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40 years spent with suffering only, wonder when my life will become better. Limitations, obstructions and problems may be experienced with inheritances, other people's money, one's sex life, taxes and insurance. This blog,http://psychologicallyastrology.comand all the material in it, is my personal experiences, copyright and my intellectual property, do respect this. Thanks to the universe and my sincere gratitude to you for this really useful post. Feelings of being unloved, unwanted, and unappreciated occur with this position. The 12th house with an auspicious Saturn is very good for spiritual growth. That is the planet of karma. It is possible that you were betrayed by your religious teacher, family or religious group in a past life. It is not about money, you have to learn to share happiness, say kind words to your family/ friends, offer respect, also sing aloud in the bathroom and go for walks in nature and try to elevate your soul. Generally labor intensive jobs are indicated with this position, which might be boring, repetitive or unsatisfying to your mind. Contains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each customer. Saturn in the 4th house means that you are now required to perform more duties related to your home because you neglected or abandoned your family in a past life. Saturn in Ashwini Nakshatra. used to store timezone and locale information from client device. The different planets in your chart represent different roles and lessons. Either way, the lesson is for you to learn the value of maintaining a good relationship and to value it. Try to stay optimistic in your thinking and in the meantime simply keep working hard. You fear being alone yet cannot bring yourself to open up. I have Saturn, Mars and Moon In Virgo in 3rd House. Only tip is to be true to yourself, shun hypocrisy and try to be as genuine as possible. The lesson is to, yes fulfill your goals but if you have become a work-a-holic, the one thing you will be responsible for is to find a 12-step program for it. Saturn in these houses will help you do this in a systematic manner. eg saturn in jagrit avastha is very differnt from swapna and there are so many subtle layers of meanings, how can anyone generalise anything? I hope you would be kind enough to address those , One request is that i may have some personal details that you may want to hide/delete when/if you post it publicly, Looking forward to having some guidance & insights Tejaswini ji, Hi there You will find yourself being your own worst enemy as there is a lot of karma within, as you will subconsciously sabotage yourself from achieving any sense of happiness. You may be somewhat of a tyrant or strict disciplinarian in your home or with your family. To recognize visitors, calculate unique visitors creating report, recognize returning visitors. Mathematics and strategy games may appeal to you. You need emotional support but it is denied or you might be scared to open yourself to your loved ones. And hard aspects involving Saturn to other planets will affect other areas of your life, which will stem right from the source of the house and sign where Saturn is located. Meeting and interacting with people is helpful in this position. Eg one of my brothers has an exalted Yogkarak Saturn in the 1st house. There might be problems in hearing or speech. Check out which planet is aspecting him. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Always try to bring kindness, gentleness, spirituality and acceptance into these things represented by Saturn, however difficult it may seem. Perhaps you may find yourself to be in trouble with the law, depending on Saturns position and condition. i havent even got into the details that make up Jyotish, and people want to generalise! i think i have written on that too in this post You will value yourself, self-validation is the most important asset. Keep your chin up and realize that no hard work is ever wasted and that rewards will come to you later in life if you buckle down now and toe the line. Your possessions are apt to bring worries rather than happiness because you may need to learn to share with others. When it comes to Karmic insight, since Saturn represents weaknesses and fears from your past life, you will have . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Or were made to suffer for your personal views on religion, faith etc. saturn+jupiter in 6th in d-1 seems challenging but in moon-pisces it is in 11th. Do we interpret the sign Saturn is found in similarly? The tip here is to work hard to systematically overcome at least one of the items indicated by the 3rd house. You may be intolerant and critical of others and their beliefs. And Aries Saturn always creates more trouble. It is time to face these hidden unlearned lessons and to face them head-on in order to be on the way to peace. You may have a desire to accumulate possessions, for security reasons. Saturn takes about 29 years before it will return to that same house or department of your life. The lesson in this incarnation is to work on processing your thoughts and conveying them properly, as well as to listen to what others have to say and to take it seriously. Talking too much is what you did in a previous life with this placement without listening. This is a person who you would normally find working in closed spaces such as prisons, or rehab centers or even captured and locked down against his or her will away from . So much great infomation. This may be a result of an abusive family, broken family, feeling unloved, absence of love, broken heart, coldness, emotional trauma, sexual crime, abuse of the occult, etc in early childhood or past lives. You may find yourself to have difficulty in work situations, obsessed with health, or even suffering from poor health often. Saturn in the First House: A very strong need to express the responsibility of one's Soul Purpose. You may find yourself isolated and have a hard time relating to others. Remember, once you are able to fulfill your duties, you will appreciate your freedom a lot more and you will have earned it. Accept the help offered. You are expected to work hard and sincerely in these aspects of life. Saturn - It is all that which we don't like in our life. Perhaps you have this placement due to too many lessons from different previous lifetimes not taken seriously or ignored or abused. How to interpret transit for the charts having moon in dushma sthan? Always choose the ethical and moral option in life. Personal interests and hobbies need to serve a practical purpose for you in order for you to enjoy them. The House that Saturn occupies in your birth chart shows the area of life that you take very seriously. That is the most rewarding part of it. Perhaps in a previous life, you had abused your freedom, may have proselytized, or downright persecuted others for not sharing the same beliefs as you. In order to attain your goals and objectives, you have to be patient and willing to work hard. So if you can do some simple spiritual practice things will change for the better. Saturn wants you to learn about power. If you have Saturn in the 5th House, you perhaps feel unloved and unappreciated. New posts will be sent by email. Listen to it, recite it .. keep the shri yantra as ur phone wallpaper.. You may question absolutes, God and religion in general. Is it time for a Karmic reward or time to pay a Karmic debt? How Saturn in 7th, where it is having directional strength helps in karmic repay. The partner evolves and so do you, relationships change with time, accept this. If you have Saturn in the 3rd House, your mind is serious, exacting, patient and orderly plus you have the ability to concentrate on deep subject matter. Survival issues may come into play. You prefer to not travel. Next, you fear intimacy. Your concentration upon deep subjects is probably quite good. Aries and the 1st house rule anything to do with yourself as a whole. You may also be forced by your family to follow a certain faith even though you do not agree with it. Attitudes toward sex may cause difficulties. Either you went through these issues or perpetrated them on others. FOURTH HOUSE . Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Or you were not treated in a humane manner. If you have Saturn in the 2nd House, you tend to be thrifty, practical and responsible, especially with money and possessions. . Saturn is always karmic duty, fear, restrictions, constrictions, budgeting yourself, making full use of what you have, etc. Inner worries may cause ulcers. Positive aspects to Saturn are there as gifts to help you work on lessons in a positive manner that Saturn is presenting. . Diet may need to be watched and improved as your body may not assimilate everything it needs from the food you eat. About a year and a half ago, the English translation of the Shani mahatmya quite magically presented itself to me at a tiny bookshop of a small airport which I wouldnt have gone into had my flight not been delayed! You want security in relationships but too much of a stability can get suffocating. This is called a Saturn return. Frm moon fr emotional context Saturn in the 3rd house the third house is the house of boldness, choices, brothers/sisters, extended family, neighbourhood, skills, trade, short distance travel, teammates etc. But now Saturn will give you the opportunity to rectify things. When Aries is related to the twelfth house, the karmic debt may stem from injury or death from a violent act, often the result of unleashed anger or rage. (Dreamstime) We often get fearful on hearing few numbers such as 13, 14, 16 and 19. Those are the areas of your life that you would find to be the . Saturn brings about maturity. You are generally hard-working and practically oriented. Unless we have repaid this debt we. This house needs patience and continuous effort. You generally take good care of your body, exercise, diet, take medicines in time etc so that you remain fit. You may have cheated on your spouse in a past life, or maybe the role was reversed. I have this placement in Sagittarius, aspected by and aspecting the 9th Lord (7/7). The houses he controls, ie where is Capricorn and Aquarius in the chart. "For what does it profit a man to gain the entire world and lose his own soul?". Initially in life, there will be some trouble at home, parents (esp mother) will be unavailable, cold, absent, divorced or dead. There may be an unconscious desire to make restitution for wrongs committed in previous lives. These numbers work for you provided you . Family problems almost always exist with this position but try to learn to resolve them. This phase has been so difficult for me that I couldnt see light at the end of the tunnel. You need to learn to open yourself up to forming new friendships and to develop faith in letting your hopes and wishes come true, even though it will require hard work. Your judgment and ability to analyze things will be affected as well. Either you went through these issues or perpetrated them on others. In this case, you will have a difficult time getting in touch with your creative side, asserting any kind of authority, may have a difficult time finding joy in anything. There will be very few genuine people like this in your life. Analyse his power to give results using Shad-bala, Ashtakvarga etc as per your level of understanding. Please advise what are my karmas (professional or personal) in this life and how can i make it better? You may also fear marriage and never get married at all. You may also be obsessed with humanity and donating to organizations that are important to you that it literally could take over your life. To understand the role of Saturn better, look to its sign, house, aspects. However if he is inauspiciousthen it can get very troublesome as he restricts the positive influence of the 12th house. There is the higher law of Karma operating for all. You are perhaps cautious about marriage, but, when committed, may find it very difficult to leave your marriage partner, even if you are unhappy. Part 1, What is the Karmic Reason for Intercepted Planets? It is not an easy life for a Scorpio ascendant. Learning new skills is difficult. They certainly can be enduring, though. Hi there You might have faced restricted circumstances in your initial life. I stumbled upon your blog during the lockdown and it has been tremendously helpful to me. So later various types of problems will emerge. To read what Saturn represents in astrology, go to Lesson 5: The Planets. You will often go out of your way to heal/ help them. Perhaps you were bullied, and you did not live up to your wishes as a result of fear. I love the content on this website. You may feel like you want to run away from responsibilities in regard to your family. Here lies your Karmic debt or baggage, this house can give you a tough time as well. Wherever Saturn is placed that house represents the native's pending karma of that particular house. Misuse or abuse of the power you had on others. Nice article. By clicking "Allow All" you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyse site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Remember, most importantly, Saturn is not there to punish you. The responsibilities of marriage or the fear of marriage may delay marriage. It is possible that, in your past lives, you were thrown out from your society, outcaste types and thus now you are not sure about your community. Saturn in the 9th house of luck and divine blessings will make you a non-believer, an atheist. You have been learning that your natal chart is indicative of past life lessons you need to learn. . Having Saturn retrograde transiting the 1st house can feel a bit like an astrological vacation. . My life is a real hell, suffering suffering and endless suffering. So if very important, eg in Libra he does give more balanced results even in 8th house Money and your possessions may have meant everything to you and you had forgotten what was truly important. Perhaps you committed crimes and murder in several lifetimes and never learned your lessons in any of those lifetimes. If you can think of some social cause you can participate in, this energy will be balanced. i have written a lot on 6th 8th 12th houses, do use the index page. used to store and identify a users unique session ID for the purpose of managing user session on the website. One thing is that you will be made to work or take on added responsibilities because of your friend circle. Dr yugal tak, Hi there Sincere thanks for this post. If you have older siblings you cannot establish good relations with them. This post is regarding the position of your birth Saturnand how it affects you on the inner levels. Follow these five steps to give yourself a karmic cleanse. Thank you for Sharing your invaluable knowledge. the 8th house is the natural scorpio, the natural house of mars and the subtle energies are the same.

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saturn in 1st house karmic debt