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Admindium can use a bonus action to move animpaled creature up to 30 feet to another location within range.Frightful Presence. great treasure can be found aboard. Until this grapple ends, the creatureis restrained. An exit lies on the opposite side of the room from where As the players walk (or are pushed with the current) the players enter, which, if taken, will dump the playerthrough the room, they will stub their toes on a random characters out into a randomcollection of metal objects lying in the goop. As Lady Gammon often speaks salesman who specializes in supplies like anvils. The Wizards Watering Hole of peace and restfulness. This delicious meal is packed with a magical cheese that changes flavor every few seconds! Gammon would not be able to turn it down. Prim can attack once with a Poisoned Dart and1/day each: darkness, faerie fire then twice with One-Two Punch.Sunlight Sensitivity. Attitude: Agitated (4) The FlamingA bubbling, burbling drink served hot in a rounded Hairy Eyeballglass, perfect for warming your hands on a cold day. A cherry stabbed through the Constitution check) this concoction will be filled center with a toothpick is the only decoration. reality. While initially of the Rail-Away (other than Tarmo as the conductor), hehappy to earn her coin in this way, she was completely discarded chooses not to associate with anyone he considers beneathby Gammon once he purchased his way into false nobility. What to Do Plot Three To get out of being accused and carted off to jail for Verity is understandably stressed to see her former the murder of Lord Gammon, the player characters unsavory boss Lord Gammon aboard the Rail-Away. Their beaks are yellow with red tips, She has a pet pseudodragon named and feature a curve that resembles a slight frown. Dark Spirit Calling - 4 sp Combining a tall stout with a dose of dark red wine and dark molasses spirits leads to overwhelming richness. Hammond Axman is on board, there is a good chance he will have lost to him in cards). (Sleight of Hand) check. Ever-burning torch sconces are spaced regularly around Attached to the check-in desk is a not-very-well- the room, providing additional illumination, the flickeringhidden scrap of parchment paper that any character with flames adding to the ambience.passive perception of 14 or more will notice. A creature that tries transformed into a cow through true polymorph. He can be found anywherelength dark hair, dark eyes, and golden toned skin. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Inside is a bag of holding thattravels. She can innately cast the Nimble Escape. She tells the party that the shop it needs to beRail-Away, he also doesnt want to accuse anyone falsely. According to him, The Wildabacks overarchingspends most of his time on the Crown (area D), hunting goal is to simply travel and witness all that the world(s)for food during pauses, or venturing into The Ruins. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns 299 Map Index TREETOP TAVERN C1. He wears thick, protective gear even in the swel- tering heat of the engine room and does not appear to beTarmo is a male high elf, and serves as the Rail-Aways affected by the temperature at all. She mostly stays in her room in theRuby Sleeper Car and takes her meals there as well. Anyone with knowledge of Thieves Cant hasRail-Aways cars but serves three purposes: an area for advantage on the check. If a creature pops trespassing by any of the operators, the Ethereal Guardian one of these bubbles, they become invisible for 1 round. The chests mouth is 3 feet wide and 2 feet long. The party Quest Giver: Somen Gilrona, the Chefhas 1d4+1 rounds to dispose of the pests before they Important Note: This quest should only appear on thedestroy the track, leading to repairs and a delay. However, Gammon dies before he is able Moonshadow have been plotting to get rid of Lord to threaten him again. After 1d6 days, the guardian spontaneously ceases to exist. But, since youre obviously off on an adventure, Ill help you out. He smiles mischievously. Forvarious sizes scattered around. Each table has an irregularly shapedcircumstances, such as taking on a quest for tavern staff. Everything Sandwich - 5 sp This sandwich isnt for the faint of heart. Its doors command word is open. The walls mirror. He is, however, fully aware that Lord Almanor is not a boards the Rail-Away at the same time as Lord Gammon.nobleman. new horizons in front of it. If Dretin is brought out for questioning, she is sure tokeep her room locked. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns is a wondrous collection of taverns and inns, all with varying scales of fantasy. He was the first O ne on either side of the main stone arch in the Mainhire on The Wildaback, and helped assemble some of itscurrent structure. For convenience, each room is equipped with a sendingstone connected to the front desk. When settling the Quest Board section.disputes, it will communicate telepathically with a calm If a guest orders a meal that includesand soothing voice, urging guests to deal with their issues ingredients not readily available atoutside. Over the course of his career, GMs who include that event should make sure everyone he expanded from theft to greater gambits. The dealers resemble men in tailored suits, portals that lead to a dimension composed entirely of with oversized dice in place of their heads. The Dealers The TenderThe Dealers are detailed in the Casino (C2) section. Where is the stowaway? His games of choice are Knucklebones and Lady Ulume GammonPoker. The tables are always stools line the counter, which is where most regularset with crisp linen tablecloths, fine silverware, and a lit guests prefer to sit, as they are the best seats if you wantcandle for atmosphere. He wears spec- will use this in combat.tacles and has never been seen dressed in anything otherthan his conductors suit: a buttoned-up formal waistcoat He has a weakness for fancy bath products and his room has thewith stiff lapels and gold braiding on the shoulders. high with various crates and barrels. The loose structures have either been fastened with rope, or are held inplace by the overgrowth of these bones. If the partyempty room with another steel door on the other side. The floor is covered by a red velvet rug, the Dealers passive perception. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns [PDF] - Pinterest Lord Gammon suffers aches and a fever. from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities: exhaustion, frightened, petrified,Fibbona Chicken poisoned Damage Vulnerabilities: fire, radiantLarge monstrosity, unaligned Senses: passive Perception 9Armor Class: 9 Languages: understands Common and Giant but cant speakHit Points: 42 (5d10 + 15) Challenge: 3 (700 XP)Speed: 30 ft., fly 15 ft. Magic Resistance. Bishel knows everything about his business dealings, as he does not hesitate to speak in front of someone who Lord Darus Almanor cant object.If the idea of peacocking were to become personified, it would If a player character uses a detect magic spell in her vicinity or noticesbe Lord Almanor. the target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throwGray Bag of Tricks. points, and immunity to force damage and damage done As punishment for the destruction it caused, Buefo was by nonmagical weapon attacks. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. When The Wildaback is ready to continue traveling, either on its own whim or as directed by Kem Kasik, it raises itsmassive head and steps forward. Many say they have contains both the area that Kem uses to best communi-never slept better than when traveling on The Wildaback. Drawing Payout 1:1 1:1.5 1:2 1:2.5 1:4 1:6 wizards smoke from a pipe forces the subject to make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. The and Bishel Vossred herrings) are: words Youll regret it if youGuests dont are heard.Lord Tavarious Gammon, Lady Ulume Gammon, Esthene,Moonshadow, Lord Darus Almanor, Somen Gilrona, Bishel Afternoon Prim asks Tarmo Warberry if there Somen Gilrona andVoss, Trackle, Hammond Axman & Ryman Thorn is room for another staff member. Every time the player characters explore it, the GM can either roll 1d20or select an encounter from the following Encounter Table. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHACrush. in this declaration. At the GMs discretion, Ryman may learn additional details to help them during Accusations Fly.If the PCs visit the engineer, he will explain that hes However, they will need to come up with a reasonablebeen warned of a rust monster infestation on the tracks story for Knuckles explaining why they didnt find aahead and hed like some assistance dealing with it. If the players investigate, they may catch glimpses of Plains Hills/Mountains Seashoresomeone who appears to be a child in places no child 1d4 Bullette Abominable Yeti Giant Sharkshould be (as there are likely no families aboard the 2d4 Cockatrices Young Dragon (any type) Giant OctopusRail-Away). can operate them after studying the controls for 8 hours.Further along the mural, the same wizards are seenopening a portal that resembles the open pages of a book. All the toilets on the beasttents, with the main difference between rooms being the have create water gems installed with a pull cord. same cut of beef, and is confused by how consistently delicious it is. A magical, invisible barrier prevents other players have several options for changing the cows life. Locked VestibuleThe stairway leading up to the top floor ends at a large, fight in 1d4 rounds. dimensions from disrupting the extradimensional space. continue to attack, but will frantically ask how they died. Once aopting to spend his time chatting amiably with the tav- proud soldier of fortune, he found work on the Rail-Awayerns guests or studying history and languages. The book is an enchanted that resemble guests, and catalogue of the ingredients in this room, and when the arcane symbols. A very large nest sits atop a 40-foot-tall outcropping of the strange stone-like 1 Roc 11 substance that makes up the surface of The Wildaback. Her sudden appearance may surprise someMedium humanoid (drow), neutral evil guests due to her remarkably silent stride.Armor Class: 15 (chain shirt) Prim, a.k.a. Hot and spicy, it contains clear spirits, The Bugbear - 1 gp red pepper syrup, and Raivos special touch. Casino C3. He years. It is unclear how long Roll 1d4 to determine type:it has been there, but the edge of metal that can be seen below the hilt is still gleaming and rust-free. him food. 3. The air is heavy and damp, though the none of them pleasant.goop pushed through from the Rumen is only ankle- toknee-deep. The Misty Morning - 6 sp The Executioners Axe - 5 gp Attitude: Calm (1) Attitude: Angry (5)A tranquil blue and only lightly alcoholic cocktail, A drink with a bite, this cocktail contains no fewer the misty morning works well as a palate cleanser, than six different flavored alcohols that somehow combine to make something that tastes of nothing leaving a refreshing minty taste behind. Harvestable seed pods hang from it. carving around the doorway depicts a long-forgotten crea- ture with multiple heads, but portions of it are worn away.Shoulder PatioThis is a rectangular patio with bench seating and ever- There is a small alcove built into the wall for the guestburning torches, often used by guests to enjoy the night air. The taverns surplus of interdimensional magic has made it unstable. Hooves. chest feathers and darker feathers on their limbs and the tops of their heads. Roll 1d4 to determine Raivos starting attitude. They can often befirst long-term posting the troupe has ever been awarded. Outlets. To his trivial frustration, speaks to Tarmo Warberry about finding her cousin a job The Seeker never teaches Tarmo anything, saying that on the Rail-Away. Inside each room is an empty desk, Fibbona Chicken within the hour that it is laid. Grim Hollow: Core Book Bundle $ 149.97 $ 119.99 Add to cart Add to wishlist Sale! The Tender was created by Admindium to deal withSimilarly to The Tender, if they are destroyed, new the taverns day-to-day operations. all of the staff of the Rail-Away, but very motherly towards Prim in particular, as she knows the little goblins entire history. If a creature attempts to steal an egg, and is unaware of8 The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsTrail Seeker RulesThe Wizards Watering Hole B2. It looks easily transportable.5 The hilt of a weapon protrudes from the ground and can be easily pulled free. When his mood is good, thug stat block, but instead attacks with daggers (dealingthe flames are low lying, barely flickering, but as his anger 1d4 + 2 damage each).grows the flames grow stronger and gain real heat. illuminating sections of it with different colors. The main aspect of the project, and the most powerful device in the vessel, was The Cosmovect. Dretin Dalmura has advantage on saving Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16throws against being charmed, and magic cant put the drow Languages: Common, Goblin, some Elvishto sleep. The Seeker will only use the device to return to the taverns original location, strongly believing that The Wizards Watering Hole is meant to be shared, not stolen.The Wizards Watering HoleStat BlocksAdmindiumThis alien creature resembles a spindly purplehumanoid with six boney appendages thatprotrude from its back. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, rangedisadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom 30/120 ft., one creature. He has workedNora Treeforge is a halfling druid. The intact and active stone golems are located in the Qinlar is oddly observant and occasionally blunt, able following locations:to pick up on incredibly minor details about visitors, One on either side of the Main Stage (A3)such as their relationships or injuries. only tub on the train. If the player characters have taken on the All You Can Eatquest for Chef Sarphi, it is at the GMs discretion whether they immediately come upon the remorhaz burrow (Roll 6) or ifthey must first explore The Ruins and come upon it randomly.Roll Encounter Text Creatures CR 1 This area of The Ruins seems strangely green, with vines and other vegetation growing amongst the stone. A habitual Accusations Fly.liar and cheat, only his silver tongue has allowed him tosurvive this long. candles and ribbons of light that float through the air. To do so, A5. The Store RoomThis backroom is large. The most prevalent effect of this curse is Rai- on a special belt she had made for the purpose. The song doesnt finish a drink, but loves it when someone orders a full round.ends either after 1 minute or if she takes more than 10 damage from asingle attack, she cannot use this ability until the next nightfall. Patrons and guests will soon find the world below them breeze by, almost in a blur. They are obviously searching for something. Inside them are thousands of papers that describe Player characters who enter this hallway will be greeted every guest that has ever visited the tavern, includingby the wooden door at the end of the hallway flying open, what they enjoyed most about the visit. The groundThe Wildaback itself Two carved stone statues stand outside on either side of feels both solid and soft at the same time. The effect canLarge aberration, lawful evil penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone,Armor Class: 18 (natural armor) 2 inches of metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. 1d10 Tourmaline Gems (100gp) The Deep from either side of the Guest Check-In Area (A1). It has an intelli- The Potion Room is open to all guests for both study and gence of 10 and can attack four times on its turn, but it recreational purposes, but can only be operated by up to otherwise has the same statistics as animated armor. Restaurant and Bar Staff Raivo uses the gladiator statistics, with a few additionalabilities. Subscribe 14K views 1 year ago "The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns" is a soundtrack for your D&D adventures! If the player characters approach, the door opens and a dapper gnome pokes his head out. Dungeons of Drakkenheim: Mutagenic Masterpieces $ 144.94 $ 99.99 Add to cart Add to wishlist Sale! D5. If 3 Half-chewed treetops fall into DC 14 6d6 Damage the players attack first or attempt to collect any of the the room Dexterity 10d6 Damage gems, the xorn will attack. If The Cow takes acid or fire damage, it regains only 5 hitDamage Vulnerabilities: bludgeoning points at the start of its next turn. Those who pay any attention to her willSecrets: Esthene is Ulumes younger half-sister and quickly became notice that she does not speak, but seems to know whatLord Gammons mistress, though she does not love Lord Gammon in her employer wants without him even asking.any sense. Thumbnails. Esthene made sure that everyone saw cargo car with a few bunk beds inside. Oh, well youre not spending your time very wisely, he says cheerfully. If the players to sleep in the stasis chamber here will suddenly be dispel this effect using dispel magic, it will either attack them embraced by the invisible humanoid. At the end of the Hallway is a magical commoner. Completing characters might witness the halfling chef post it on the Questthis quest successfully will also provide a relationship Board after speaking with Lord Almanor. It tavern, lies off the bedroom. several mugs will approach them and attempt to lead them to the bar. It leadsto the Omasum (E3).E3. There are two suites in each carriage, the entire back end of the carriage, surrounded by ironwhich each include a private washroom (toilet, sink, railings with spear-shaped finials. Ulrich made a pact are covered with star patterns. T he Ethereal Guardian will arrive to help AdmindiumD1. Meals are served throughout the day and can also 7. The RuinsDescending the stairs off the walkway on either side of the Guest Check-In (A1)to the south leads to The Ruins. G reetings, and welcome to The Seeker's Guide World Travelers to Twisted Taverns! Animated Paintings. He hasfake, as is everything about him other than his haughty attitude.) Olin Wiscard Thrag visits The Wizards Watering Hole because he lovesA male human commoner, Olin is an aspiring wizard. The Swallows C4. However, thereVerity is a gorgeous elven musician, and is the stationary bard is a danger that, if provoked enough, he will vault over thefor the Rail-Away. Wearing these clothes the guest rooms. A larger room in the back of the storage enjoy the outside view, or shut them with leathery drapes. There is a scattering of bushes around.9 You come upon the incongruous sight of a small, serene pond. Once the fight is over, one of the guardians will offer the16 living form of their foe a lotus flower before becoming bound to them (as described in C4). In most contracts, he requestssuspiciously personal information almost as if hes Ryman is a fleetfoot halfling gentleman (commoner).searching for means to blackmail everyone he deals with. Qinlar keeps track of each The stage is big enough for substantial productions butweapons place, and has a master intimate enough that anyone watching almost feels likekeyword (barakor) he can shout they are part of the action.to unlock everything in caseof an emergency. hair and a thin face. her magnificent garden. Preston Hillmore is a rough but honest half-orc (commonerSecret: Trackle is cousin to Prim, who escaped their ore mine after Lady with a strength of 16). It works and helpfulness are determined by the GM. 2a. His to and to catalogue the creature itself (or the things foundclothing is of the highest quality and the latest styles. He keeps his black hair in a tidy man-bun andno love for either of her employers. Trackle harbors a strongly negative wears clean, well-worn leathers. 43The Seekers Guide to Twisted TavernsWildaback TavernD1. She has a low, husky voice even whenconversing normally, and people find themselves leaning in Alen Trismysto catch every word she says. The walls are lined with shelves.Two large stone tables, piled high with a wide assortmentof items, are in the center of the room. It wears a white three-piece suit, andcarries nothing other than a wand of wonders.Admindium Read Thoughts. While the outside of the carriage is of the The Staff Sleeper Car outwardly appears the same assame standard as the rest of the train, the inside is bare the rest of the Rail-Aways carriages, but the interiorbones and undecorated. Tarmo Warberrys favorite cocktail.The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 31RAIL-AWAY THE QUEST BOARDA chalkboard is located in the dining car and bears some The Deliveryscrawled requests for help from either tavern operators orguests. when it notices petty crimes being committed. Gammon Verity sings. communicated with using magical means. On a failure, the GM may cause one tied to it. The wizards A steel box containing a large, glowing sphere.have the stat blocks of archmagi, with the spells dispel magicand plane shift added to their prepared spell list. The Dealers are to stir up to 5 gallons of a liquid causes the liquid to boil unable to speak consciously, but will respond to inquiries (if possible). The Saddlebags look like someone took two buildings and draped them off the edges of the ruins and down Guests often visit the space to contemplate their own both sides of The Wildaback. There is a vague green glow along the edges.Casting identify will reveal that it is one of a pair and, if the center is depressed, it can be used to verballycommunicate with whoever holds the other tablet, no matter how far apart they are.If the artifact is shown to Urma Oogleback, she will exclaim in surprise and pull a matching tablet out of her pocket.Sami had given it to her when Kem had lost his from the set many years before. The Cosmovect After being set free, each wizard will take their first The door directly across from the player characters when they enter bears a label written in Celestial, which readsThe Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns Extra Storage. Inside the room is a massive contraption that defies logic. A few potted ferns in flanked by vaguely humanoid stone statues. If pressed for information, he will try to talk his way out of the Secrets: Lady Gammon met Lord Gammon only after he had takensituation by making up lies and trying to sound like he knows more than on his title. "The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns" - Album Trailer Hes the one that got her the job on the Rail-Away.perhaps her features. Social Share. While in sunlight, the drow has Poisoned Dart. She and her sister are manipulating Gammons habits with Secret: The choker she wears around her neck is, in fact, a collar ofa plan to kill him using poison, before Gammon can kill Ulume. They will pulled into any further schemes. He has amassed himself a dragons fortune.has light, sandy blonde hair and watery blue eyes. If the pendant is taken to NoraTreeforge, the druid, she will pay 500 gp for it and be eternally grateful, as it will release her from her chronic pain.10 A half-buried stone statue similar to the ones in the Main Hall of the tavern lies in the center of a small clearing. The ground level and basement are designated forguests to enjoy the atmosphere. Restroom (A6). with each other telepathically. This book is a collection of In addition to the taverns, this book also contains a fantastical locations that can be used in any 5th group of enigmatic NPCs called World Travelers.Edition setting. Puffs of smoke come out of the chim- Emit W. Saps N/A ney. If the train does not have any See Kogan Hamfist for details. and will regale listeners with hard-to-believe stories of hisCantrips (at will): minor illusion, prestidigitation, vicious mockery exploits in battle. He has invested all of his considerable and will quickly kiss him (depositing the poison via her (inherited) fortune into the train and considers the staff lipstick, which contains a slow acting Oil of Taggit poison to be the family he never had, as he has never married. It consists The lush greenscape makes the roof terrace a spot ofof an impressive carved stone slab held up by two detailed particular interest to the flying residents of the ruinsstatues of bird-like creatures. The mirror will show a reflection of the named room, teleporting the creature into the reflection before The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns appearing to shatter in front of them. above the floor on one-foot radius wooden rings. He requests that Verity sing her Brandr Fintan, and Tarmo Warberry to fight against them. After his tolerance. Admindium has advantage on saving Impale. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns - Full Soundrack Album - Music by John Theodore John Theodore 2.9K views 3 months ago 7:32 How to Make a Tavern from Scratch - D&D Runesmith 101K. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns - DriveThruRPG.com He is always after he grew tired of mercenary work. The porters are a mixin a goblin mine owned by Lord Gammon. Quest-O-Nomicon: Quintessential Collection $ 164.94 $ 99.99 Topped with various spices, each bite will be a confusing mix of a flavor youve never tasted, and just chicken. Trackle knows that Ulume and Esthene Learning is a waste of timewhy not live instead? are planning something, so she wants to get out as soon as When approached together, Tarmo says that The Seeker possible before things get bad. Then,Prim prides herself on a tight ship, and successful stow- roll or choose a monster that you feel is appropriate foraways on the Rail-Away are quite the raritythe more the encounter either from those listed or another large,common case being a brutal beating and expulsion. Smoking Citrus - 2 sp The smoking citrus is a mixture of spiced rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, lemon, and lime, finished with smoking ice to bubble. Quest Giver: ??? If they If the party accepts the quest, at the next stop Somen willuse one of the ladders to climb to the top of the train, give directions to where the prey can be found nearby.they will find that someone has made what appears to Time is of the essence as the train will be leaving againbe a small camp on top of one of the sleeper cars, which in 1 hour and she must start cooking the meal. The Fibbona Chicken makes two attacks; one Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.with its beak and one with its talons. The environment is considered to be in complete darkness. Cargo / Livestock Car be cracked with a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation)This multi-purpose carriage is one of the smaller of the check. a red-feathered, two-headed creature that resembles a giant chicken, and a recently laid egg. She can usually be found hanging out near The Bar (A5) or with Sami in his office (D3).48 The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns, The words you are searching are inside this book. Amoving between the cars while the train is in motion, as cow-catcher grille on the front has saved the train morewell as a ladder to provide access to the top of the train.

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