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What does the Captain of the Enterprise have planned for his lying doctor? The monsters that wanted to eat him were yet another turn-off. I do not own or profit from these characters, they belong to Gene Roddenberry. https://st-ficfinder.livejournal.com/932787.html?thread=3464371#t3464371, Khan manufactured an apocalypse - Kirk/Spock or Kirk/Bones, Looking for Spones fic- AOS, Baseball game on the Enterprise, Looking for two Tarsus IV related/Survival Fics, Looking for ginger ninja's, posyvanilla's, and mangochi's star trek fics. Among other things. Jim is an omega. Torture | Memory Alpha | Fandom Star Trek: Amok Time. Quando la vita del Capitano viene messa in pericolo, strani sentimenti riaffiorano nel suo Comandante costringendolo a rischiare come mai aveva fatto prima.TOS!AU, Episodio prompt!licenza di sbarco; Spock/Kirk; (Cast reboot). "In Star Trek, anything is possible, right?" That was the idea behind that.". Spock had managed to find cover after the explosion, his sharp Vulcan senses alert. Kirk/Spock: Explicit: 23,650: TOS: post-star trek iv, established relationship. And don't the most interesting things happen when you're bored? Kirk freaks out and all three of them have to go looking for him. Work Search: Published in 1988 as the print fanzine "An Oath of Bondage". Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Poison, a star trek: 2009 fanfic | FanFiction Or, in less general words, it's about Jen Kirk dragging Spock the Wrinkly One, kicking, screaming and internally crying tears of laughter on his imaginary Jim's shoulder, well into her found family circle, and him saving her more times than it's decent to count. He wishes that his mother never fell for his stupid human father, whos legacy he cant seem to match up to. I and Spock have been dating for four months now and I never thought he would do something like this! Hurt James T. Kirk - Works | Archive of Our Own Hello Star Trek friends I'm looking for a handful of fics that others have posted about previously. When Kristine is asked to be the medical assistant for an old flame, Doctor McCoy aboard the Enterprise, she finds herself making new friends and finding old ones while on inter-galactic adventures. Hi! Or, the story of how Beyond came to be with little rewrites of TOS and my own headcanons. Oh, how he was being tugged in two differing directions. With the Star Trek universe being in constant time/spacial/dimensional flux due to ever changing timelines it is necessary to set forth a sort of principal guideline to choose which general time period you wish to be a part of. Neither Kirk nor Spock profess to be enthusiastic about their union. You can see the video embedded below. All rights reserved. Spock was never going to pick Jim, who people believe is a functioning alcoholic and who sometimes enters the bridge with his gold shirt on backwards. However, since she could only legally divorce Spock through the kalifee, and allowing Stonn to take the challenge as her champion would risk losing him, she instead chose Kirk, knowing that regardless of the outcome, she and Stonn would be together - as Spock would either be dead or in prison for killing Kirk. Set after Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and during Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. When Jim is left disabled following his revival from the warp core, he must learn to navigate a life grounded with a captaincy cut short, and Spock must face a decision on an upcoming captaincy that he never desired. The consequences? There was a game that was played in the shuttle bay, I think towards the end of the story, and Spock was in the stands cheering Bones on. They are torturing a member of his crew! Author: Skellig8 Pairing: Kirk/Spock Genre: drama, romance Rating: R Word count: 11 300 Summary: James T. Kirk, captain, scientist, and misunderstood genius. Will is learning to navigate their friendship while she is with Worf. When Kristine is asked to be the medical assistant for an old flame, Doctor McCoy aboard the Enterprise, she finds herself making new friends and finding old ones while on inter-galactic adventures. Jim Kirk had been running from his past for as long as he could remember. It's not easy being captain of a starship for Kirk, especially when every two minutes he has to thwart attempts on his life, attempts to overthrow him, and sometimes even attempts on his life plus attempts to overthrow him at the same time. Ch1) After coming back to his own universe from a transporter mishap Dr.Leonard McCoy finds himself in trouble when his captain discovers he might not be as beta as he claims. More poetry done by me. Kirk/Spock Fanfiction :: Automated Archive Then the Vulcan is taken hostage by some hostile aliens and only after few days of desperate searching the Enterprise is able to retrieve him. 2. I was totally into this. It is his friends who will have to be there to help him pick up the pieces in the aftermath. Take This Sinking Boat (And Point It Home), This Trailer Park Is a Shithole but Goddammit, It's Home, On the Subtle (and not) Differences Between Vulcan Handshakes and Human Kisses, Friendship and Love, Xenolinguistics, Astrophysics, and Love: The Complete Education of a Starship Captain, used to be one of the rotten ones (and I liked you for that), The Immovable Object and the Unopposable Force, What We Don't Say (or The Epic Wedding of Jim and Spock), 5x Spock melded w/Kirk & 1x Kirk melded w/Spock, pulling pigtails and other methods of human communication, You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes a While). On the ship, Spock announces his intention to resign from Starfleet and submit himself to whatever consequences await him for killing Kirk. However, it keeps catching up to him. In the grand scheme of things, Leonard McCoy can only be sure of one thing Victoria More is special. With the battle over, Spock now realizes what has happened. Prompts and more Certain situations demand dramatic music. The name arises from the use of the slash symbol (/) in mentions in the late '70s of K/S (meaning stories where Kirk and Spock had a romantic [and often sexual . The Survivors Eligh: Kirk/Spock . In space, there are things that can go wrong. When Jim started sitting in on Professor Spock's lectures as prep for the Kobayashi Maru, he hadn't exactly been after private lessons, but hey-- he'll take it. Five people who assumed Jim Kirk was straight and the one individual who knew better from the beginning but still got a surprise. Jim picks up the search where George left it off, and is able to map out where the device is. As I remember this is aftermath of Narada, the crew is back to academy and Spock (for some reason) is trying to find Jim. Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. cNote Collections designed & created by the StoryMistress; original photography & images. Then he asked for some clothes, but only Spock gave him his sweater, and then they went away. Enjoy : ), A Sci-Fi impression I did for a school project. To make the choice to continue when living would be intolerable, for the survival of others--or for that of just one--is, strangely perhaps, much more difficult. But the future is uncertain Kirk suspects something happened to Spock while he was away from the Enterprise but he can't get him to talk. When assigned to the Enterprise he finds not only his alpha, but soulmate, in his first officer Spock. Please consider turning it on! Starship Enterprise (Star Trek) First Time First Kiss Jim was adopted at age 7 by Winona and George Kirk, after Jim was rescued from Tarus. We know what happened, but we do not 'see' it happen. Specifically, I'm looking for any fics from authors: ginger ninja, posyvanilla, and mangochi. It was my understanding, Captain, that humans tended to reject negative emotions and seek to alleviate them. After a surprising night of passion on Argeelius, Kirk and Spock begin an erotic relationship. Spock compares his need to return to Vulcan to the need for eel birds of Regulus to return every eleven years to the caverns where they hatched, and also to salmon of Earth who must return to the stream where they were born to spawn. (ENT: "Fortunate Son"), As part of a bluff to the con artist Dala, Tuvok stated that torture was commonplace in Telsian prisons. Sarek goes to investigate but is trapped on an uninhabited planet with Winona Kirk just as he begins Pon Farr himself. This is an answer to Juni's Love vs. Rape Trauma challenge, seen below: Can we have some hurt/comfort story with lots of angst? Captain Kirk is tortured by Tristan Adams. An original Star Trek adventure set outside of the Milky Way Galaxy with original characters. Recent Additions. Would love to read more. In which the events of Beyond never take place, and Jim takes the Admiralty job. Star Trek Fanfiction 33 Stories (Updated 2021) - Inkitt The combat continues and Spock garrotes Kirk with a traditional weapon, at which point McCoy pronounces the Captain dead and has his body beamed back to the Enterprise. It was this sort of response that made Spock, Spock in Jims opinion. Work Search: )Thank you in advance for any help! Jim hadnt planned to have sex after being marooned on Delta Vega. I'm looking for a fic I read on a03 probably 3+ years ago, that was basically a rewrite of season 1 ep 15, Shore Leave. - . Kirk confronts Spock, who says he has no memory of having changed the order. Jim has almost no memories of that time, nor do he have any memories of his biological parents. There were a lot of reasons behind this, not least of which was the fact that he really needed to get back to the Enterprise to prevent the destruction of the literal Earth. They are in a group that gets dropped off in a random part of the wilderness on earth and have to survive for x amount of days. The group is set to work at a prison camp (sent into a mine shaft daily) and Jim tries to plan an escape. In one way or another. Seemingly embarrassed, Spock informs that his condition is called Pon farr, a very personal biological syndrome that all Vulcan males painfully endure periodically throughout their adult life. Kirk heaved a sigh. Books/Movies/Games! Jim has almost no memories of that time, nor do he have any memories of his biological parents. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Suspense - J. Kirk, Spock, L. McCoy/Bones, Carol Marcus - Chapters: 18 - Words: 64,172 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 12/8/2019 . Summary: When Kirk is taken captive by a slave-culture, he is forced to swear an oath of bondage -- and Spock, amnesiac and injured, may be compelled to honor that oath if they ever see one another again. Pike/Boyce watch over both wistfully as it reminds them about the beginning of their relationship.Kirk has trust issues, but does trust Pike. Jim KirkMcCoyJimMcCoy. Spock and Jim save their parents, only to discover that they are now stepbrothers. It became a controversial idea. After lost his t'hy'la, Mirror Spock kidnapped Jim and retired from the fleet. Are they still together? Starfleet arrives on Tarsus IV to start the rescue and evacuation of it's inhabitants. They meet at a party. I am not great at finding livejournals or other non-main story sites. Im looking for another deleted fic. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II"), In 2259 of the alternate reality, Nyota Uhura assured James T. Kirk that a Klingon patrol would torture, question, and kill them and the other crew members who were inside their K'normian trading ship. If the condition persists, Spock will die in eight days from the physical and psychological stress. The video does not come directly from Paramount but rather from the Gene Roddenberry Estate and OTOY, who created it for the new Roddenberry Archives website where fans can virtually tour the bridge of the Enterprise as it has appeared throughout Star Trek's history and more. Nyota e Kelly so sequestradas juntas. ", This is the last time (I'm asking you this), actually it's First Years Into Reform Vulcan, Five bad days aboard the ISS Enterprise (plus one outdoors). And Spock has always appreciated his talent for theatrics. I can't remember if they all divide into smaller groups or if they stay in one big group the entire time but I do remember someone gets injured and Jim has to help them up a cliff. Thank you for all the support I've been getting recently!!! And for the crew of the Enterprise, things go very wrong. He breaks into the city and tries to get the civilians to help but the mine owner's are there trying to convince the authorities that he is just a prisoner escapee and that he's lying to get free. Not savor them., Yes, well, Jim trailed off. The Cardassians were one such example, justifying their torture of Jean-Luc Picard in 2369 by claiming the treaty only applied to those acting on behalf of a treaty signatory, which Picard would not admit to doing. FanFiction Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Eventually, Jim convinces the authorities that the prisoners are being mistreated/killed and they free everyone. AU On shoreleave with Gary Mitchell, Kirk buys and frees a Vulcan slave who turns out to be the son of the Vulcan ambassador who has been missing for 3 years Originally published in 1982 in the print fanzine Final Frontier # 1. Please consider turning it on! I like tormenting my favorite characters. Jim doesn't know he's seriously hurt while he and Bones are stranded on a planet. in hangar (?) Contents 1 Purposes 2 Incidence 3 Appearances 4 References 5 External link Spock explains to them that Vulcans are married as children with the understanding that they will fulfill this commitment when they become adults. It is commonly believed that slash fan fiction originated during the late 1970s, within the Star Trek: The Original Series fan fiction fandom, starting with "Kirk/Spock" stories generally authored by female fans of the series. You are a powerful man who chooses to serve an evil woman! A new short set in the Star Trek universe depicts the recovery of the USS Enterprise-D and Spock's visit to James Kirk's grave on Veridian III. To seal their new and strained agreement, Spock is given in marriage to captain Kirk. Examples: Pharmercy - sounds like pharmacy which is fitting bc mercy is a doctor and it includes Pharah . Something has come to the Enterprise seeking answers. I just want you to see who i am by ashayatreldia. For ease of reporting spam and other abuse, please let me know of it via this sticky post, which I will also edit as needed. It is ultimately self-defeating as a means of control. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Looking for an academy era fic where Jim has no refractory period and Bones is very accommodating. Spock shares a fantasy with his newly discovered soulmates James Kirk and Leonard McCoy. Kirk is weakened by Vulcan's heat and thinner atmosphere and must struggle harder against Spock's strength. (based loosely on a fanart I've seen and went absolutely bonkers over). A simple mission for Jim and Spock goes awry because of course it does. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident"), In August of 2151, Matthew Ryan and the crew of the ECS Fortunate held a Nausicaan as prisoner and tortured him during interrogations to get the frequencies of the Nausicaan ship shields from him. Star Trek: Amok Time | FanFiction Wiki | Fandom This story is about Jim graduating from Starfleet Academy and finding himself on the Enterprise, where he must spend six weeks training to work on a starship. At one point in Star Trek: The Final Frontier, they're on shore leave together trying to find Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, and getting hopelessly lost in the process. Kirk/Spock - List | Diigo Looking for a Mirror!verse fic and a medical-oriented longish fic [AOS] Half-solved! Something is wrong with him, but I can't remember what. (Star Trek Into Darkness). Thks in advance! A poem written after the passing of my mother. Kirk is baffled by the strange behavior and Spock's unwillingness to tell him more than "I need rest", but honors Spock's request and diverts the Enterprise to Vulcan. This site is not affiliated with any official Star Trek entity. He takes a team outside to destroy the device, but Khan gets wind, and there's a showdown between the two of them. "Yeah," Kirk said, a half smile cracking the dried blood around his mouth, "Yeah, pretty amusing I'd say." Slow burn BonesOC, primarily set after Beyond. Pike had his decayed fingers harshly tugging at his vena cava, pulling and pulling and pulling until his heart would give out. It's science fiction, and your imagination is endless. The only thing he knows is that he is one-quarter Vulcan. Spock Takes place after 'City on the Edge of Forever'; a dying Captain Kirk is brought to the planet Vulcan where he is healed by a young woman with secrets of her own. This story was originally intended for publication in the KisCon 2013 zine, however, due to delays in completing another project for the con as a result of computer issues, I was not able to finish it in time. As Kirk and Bones begin their relationship, Pike and Boyce act more as fathers to each of them, encouraging them to get together. This is their story of becoming friends, then lovers, and finally husbands. I am also kinda tired of Kirk being portrayed as an idiot or oblivious. I'm am trying to find two fics that I read a few years ago that deal with Kirk's survival abilities following Tarsus IV. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (76), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (34), Star Trek: The Original Series (Movies) (22), Pre-Canon (Star Trek: The Next Generation), Post-Canon (Star Trek: The Original Series), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Julian gets changed into a Cardassian and its gonna be everyone's problem, the stupidly handsome Julian Bashir and pining Elim Garak, and there was only TWO beds that get pusheed into ONE, Book: The Final Reflection - John M. Ford, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Crew of the Starship Enterprise as Family, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Original Female Character(s), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship, Odyssey and Mirror Universe book series compliant, Canon Divergence - Star Trek: Into Darkness. Later, Kirk asks Mr. Chekov how long it would take to get to Altair if they diverted to Vulcan just long enough to drop off Mr. Spock; Chekov replies that Spock has already ordered a course change to Vulcan. //Additional pairing: Sarek/Amanda // stella-andrea.livejournal.com/6341.html Star Trek Kirk_Spock fanfiction slash winona_sarek pon farr NC-17 Kirk orders him to report to sickbay for a full examination. Should Jim not be putting his all into mourning Pike? Jim, who flirts a lot. Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard McCoy witness one of Spock's outbursts, including the throwing of a bowl of Vulcan plomeek soup specially prepared for him by Nurse Chapel, and McCoy agrees Spock needs some "time off". In fact, one particular one I am looking for, I believe it is TOS, is one where he is waiting for Spock to catch up to him emotionally, and come to him. But I admire Gene Roddenberry's dreams. Hello! Bonus point for McCoys involvement he knows what happened to Spock but he cannot tell that to Jim due to the doctor/patient confidentiality, but he tries to persuade Spock to speak with Kirk about it. Because even in the 23th century people still make assumptions. The Admiral denies permission, but Kirk ignores the order, arguing there are already two other starships attending the Altair VI ceremony. Following the fal-tor-pan, Spock is still struggling to recover his memories. James T. Kirk was an omega who defied the stereotypes to become the youngest Starfleet captain in history. Six months after being taken prisoner and raped by a Vulcan captain, Kirk finds that same Vulcan is now being assigned as his first officer when peace between Vulcan and Earth is declared. That's a way of getting to know someone better. Furious hot blood roars in Kirk's ears, nearly loud enough to drown out his navigator's shrieks. I'm looking for a McCoy/Spock AOS fic that has Spock upset about baseball because Bones had an old injury from when he played in school. Or tentacles, for that matter. Add to that the fact that Little Jim wasnt exactly a great performer in sub-zero conditions, and, well, yeah. Captain Kirk is getting blackmailed by an anonymous crewmember, which causes him to lose his self-esteem.On the bridge, Kirk's friends notice that their Captain is not acting himself, and intervene, and when Spock, Uhura, Bones and Scotty find out Kirk's secret, they do not rest until they find the culprit, as well as assuring their friend that he is loved and revered. Spock explains his relationship about Nyota. I can't find these anywhere, no matter how many times I sift through the tags on AO3. The duel pains Spock, and he asks that T'Pau forbid it because Kirk "does not understand, he does not know", but T'Pau allows it. Cue to Kirk to figure it out and offer lots of comfort and TLC to his traumatized Vulcan. The video does not come directly from Paramount but . It took a long time for James T. Kirk to finally accept and acknowledge that for him, Spock had always been his own universal constant. The Andorian Ambassador knew all the horror stories about the Enterprise and its human captain, the infamous James T. Kirk. Furthermore, Kirk is let off the hook for disobeying orders when Starfleet retroactively grants permission to divert to Vulcan at T'Pau's request. He is looking everywhere but Jim is like a ghost everybody just saw him (helping with something) but he seems to just went for the next task. On Stardate 3372.7, in the year 2267, Mr. Spock, first officer of the Constitution-class Federation starship USS Enterprise NCC-1701, abruptly requests a leave of absence to his home planet of Vulcan after displaying irrational behavior for several days. All of a sudden, their ship stops dead in space--everything is working, but they aren't moving. Spock, Lady Amanda, and Captain Kirk's young nephew, Peter Kirk, are taken as political hostages by Orion warriors. It's revealed at the end that he's done this to other planets. I swear the actual fic is better than the summary, I just can't summarize to save my life lol. Kirk lost a bet to Spock. The Kelvin timeline also sees a fair share of Chekov/Sulu shipping, but given that Sulu is happily married to another man in that timeline, those fics have cooled somewhat. It takes another Vulcan to save him when a man resembling Kodos comes aboard the Enterprise, reminding Kirk that he never truly escaped his past. Looking for Kirk/McCoy, Pike/Boyce Academy Fic. 20 Star Trek: Betrayal Chapter 13, a star trek: 2009 fanfic | FanFiction Star Trek Fic Finder LiveJournal Kirk accepts the challenge, thinking he can let Spock win then discovers that this is a fight to the death. But when stopping off at a Starbase turns sour, he finds no one in his corner but a few precious friends. Kirk kidnapped for slavery (funny fic) Hi there, I'm looking for a very funny fanfic about Kirk being captured for a sex slavery and then rescued by the team. Uhura on the other hand has her shit together- she speaks Vulcan fluently, always looks stunning, has her paperwork handing in early and even looks beautiful in does stupid robes she was made to wear for this ceremony. The unmistakable sound of an object hitting flesh, followed by a quickly stifled wail. Soon however, Kirk receives a priority signal with orders to proceed to Altair VI to represent the Federation at an inauguration ceremony for the planet's new president. It's a truth universally acknowledged that you never forget your first love.Recruited to be part of an exploratory mission to a planet where people live as in the Regency era, Spock finds himself forced to work side by side with captain James T. Kirk seventeen years after breaking up with him. It must be disrespectful, surely, to be so in love whilst being in the thralls of grief, especially to one that would never reciprocate his feelings. At least the kid is still fighting. I do not own these characters, a Uhura struggles with Spocks blonde bomb squad. This is how their first night together goes. 1. He manages to survive behind a desk for about a year before the need to be out there once more becomes too much for him to bear. Jim and his crew must do everything in their power to rescue them. A quick little story on love. Spock and Kirk are starting to develop a relationship. Jim takes it slowly for Spock sake and doesnt pressure for anything. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. Slave to an Evil Woman: Star Trek - Writing.Com tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. A full day of torture. Bones falling in love with a man. Jim is going through George's stuff, and finds out that George had his suspicions/found part of the machine (or something similar) on his adventures outside, but died before he could fully investigate/destroy it. Star Trek TOS: This side of Paradise. I have just finished reading through AO3, FF.net and KS Archives, but I will admit I might have missed something. In June of 2151, Commander Thy'lek Shran tortured Captain Jonathan Archer to get information about a Vulcan listening post at P'Jem from him. Also he has Dissociative Identity Disorder, which comes from severe trauma. A middle-aged woman gets herself stuck and needs help from her family, best friend and dog. Thats as far as Jim better let himself go. And for the crew of the Enterprise, things go very wrong. A new short set in the Star Trek universe depicts the recovery of the USS Enterprise-D and Spock's visit to James Kirk's grave on Veridian III. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Jim arrives on the Enterprise for the first time as a crew member and clasps Spock in greeting, without thinking, and Spock responds that they are bonded. Nuances of the relationship between the Obsidian Order and the Central Command. Unfortunately however, Captain Pike is expecting Jim in his office to sign some papers. T'Pring arrives accompanied by Stonn, a pure-blooded Vulcan, who is obviously her lover. Enjoy! Further complicating the situation is his first officer Spock, who may or may not be planning the mutiny of the century. Someone, something, in the universe is bored. However, that trust is broken when Kirk finds out that Pike knows about Tarsus and Pike didn't bother to let Kirk know this. Books/Movies/Games! Unfortunately these posts are from years ago and aren't being updated any more. But when Vulcan suddenly backtracks, forbidding all contact between Vulcans and Terrans, what will Kirk and Spock do? tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. SOLVED! (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II"), Acts of torture were in theory banned by the Seldonis IV Convention, however governments who were signatories to the treaty would often attempt to find ways around this restriction. Red-hot pokers are pushing Kirk's eyes out of his skull. Hello! Once there, Dr. McCoy discovers Spock's blood chemistry is extremely active and has the presence of unknown hormones. Spock writes to the reclusive scientist only he doesn't know it's Jim. I hope everyone is well. Eight months after Spock is abducted, Kirk finds him brainwashed into a pleasure slave. I always thought that it was a shitty grave on Veridian III. I do not own these characters. Khan goes to jail (or is killed), and the Earth goes back to the way it was. He is supposedly a genius, and he did make Captain. ComicBook.com asked Star Trek: Picard Season 3 showrunner Terry Matalas about what that could mean for Kirk's future in the Star Trek universe, including whether we could see Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Kirk, played by Paul Wesley, portraying the iconic character in Star Trek's 25th century. This also has ties to Star Trek: Picard, as an episode of the show's final season confirmed that Section 31 has Kirk's body in stasis at Daystrom Station.

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star trek fanfiction kirk tortured