile, cummingtonite-grunerite asbestos (amosite), crocidolite, anthophylite asbestos, tremolite asbestos, and actinolite asbestos. Stationary diesel equipment underground shall be, (a) Supported on a noncombustible base; and. Persons shall not ride in skips or buckets with muck, supplies, materials, or tools other than small hand tools. 53 FR 32526, Aug. 25, 1988, unless otherwise noted. MSHA's standard does not define protective footwear. The minimum temperature at which sufficient vapor is released by a liquid to form a flammable vapor-air mixture near the surface of the liquid. Rock burst means a sudden and violent failure of overstressed rock resulting in the instantaneous release of large amounts of accumulated energy. Combustible material means a material that, in the form in which it is used and under the conditions anticipated, will ignite, burn, support combustion or release flammable vapors when subjected to fire or heat. 57.19069 Entering and leaving conveyances. NFPA No. (B) An ignition of methane has not occurred. Copies are available at MSHA's Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th Street South, Arlington, VA 222025452; 2026939440; and at all Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Offices, or available for examination at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). 57.19066 Maximum riders in a conveyance. Roadbeds and all elements of the railroad tracks shall be designed, installed, and maintained to provide safe operation consistent with the speed and type of haulage used. No splice, except a vulcanized splice or its equivalent, shall be made in a trailing cable within 25 feet of the machine unless the machine is equipped with a cable reel or other power feed cable payout-retrieval system. The log must include the date the equipment is tagged, the date the equipment is examined, the name of the person examining the equipment, and any action taken as a result of the examination. Design feature means either the manufacturer's original design or a design approved by a registered professional engineer. 57.7013 Covering or guarding drill holes. (b) Where there is evidence that the ground at a dumping location may fail to support the mobile equipment, loads shall be dumped a safe distance back from the edge of the unstable area of the bank. 57.19006 Automatic hoist braking devices. Class IIIB liquidsthose having flash points at or above 200 F (93.4 C). When explosives are transported, they shall be secured so as not to contact any sparking material. The alternative used shall at all times provide at least the same degree of safety as control doors or bulkheads. Vertical clearance above stair steps shall be a minimum of seven feet, or suitable warning signs or similar devices shall be provided to indicate an impaired clearance. (c) Berms may have openings to the extent necessary for roadway drainage. (3) Located in areas free of combustible materials or in areas where any exposed combustible materials are coated with one inch of shotcrete, one-half inch of gunite, or other noncombustible material with equivalent fire protection characteristics. Ladders shall be of substantial construction and maintained in good condition. Protection of power conductors from mobile equipment. Substantial construction. The IME is located at 1120 19th Street NW., Suite 310, Washington, DC 200363605; 2024299280; https://www.ime.org. 57.22601 Blasting from the surface (I-A mines). (c) Dry vegetation shall not be permitted within 25 feet of mine openings. (b) After installation and before use, and at the beginning of any seven day period during which the conveyance is to be used, the conveyance shall be suitably rested and the hoist rope slackened to test for the unrestricted functioning of the safety catches and their activating mechanisms. 57.18014 Emergency medical assistance and transportation. This contact form is only for website help or website suggestions. The main intake and return air currents in single shafts shall be separated by ventilation tubing, curtain walls, or partitions. Dnipro State Medical University - Wikipedia Persons shall stay clear of suspended loads. All metal and nonmetal mines will be placed into one of the categories or subcategories defined in this subpart. Flammable or combustible liquid spillage or leakage shall be removed in a timely manner or controlled to prevent a fire hazard. Trap doors or adequate guarding shall be provided in ladderways at each level. (a) If electric blasting includes the use of branch circuits, each branch shall be equipped with a safety switch or equivalent method to isolate the circuits to be used. (3) All braking systems installed on the equipment shall be maintained in functional condition. (2) The mine operator must retain for five years (from the date of sampling), the results of any samples the operator collected as a result of monitoring under this section, and information about the sampling method used for obtaining the samples. (b) Packaged blasting agents shall be stored in a magazine or other facility which is ventilated to prevent dampness and excessive heating, weather-resistant, and locked or attended. A warning that is audible above the surrounding noise level shall be sounded, (b) When trains approach persons, crossing, other trains on adjacent tracks; and. (e) This standard applies only to mines blasting within an oil reservoir. Safety belts and lines shall be worn when persons work where there is danger of falling; a second person shall tend the lifeline when bins, tanks, or other dangerous areas are entered. A standard code of hoisting signals shall be adopted and used at each mine. A second person, similarly equipped, shall be stationed near where the lifeline is fastened and shall constantly adjust it or keep it tight as needed, with minimum slack. Fuses shall not be removed or replaced by hand in an energized circuit, and they shall not otherwise be removed or replaced in an energized circuit unless equipment and techniques especially designed to prevent electrical shock are provided and used for such purpose. (d) Each mine and mill shall be required to operate in accordance with the safety standards applicable to its particular category or subcategory. After a hoisting signal is given, hoisting to the crosshead shall be at a minimum speed. Escapeway means a passageway by which persons may leave a mine. Oxygen cylinders shall not be stored in rooms or areas used or designated for storage of flammable or combustible liquids, including grease. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. (a) Diesel fuel used to power equipment in underground areas must not have a sulfur content greater than 0.05 percent. Open flames shall not be permitted underground except for welding, cutting, and other maintenance operations, and for igniting underground retorts in a Subcategory I-A mine. Electrically powered equipment shall be deenergized before mechanical work is done on such equipment. Persons shall not hold the drill steel while collaring holes, or rest their hands on the chuck or centralizer while drilling. 57.14211 Blocking equipment in a raised position. In a friction hoist installation, tapered guides or other approved devices shall be installed above and below the limits of regular travel of the conveyance and arranged to prevent overtravel in the event of failure of other devices. The control door shall provide protection at least equivalent to a door constructed of no less than one-quarter inch of plate steel with channel or angle-iron reinforcement to minimize warpage. "Published Edition". (2) SAE J1194, Roll-Over Protective Structures (ROPS) for Wheeled Agricultural Tractors, 1983. In such cases, the inspector will rely upon other available evidence to determine whether the service brake system meets the performance requirements of this standard. Service of a request for hearing is completed upon mailing by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Persons under the influence of alcohol or narcotics shall not be permitted on the job. 57.22302 Approved equipment (I-A and V-A mines). 57.22215 Separation of intake and return air (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). If the torque of any fixture tested does not fall within the installation torque range, corrective action shall be taken. Rock fixture means any tensioned or nontensioned device or material inserted into the ground to strengthen or support the ground. Auxiliary equipment stations (I-C mines). Persons shall not enter the mine until ventilating air has passed over the blast area and through at least one atmospheric monitoring sensor. (b) Routing air to exhaust system. 22, Recommendations for the Safe Transportation of Detonators in a Vehicle with Other Explosive Materials (May 1993), and the Generic Loading Guide for the IME22 Container (October 1993). Surface buildings or structures in which persons work shall have a sufficient number of exits to permit prompt escape in case of fire. Travelway means a passage, walk or way regularly used and designated for persons to go from one place to another. Doors on main fans (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). 291Testing and Marking Hydrants. (b) Guards shall not be required where the exposed moving parts are at least seven feet away from walking or working surfaces. Fleet angles on hoists installed after November 15, 1979, shall not be greater than one and one-half degrees for smooth drums or two degrees for grooved drums. (a) Welding operations shall be shielded when performed at locations where arc flash could be hazardous to persons. Suitable electrical bonding methods include welding, riveting, or the use of securely tightened bolts where individual metal portions are joined. (b) Covered with fire-retardant material, if constructed of wood; (d) Self-closing, if manually operated; and. A storage facility used to store blasting agents corresponds to a BATF Type 4 or 5 storage facility. 57.19078 Hoisting buckets from the shaft bottom. (b) Before any person is hoisted with a newly installed wire rope or any wire rope that has not been examined in the previous fourteen calendar days, the wire rope shall be examined in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section. 57.19103 Dumping facilities and loading pockets. The term detonator does not include detonating cord. Unless platforms or safety lines are used, persons shall not position themselves over drawholes if there is danger that broken rock or material may be withdrawn or bridged. Flexible ventilation tubing shall not exceed 250 feet in length. Supplies shall not be stacked or stored in a manner which creates tripping or fall-of-material hazards. Control of exposure to airborne contaminants. (a) Firefighting equipment shall be inspected according to the following schedules: (1) Fire extinguishers shall be inspected visually at least once a month to determine that they are fully charged and operable. developer resources. (1) Where uranium is minedradon daughter concentrations representative of worker's breathing zone shall be determined at least every two weeks at random times in all active working areas such as stopes, drift headings, travelways, haulageways, shops, stations, lunch rooms, magazines, and any other place or location where persons work, travel, or congregate. Guard nets or other suitable protection shall be provided where tramways pass over roadways, walkways, or buildings. The oxygen intake coupling on jet piercing drills shall be constructed so that only the oxygen hose can be coupled to it. Until corrective work is completed, the area shall be posted with a warning against entry and, when left unattended, a barrier shall be installed to impede unauthorized entry. 57.4561 Stationary diesel equipment underground. (b) Marked with conspicuous and easily read direction signs that clearly indicate the ways of escape. Power switches shall be locked out or other measures taken which shall prevent the equipment from being energized without the knowledge of the individuals working on it. A means of ventilating faces shall be provided before workings are abandoned in unsealed areas, unless crosscuts are provided within 30 feet of the face. (1) Crawler tractors and crawler loaders; (4) The tractor portion of semi-mounted scrapers, dumpers, water wagons, bottom-dump wagons, rear-dump wagons, and towed fifth wheel attachments; (b) ROPS construction. Movement of equipment on adjacent tracks. (3) Be done according to predetermined conditions and procedures. (a) At least 100 feet from fan installations used for intake air and mine openings; (b) Equipped with exhaust vents over the forge and ventilated to prevent the accumulation of the products of combustion; and. 57.4463 Liquefied petroleum gas use underground. Other timber shall be coated with one inch of shotcrete, one-half inch of gunite, or other noncombustible materials. 57.19003 Driving mechanism connections. (b) If the destruction of any bulkhead on an inactive level would allow fire contaminants to reach an escapeway, that bulkhead shall be constructed and maintained to provide at least the same protection as required for control doors under Table C3.

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msha hoisting regulations