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Youre Spider-Man? Its stupid anyway you pulled your hand away from his arm. You loosen your hold, and he hugs you back, getting over the shock of you not angry with him. In a strange twist of fate your paths intertwined, somehow ending with you stuck in the body of a complete stranger. Most people your age didnt meet their soulmates- not unless they were incredibly lucky. Although you had never actually witnessed a Hellfire meeting, you had flicked through Eddies notes when he was preparing a campaign (on more than one occasion).And youre going to. Yeah, okay, Ill see you later then! Peter called after you. He didnt have a soulmate. Hmm? After [Name] couldnt answer, the teacher walked over the [Name]s desk to see what she was doing. Thanks. He couldnt tell her just yet. All he wanted to do was pull up his shirt sleeve, reveal his tattoo and say because I wont always be able to protect you. Instead, his mouth was ajar and he has lost his power of speech. Surely he was too. different opinions: they were lucky and they were missing out. Give that back! The woman walks quickly towards this boy who stole something private. But the day was boring as hell and your fears over your soulmate were in the back of your mind. Well, he hadnt found his soulmate yet. You looked up and there was the man in blue and red himself. What the hell happened to you? Worth It (Peter Parker x Reader) Soulmate!AU Oh please, it was so obvious! Im so happy that I met you. Wedding Planning (Peter Parker) Authors Note. This one is for @theassetseyeliner s challenge! His eyes had met yours and they were conflicted. Hey Pete you peered around from behind Ned, prising Peters eyes away from whatever was on the piece of paper he was looking at. What the hell- why would you- oh gross it feels like theres blood in my..in my mouth- and my hand really.. oh my god.., he gasped out, now realizing what this meant. No, theres no way thatll work out, the voice in the back of your head states. Thats the first time you ever see what the true color of your other being is like. You let out a small giggle as he places a kiss on your head. The pain still had you shaking- but nothing was added to it. There was no way you could let Peter know about the tattoo, hed had a huge crush on you since Junior year. You were absolutely certain the sweet, dorky, science-loving, cute nerd that was your best friend was it. I dunno. Do you have any cuts on your face that need attention? I wanted those two lives to be separate. This is very unlike him, she began to make her way over so that the two of you could talk a little more privately. Shit- he was doing something again, meaning you had to go hide out somewhere until he was done. She continued from where she had left off and explained what she had meant previously. An awkward silence ensues thats broken by this boy. Oh please, you came to class full of bruises and what, you expect me to believe you walked into a door? I mean whats the point in having a secret identity if people know who you are?. Maybe youd be able to place the voice to a face after hes gone. Since then- the pain never really stopped. She swiftly picked up a marker and started writing a short note back to him, right under his note. It also happened to be the day your brother started his freshman year. Summary: Eddie Munson had been dating Dustin Hendersons sibling since long before Dustin joined Hellfire, its not their fault he never saw the signs. A loud voice wasnt necessary to lecture your best friend. to a life without colours and those who could see them were considered with two When [Name] first met her soulmate, she was a freshman in high school. Why couldnt he stub his toe once in awhile instead of being slammed into walls or crushed by unknown objects? The idea caused your cheeks to flush at the thought of having Peter that close to you. You close the distance between you both, wrapping your arms around his neck, Im willing to have a do-over. <3 This ones a little long to make up for the shit I may or may not pull . They went to the same school and they had all the same core classes with her. Peter Parker. There was only one way to test it though, and it was going to hurt. It doesnt matter; I have to get to class. You said, rolling up your sleeves and hurrying off down the hallway. Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate AU - sebass-stanfan I know the two of you are friends and Ive noticed that he has been missing a fair few classes recently. She was clearly concerned. Peter Parker X Reader {Soulmate AU} - DeviantArt They always wrote little notes of what they needed to do on their arms (and sometimes, they wrote little math and science formulas). Peter was supposed to be your soulmate, yet it seemed as though fate had got it wrong this time. Oh, well does anyone else know? The next time you saw Eddie was in English class. Maybe if you did this fast enough, you could still look at pictures of Peter, you reason. Not this pure human who drew doodles on their arms. You could feel it now. She hated that she had these notes scrawled onto her arms until her soulmate decided to wash them. What should I do? [Name] always hung out with Peter, whether they built the LEGO Death Star or even had a Star Wars marathon wasnt important when they had each other and a maker. Shit you mumbled groggily as you hurried to pack your bag. It wasnt Eddies fault you almost got held back a year, sure he was the reason you skipped all those classes, but it was definitely still your choice to do so.Fine, then I guess Im just going to have to find someone else wholl hang out with me. He feigned disappointment, knowing full well just how important it was to you to be able to go off to college next year.Good luck. You smiled, pulling your hand away from his face and opening your car door to step out. So.. erm he tried to make conversation, he looked at you nervously but there was only one thing he wanted to ask you. There he was, fingers weakly tangled into the end of your shirt, gently pulling with what strength he had left. Who are you? You asked in a hushed voice. Thats not even the best part, s- Y/F/N! you cut them off angrily. Happy and Mr. Parker, Mr. Stark is expecting you". Eddie would pick you up for school and drop you at home regularly. Ugh P.4 [Peter Parker] [Soulmate AU] Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader Warnings: Cursing, probs more angst, mentions of pain etc Part 3, Masterlist The scream that escaped from your lips had to. If you are emotional dying because of @peterbenjiparker's series Invisible Strings (Read this to have your heart broken then mended, then broken again, one chapter at a time! What! Ned shouted, his voice echoing through the empty school. No, Ned, Im not going to tell you. A wave of emotions crashes down on you. Every drawing disappeared by the end of the day, yet Peter always tried to recreate his favorite never succeeding. Series tags: @fanboyswhereare-you @farfromjustordinary @brazilian-unicorn@terrible-terrible-blog @1dforeverandalwaysfan @heyyyyitsanie@tmrhollandkay @millies-art-blog@shakespeare-and-shenanigans @t-hollandd @tater-totts-hp @spidey-pal @terrainhead @star-incandescentdeni-gonzalez @courtneychicken @crankynewtkaramelblobber @melodythesaltshaker @mynicknameisroses @butteryoptimisticpeanut @lemirabitur - Some of these people cant be tagged for some reason so If i have missed you out or you want to be added, let me know! No one else was reacting the way you were; in fact anyone who Oh. Here, he slid the paper over to you, take a look.. (Y/N) winces in pain but doesnt want to say anything and cause this adorable boy to leave her lap. So, Pizza for dinner? You asked. Other times he claimed he got beat up in an alley after school. Hey, Peter? You touched his arm. God.. Part 1Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9. Sounds great! Your friend agreed. Rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, he opens his mouth but is cut off by 2 beeps. I Knew It! Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate AU - Aw, arrows no Peter Parker. He smiles down at her causing both of them to turn beet red. This time though, he was nowhere to be seen. I wonder where hes running to? You were no stranger to the antics of your brother, his friends, and the Upside Down. As the red latex slowly pulls away to reveal the human to the hero your heart stops. Everything that happened next was like a blur. Thanks Ned. You always told anyone who asked that you didnt care about finding your soulmate. ~ I couldnt see you with all of my textbooks! She laughed awkwardly to try and lighten the mood. Sorry, Im a sap, Peter Parker/Reader; Natasha Romanov/Reader; Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Reader; Pietro Maximoff/Reader; . Trying to rotate her right shoulder which resulted in a gasp of pain. That means if one person hears the . He was face down and obviously beaten. Now that weve got that out of the way, I know about the tattoo as well. You pulled up his sleeve to reveal the mark which matched your own. Series tags: @fanboyswhereare-you@farfromjustordinary, [If you want to be added to the tags list, please let me know!]. Maybe?? Well, the reason I didnt want to talk about it is because you sighed, this was harder than you thought it was going to be. Series tags: @fanboyswhereare-you @farfromjustordinary @brazilian-unicorn @terrible-terrible-blog @1dforeverandalwaysfan @heyyyyitsanie @tmrhollandkay @millies-art-blog @shakespeare-and-shenanigans @t-hollandd @tater-totts-hp @spidey-pal @terrainhead @star-incandescent @deni-gonzalez @courtneychicken @crankynewt @karamelblobber @melodythesaltshaker @mynicknameisroses [As always, if you want to be tagged please let me know!]. No need to notify your parents that Peter aka SPIDER-MAN was in your house. Still grumbling and pouting, you made your way to the caf, ordering a nice hot cup of joe and downing at fraction of it the second you got it. Peter assisted with the rest of the experiment. Your first class after lunch the following day was Science. Early | soulmate!peter parker x reader [ gif - starlight-parkers Relief. Hey, secret identities are few and far between, besides - he stopped, sensing danger. Did that kind of thing even happen? "Yes! he broke his sandwich into two and offering you the bigger half, Wanna share Slowly, never breaking eye contact with you, Spider Man removes his mask. RIP Bob. I had to find out that you were Spider-Man!, Peter lets out an oof, reminding you he is still injured. The two of you arrived at the science block where Peter was already setting up a couple of bunsen burners and some test tubes. So, you heard as you neared the classroom, who did you bring? Eddie had asked the three excited boys.That would be me. You answered, stepping into the room before any of them could say anything.Really? Eddie asked, confused and surprised. If you like this don't forget to check out some of the other . You. The colour drained from your surroundings, fading into various kinds of Angst is my shit asdfg ahh and so are misunderstandings and miscommunications. billboard down the street to your apartment like usual but something was wrong You let out a sigh of relief. Imagine having none of these for all of your life. You carried on walking towards Eddie, paying no attention to the grin on his face and meeting him halfway across the room. Happy Star Wars Day, here is some Marvel content , Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6 Part 7Part 8Part 9. I cant wait, this is going to be so much fun! Lucas cheered as the three boys exited the car ahead of you.Ive heard his campaigns are EPIC! Dustin squealed.Ive heard theyre ruthless! Mikes voice matched the excitement in his eyes.You guys go ahead, Ill be right behind you. You called as you locked your car.The boys ran off and made their way to the classroom reserved for Hellfire; you on the other hand, took a deep breath and prepared yourself for what was going to happen next. He wanted to say he was strong enough to just be friends with you- to get to know you and learn you but not be able to love you. While your head tells you to be mad at him for lying and causing problems, your heart tells you to rejoice over the fact that your wish finally came true. The first day of senior year. Yeah, you smiled back just tired I guess. Thats why it didnt go off the first time we met! There was a chorus of Hey from your friends as they parted slightly, making room for you to join their circle. On her first day of high school, [Name] was walking around in her schools hallways, looking for her first-period class. I love you so much and I want our little notes to continue, its just that I dont want to get in trouble when we write these in class. You hadnt told your friend about the plan yet, they just assumed you were going shopping as usual. She froze, thinking about what she just noticed. Your first class after lunch felt like it had lasted forever. I dont know you responded truthfully. This is going to be the final part of the series, so thank you to everyone who stuck with my rollercoaster upload schedule! Did you hold your stomach and double over? If I forgot to tag you, pls shoot me an ask or a msg! You help him sit on your bed, mentally freaking out, manage to get out Dont worry, Ive got you, and run off to the bathroom. swapped | th x reader - Luna - Wattpad In a good way, of course. So glad its liked! Yeah, you let out the huge puff of air you had been holding in your lungs. clearly werent helping with your frozen response and tears forming in your Or the true element of his loose and nice fitting sweaters he wore almost each and every day. Itll be quick, I promise. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9. You were sixteen years old and yes it may sound young, but the average age to find your soulmate is fourteen. I've got another on the way as well! Why wouldnt you want to tell me that?. More than anything you wanted the happy ending everyone always talks about with their soulmate. Pairing: Peter Parker x reader Summary: Soulmate AU. AU: Soulmate!AU where soulmates can see when the other is writing something on a body part. When the bell finally rang, you grabbed your belongings and ran straight for the door, not hearing what the teacher had said about homework at all. What the cliques were, whether the older kids would be horrid to him and his friends.Maybe that shirts not such a great idea. You gestured to what your brother was wearing and raised an eyebrow.Hey, this shirt is a classic. He defended.You both laughed and the rest of the drive was spent with you constantly reassuring him that he would have a great time. Ow! Warnings: Angst, possibly cursing, mentions of sex (no smut). "What happened?". Id have to tell you sooner or later.. Peter is staring at his own hand his eyes wide and his mouth opens slightly. You spent the rest of the night explaining, treating Peters injuries, and talking about how being soulmates changed everything. Turns out, hes heavily injured. It was an Y/N has been patiently waiting for years to find her soulmate. You face started to turn a shade of pink. Im fine. You cant give me one night, can you? oh my god, I was right you whispered to yourself. You think Im- he couldnt finish the sentence, his fake laughter painfully obvious. Y/N, called the teacher, where is Peter today? Ive no idea miss. Spider Man turns around slowly and puts his fingers to his lips indicating for you to be silent. Peter? You whispered. The three of you found a spot in the corner and sat down. tucked his book under his arm and stuck out his hand. Y/N) (Y/L/N) was sitting in her chair doodling flowers when suddenly she let out a huge gasp of pain. There was no fucking way- well.. it might make sense- plus he had that limp in the same leg that was currently aching on you. Very simply it's that both people are deaf until they hear their soulmate's voice, however they each have to hear the other's voice to hear properly. It had been three days since the couple had learned they were soulmates, and Peter hated lying. I mean- you sure youre not hurt?, he quickly changed the subject, realizing that talking about soulmates was not that important right now. You could go most of your life being around them and not knowing that theyre the one for years. Crying reaching the level where it was hard to hide Also- Im an ass and I know it and Im not sorry asdfghjk I love you guys! As soon as he saw you leave the cafeteria, he stood up. Um, Peter? You were going to do everything you could to help, even if that meant forcing him to study and making sure he had all the textbooks he required. Warnings: some cussi You bit your tongue hard to stop yourself from screaming. You couldnt even imagine how beautiful his entire being would be with the entire color spectrum spread without his-. Still, it should be better this way, shouldnt it? Read slaps (soulmate AU) from the story Spiderman x reader Imagines by MagicCrank16 with 1,208 reads. You mutter some choice words under your breath and then call Ned. What, thats amazing. Looking around the corner to see him, Spider-Man. With his hands still covered, it tickles you a bit, but you ignore it. Of course you werent the only one and the tattoos only meant you had encountered your Soulmate and one of the two of you had done something selfless for the other, not that they were in your life. It terrified you because it felt like your soulmate was going to die- but then the crushing feeling stopped. updated jan 30 2022 - suggestive / - personal favorite / - soulmate au / - mostly angst / - mostly fluff / - super hero or super powered reader. Dont worry, youre alright came a soft voice from just behind you. "You know that spidering you've seen on the news?". Your heard your father say as you walk into the living room. You really shouldnt be sat there you know.. Then the bell rang, most of you had different lessons first period, so you said goodbye and headed off in different directions. I hope you realize you asked me for angst asdfghjkl; <3 <3 (The lyrics gave me angsty feels and Im not sorry asdfg), Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader [Over 18 bc yeah]. Maybe youd slam yourself into the door or ram your elbow into the counter- something, anything! More often than not, finding yourself staring and silently laughing at the two of them. Change of State: solid to liquid It wasnt something you could pinpoint, however. One of them was waving a gun in the air and the other was filling a bag with anything he could grab from the shelves. As the school bell rings you begin your search for Peter. Peter looked relieved. Ultimately, you decided to tell him. He could lift busses and cars- buildings even. You pulled away and Your voice- kinda sounds funny.., He chuckled nervously,Yeah. my sandwich?. Now all you had to do was wait. You were muttering to yourself, trying to work out what had happened, when you felt the presence of someone standing behind you. Thirty Six (Loki Smut) Thirty Seven. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9. # 4. Peter grins and leans his head against yours. A/N: I dont know shit about helping patch someone up. Hes been lying to me since we started working. You stopped talking for a minute considering telling May about every night that Peter came home injured. This is just a short, intraductory chapter. Letting out a large sigh you place your paint brush down and make your way towards the door and open it to see your father. peterpparkerwrites masterlist You didnt know- and maybe you never would. I wrote this a bit ago and finally got the courage to post it. His lips pursed in a close mouthed smile in your direction as you began continue the lab from yesterday, both of you having butterflies roll around in your stomach for the duration of the period. Then the laughter died once the door flew open. Many thanks again to @just-some-drabbles for including me in this wonderful challenge! Are you sure you dont know whats going on with Mr Parker? She asked. Spiderman x reader Imagines - slaps (soulmate AU) - Wattpad

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peter parker x reader soulmate au