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So, obviously, the type of consciousness, the type of penetration that we have to have in order to develop intuition, the common sense, is why we are here; it is why we meditate. What Did Marcion Believe? - YouTube If you observe a common, ordinary irrational animal that common sense is stronger in them, than in us, sadly, because we have the ego very strong within us. Our Sun rotates around the centre of the Pleiades, whose Central Sun is called Alcyone. If you observe a galaxy, it too is an amphora, or as the Master called, the inexhaustible bag of all possibilities. As Master Samael stated in his book Cosmic Teachings of a Lama:. But in the time when Gnosticism arose (the late first or early second century AD), that wasnt really the case. So, we receive the energy of the Sun, the solar Kether, from the upper V or upper angle of the rune Ingwaz. The Nothingness, the Chaos, is certainly and without the least bit of doubt the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of all the worlds that live and palpitate within the inalterable infinite.. One of the angels, Saklas, fashioned Adam and Eve. The most common of the senses are our sight, our smell, touch, hearing but common sense itself? Behold how the intelligence of the Absolute Abstract Space becomes the center of an infinite. No, those are the names of those Monads, but the Bodhisattva fell, unfortunately. And, that is precisely the goal; to develop that level of intuition, of consciousness, because it is not as though only he can achieve that, and that we are not capable of it. Eve represents our physicality, and our sexual organs; while, Adam represents the brain. This significance is reflected both in her apparent androgyny (reinforced by several of her given epithets), and in the name Barbl itself. For example, he lied when he claimed to be the only god and that Adam and Eve would die if they ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; he insulted his mother and father by refusing to acknowledge their existence; he made a graven image of the divine when he modeled the material world on his corrupt and ignorant misunderstanding of Heaven; and he committed adultery by attempting to rape Eve. Seth replaces Habel when we transmute the solar light, when we control Kain, and kill Kain. Here we are not addressing the infinite; we are only addressing our own particular galaxy. For Noah was obedient to the archon, they say, but Noria revealed the powers on high and Barbelo, the scion of the powersthe opposite of the archon, as the other powers are. In this lecture, we are going to penetrate into the mysteries of what we call the Spiritual Sun. That is the meaning of Genesis 4: 25, 26. [2] Lewis, Nicola Denzey. Harper San Francisco. This book has the same cast but a very arcane interpretation. The demiurge is given many names in the Gnostic scriptures, but the three most common ones are Yaldabaoth (also spelled Ialdabaoth), Samael, and Saklas. Not only of this solar system, but many solar systems. v. 26, p.151). Is Yahweh an Annunaku - Christian Reincarnation She was always appearing to the Archons in a beautiful form, that by beguiling them she might gather up her own scattered power. It is, in other words, a constellation. It means that the Bel is the light: "give us this light, which is our daily bread in our meditation." The Prana of our creative waters is always represented by the two Iods shown in the shape of the letter Aleph, which is hidden within the spelling of the letter Hei, this, in order for us to understand that the letter Aleph (which is seen many times in the first verse of the Bible) is from which everything emerges: the Aleph from the Hei. The Gospel of Judas - Evidence and Answers 2008. We will say that Prana and Akash are the duality: energy and matter. Ashith means something personal, individual, particular to you: thus Bar Ashith is your own particular Christ. There we have something to meditate on. Intuition, the common-sense, is nourished the fives senses, and all of the senses related with the spinal medulla, the Vav. People talk about common sense, referring to our instinct, because we are still animals. And, you know that we also have the solar energy that we collect from the Mother, below, which is the Belit-ili the wife of Bel. Barbl is often depicted as a supreme female principle, the single passive antecedent of creation in its manifoldness. After God, shes the foremost inhabitant of the Pleroma, the Gnostic name for Heaven. It is written that before the Lord comes to manifest, Elijah has to manifest first. [f] Additionally, Scholem argued that based on the earliest textual data, which termed Yaldabaoth "the King of Chaos", he was claimed to be the progenitor of chaos, not its progeny. But, there is another element that we have spoken about in other lectures, called Prana (energy). But, the fact that in my experience, one of the Christians was saying, "He is not Christian, I am Christian" means that he also has that particular, individuality within himself. When we talk about the Solar Absolute (the Ain Soph Aur) we have to understand that it is always related with what we call the Spiritual Sun. In his next article, on the "Gnostici", or Borborites (83 C D), the idea of the recovery of the scattered powers of Barbl recurs as set forth in an apocryphal Book of Noria, Noah's legendary wife. [12], In his proposed 1967 etymology Adam[de], already diverted from the then majority view and translated Aramaic: , romanized: yald similarly to Scholem, as German: Erzeugung, lit. That intelligence is represented by the letter Hei of the sacred name of God in Kabbalah; Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei. So, the base of the rune Ingwaz is an upside down V, an upside down rune Kaum, or more specifically, a rune Ar. But it is on the whole possible to take Babel, "confusion" (Joseph. For his proclamation, he used John the Baptist. Audience: Does Seth have two different meanings? The Bar is Ing, son of the Earth. This pseudo-variant was translated in Jastrow's popular Aramaic dictionary as 'confusion'. A Separate God: The Origins and Teachings of Gnosticism. It seems quite incongruous with Christianity as we understand it today. Now, in the Bible, Seth is similar to Jesus Christ, in that way. If any self-realized Master comes to us and says, "I am part of that region of Barbelo" we will understand that; any self-realized Master is part of that. Now, this Protocosmos emanated from another part of the Absolute. This is because that type of intellect is not only nourished with the five senses, as the common intellect that the people of the Earth have whose intellect is governed, informed and nourished by the five senses and what is observable through the instruments that they invent with their intellect intuition, the common-sense about which we are talking about here, is nourished with the spinal medulla. In Hebrew, the word Lin, Leen means; to lodge, stop over, pass the night, to dwell, abide, (make to) murmur, to stop (usually overnight); abide (all night), continue, dwell, be left, lie all night, (cause to) lodge (all night, in, -ing, this night), remain, tarry (all night, that night). As an example of the ubiquity of space; that 7th symphony of Beethoven which I spoke about earlier, it was emanating from space. Audience: When you're sending out the solar energy, singing the mantra Belilin, is the shape that that energy takes, the aura, reminiscent of the shape of the universe, in the manner that it expands outwardly and then flows back inwardly to the center. I do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.[17]. We belong to the constellation of the Pleiades, of which our Sun is the 7th. [19] The Greek practice of interpretatio graeca, ascribing the gods of another people's pantheon to corresponding ones in one's own, had been adopted by the Egyptians after their Hellenisation; during the process of which they had identified Seth with Typhon, a snake-monster, which roars like a lion. The man above, the woman below. Very few. 'child' and from Hebrew: , romanized:bahot, a supposed plural form of Hebrew: , romanized:bhu, lit. Ra is the solar light. Therefore, the birth in () Belen or ( -) Bethlehem was in order to make the reality of a man who had incarnated ( Bel) the Christ-Sun understandable., "Unquestionably, it (Bel) is the Christ Sun who must guide us in the superior worlds of cosmic consciousness. You can experience that region as a "tourist" but that doesn't mean you belong there. [38][39] For instance, Valentinians believed that the Demiurge is merely an ignorant and incompetent creator, trying to fashion the world as well as he can, but lacking the proper power to maintain its goodness. Do you understand that? God doesn't "create" Barbelo per se; instead, she comes from him by some indirect means. Babel [ edit] Babel, in the book of "Baruch" of the Gnostic Justin, the name of the first of the twelve "maternal angels" born to Elohim and Edem ( Hipp. That force, in Sanskrit, we call Akasha (a substance that permeates the space). Yesod and Malkuth, together, are one feminine sephirah; they are called the physical body and the vital body they are one body. [5] See, for example, the first chapter of the Gospel of John or any of the many Gnostic texts that describe how Heaven was first populated before the creation of the world. Is it a Spirit? I have had many experiences in the interior worlds, where that ultra-violet light is, for me, darkness, because I still do not possess the common sense necessary to penetrate into that light. Now you understand, when you walk on the path, why it is that you are developing solar force. Master Samael states that in that Protocosmos exists what we call the planets of Christ. Marcion.hated heretic or influential maverick?Twitter: @andrewmarkhenryFacebook: www.religionforbreakfast.com/facebookBlog: www.religionforbreakfast.comAni. Luke (10:18) and John (12:31) both speak of Satan or a Satan-like entity ruling the earth from the sky and being vanquished by Jesuss ministry. Instructor: Yes; the shape of the infinite, as we explained it, right? Slate is published by The Slate That is why, when you develop that archetype completely within yourself, then you become one with the Solar Absolute. The point is this: if Krishna states that he came from the region of Barbelo, we will understand, because he is also part of that Abstract Solar Absolute. If you don't know what the 7th symphony of Beethoven is, I advise you to listen to it; that is beautiful but, in comparison with hearing that in space; everything was completely dark, only the river of sound is what I saw and heard. Yald' being Aramaic: , romanized: yald[g] but translated as 'begetter', not 'child' and Abaoth being a term attested in magic texts, descending from Hebrew: , romanized:Tzevaot, lit. False Heaven, Yaldabaoth, Archons We state, as the Master Samael stated; when we self-realize ourselves as Christs, when Jesus Christ, as an archetype, develops completely in us, then we enter into the Army of the Voice, the Army of the Logos, the Word. Vall. Saklas also doesn't carry the nickname of "Evil Michael" for nothing, as he, unlike Michael, is an agent of chaos, evil and injustice, not concerned with taking the lives of innocents or carrying out destruction of entire towns in the name of "true god". Audience: According to scientists, 96% of the observable universe is what they call "dark matter" or "dark energy." In the Platonic, Neopythagorean, Middle Platonic, and Neoplatonic schools of philosophy, the demiurge (/ d m i. r d /) is an artisan-like figure responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe.The Gnostics adopted the term demiurge.Although a fashioner, the demiurge is not necessarily the same as the creator figure in the monotheistic sense, because the demiurge . Let us understand that when people say that they are Christian, we understand that they do not comprehend what Christ, the cosmic consciousness is to be Christian is to perceive that, to penetrate into that; not intellectually, but consciously. It is written and with words of fire within all the sacred books of the world that the Chaos is the seed-plot of the cosmos. Was it true, I had asked him, that in the Coptic Christian tradition Judas was considered to be a saint? God was evil from the start. : r/atheism - Reddit But when we consider the intellectual and spiritual environment within which Gnosticism arose one that was dominated by Platos long shadow, and where Christians were still trying to decide on the basics of their new religion and separate it from Judaism the Gnostic conception of the demiurge makes a lot more sense. saklas and barbelo It is very hard to develop. Spirit of Our aura is the outcome of that Belilin. The Omeyocan is the Lord of the Night, the black Tezcatlipoca who by denying her Self, bursts into Light and is born in the Universe that fecundates Quetzalcoatl (the Feathered Serpent), the Solar Logos. 9 p.257 E). But, if we are intelligent, we can take advantage of that solar energy in us, in order to become solar men. But, when we talk about that type of inter-penetration, the solar light penetrating and going out, it is what is called the Cosmic-Common-Trogo-Auto-Egocrat, the law of reciprocal nourishment of all living cosmoses. We are penetrating into what we call Christ; the cosmic consciousness. All rights reserved. Now, let us dive further down through the cosmos, into our planet Earth. In the same way, Master Samael Aun Weor says that the Ain Soph is the womb from where the Chaos comes; everything is there in Chaos, but from that Chaos will eventually emerge any universe; the same happened to us. But, though we call it a black hole, in truth it is not really black. When you fornicate, you destroy your common sense: intuition is related with the pineal gland. That Bar (son) is that archetype that we call Jesus Christ; the name for that archetype in Aramaic is Bar. "Saklas said to his angels, 'Let us create a human being after the likeness and the image.' And they fashioned Adam and his wife Eve." Cain murdering Abel became the downfall of humanity. Easy to understand, right? You and the Solar Absolute become one force, even though you retain your individuality. Barbl (Greek: )[1] refers to the first emanation of God in several forms of Gnostic cosmogony. Confused? saklas and barbelovet tech jackets. Now, let us penetrate, from the galaxy, into our solar system. Let us examine the letter Aleph. What you gather inwardly, you send outwardly; that is why you sing: Belilin, Belilin, Belilin (you gather those solar forces, inwardly). Saklas is one of the false angels was created by Yaldabaoth, probably being the first angel created by him. This name comes from the name of the God of the Babylonian and Germanic people, who named their Sun God Bel or Beleno. [7] Meyer, Marvin. The Gnostic scriptures portray him as ignorant, malicious, and utterly inferior to the true God who sent Christ to earth to save humankind from the demiurges evil world. When Heracles is sent by Elohim as "a prophet of the uncircumcision" to overcome "the twelve evil angels of the creation," i. e. the maternal angels, Babel, now identical with Omphale, beguiles and enfeebles him (p.156; x. This is the complication that we call nature; this is what life is, in us and in the universe. Saklas This is understandable, right? So, by performing this permutation, this transmutation, is how we develop Seth, which Krumm-Hellar stated is the same Christ. To be sure, Jews, Roman pagans, and the Gnostics fellow Christians found the Gnostic idea of an evil creator to be shocking and blasphemous. All of those Suns, in themselves, form that Protocosmos, which is the third aspect of that Abstract Absolute Space, which in Greek we call the Cosmic Christ. The word Barbelo comes from the Aramaic language. Bar Aelohim means the son of Aeholim. In living memory, the Catholic Church invoked the verses where the Jews called for this very blood to be, not just upon their own heads, but upon their every succeeding generation. So, rock and roll, rap, etc, that comes from the space, but from down there, the space below. The number 8 is the symbol of the infinite.

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saklas and barbelo