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The girl, who cannot be identified, was playing with her younger sibling when three-year-old William vanished from their foster grandmother's Kendall home in 2014. Or it could have been a sister-in-law. We live in a small town in Bishop, California at the base of the mountains. In the police interview the foster mother explains that she was taking photos of William on the morning of his disappearance. I thought William disappeared in an instant. This terminology reminds me of another thing Peter warns us to watch for - telling us what she did not do i.e. "The Dad is trying to impress upon the listenerhe's vanished into thin airhis clothes are so bright we would have seen him. I love you all, everybody please watch. It is similar to a Hina Clause where the subject feels the need to explain why she went out to check on him. : William hit his head, died and they made his body disappear? I dont want to [put anything out there], but there are no cameras in the backyard and they couldve left the house that way. Narrative building.- I dont know what to do to consider her a missing person. When Melissa made this statement, law enforcement was actively searching the area. A genuine use of the word Just can give as much away as a deceptive one if it doesnt fit in with the narrative being played out. The mother herself qualifies the abduction story as ridiculous: "Youd expect abductions in the city, you dont expect to hear about abductions out here in Kendall, I mean its just ridiculous." The fact she says "my other daughter" says it all. Leigh.OT-Karlie GuseThanks for the transcript it must have taken some time do it. 'Kind of strange that the fact that authorities had been "flying over" gave the stepmother the urge to say "I have to do something". If it was Melissa instead of Karlie, I wonder what she was doing holding a paper up in the air (maybe it was a missing poster or something -> but I also read that the neighbor saw her writing something down).Autumn, John, thats right. On (top of) his head? )That is why she said that he "usually cowers"(from strangers).The pedo was able to approach him.That is why she said she "heard a sharp scream and then nothing".William let out a scream when the pedo grabbed him.That is why she took the picture of William in the Spiderman costume right before he was "abducted" (as an alibi).She is speaking the language of abductionshe sold him.she had him abducted out of the yard..Someone grabbed him that is why he let out the sharp scream.She dressed him intentionally in a distinct bright COSTUME so he would be visible and unmistakable to the "abductor" that she sold him to.She brought him there to that isolated house so that noone would see the "transaction". This early departure was a last minute decision according to the foster parents. Additional words = valuable information. The use of the words die and dead are very concerning-I had wondered about leakage too. Why would bad Mommy do that? What we see in the language are two contrasting behaviours. If it raises the chance of getting/finding your child back, who cares what is needed? The first story has interesting quotes from the foster mother. After months, however, when hope is eroded, the reference may come. When she was driving to get her, she saw Karlie running down the street due to the light of the cell phone moving in her hand. We have to take their words literally which leaves us with people who are doing something without connecting it to a reason why. Deception indicated.Melissa wasn`t lying when she said that she was just there physically Karlies body was there, but unfortunately she was not alive at that time. Some aunts, for example, raise children as their own, and should be viewed closer to being a "mother" than an aunt.Fathers will often be a close second. Also reinforces that Karlie is not able to communicate.-Thank You to CHP-love you! Ingratiation to law enforcement for not finding her stepdaughter-Love for law enforcement expressed. The foster mother suddenly remembering that she saw three suspicious cars (three is the number of liars) nearby and even exchanging weird glances with one of the drivers also fits the kidnapper scenario perfectly. Like Adrian, I think the following wording is very unusual: nows the part where Im saying I have to do something. : did her taking photos of William lead to William passing away and the family visiting his grave? He [wouldnt] go far. Most people would explain his answer away saying he was answering for the mother but that is not the case. When asked if she knows where he may have gone, she starts to report (again in halting, broken sentences) where they live instead. She cannot be named for legal reasons. She tells us she did that for a bit which is an unspecified amount of time. She's thinking something else when looking at the patio photo.Autumn. It is the same as saying I kid you not. If the parent returned to find their child had drowned in their short absence what will they do? The evidence (his car) is probably long gone and useless now, but saying that I am not a forensics expert so it would be interesting to get an opinion from one. Was the foster mother out there talking with her sister and Nanna? [They remain anonymous] for their own self-esteem, for the fact that they might be targeted for any disadvantage that might be perceived, and also just to protect them from everyone knowing their business," he said. She wanted to do a whole lot of stuff. I do think she is crazy (BPD?) February 19- Homicide detectives take over the case and say it's likely William was abducted. And, so, we ended up back in the living room with her brothers for a little bit. (Inaudible) saw sitting down (points at porch). Lets see what statements we can find bike related.Adrian. I spoke for myself I responded to Peter's comment about a comment and said that I appreciate that type of comment as well. Maybe that is a strategy though, because the biological parents might use such signs to instigate or bolster a claim for damages. We expect her to say it sounded like a scream. William's foster parents who cannot be named for legal reasons became emotional as they handed a book of photographs to Deputy State Coroner Harriet Grahame before she closed the inquest at Lidcombe Coroners Court, in Sydney's west on Thursday. All the language used is negative and we have the repeated words I just see nothing. I`m sorry. William bonded with his foster father almost immediately, was slower to take to his foster mother but not long before he vanished had started calling her 'Mum'. Someone asked what I meant and I clarified. And made harder by the fact that he and his sister were foster children at the time of his disappearance. Peter used the example of the Police officer asking a driver how many drinks he had drunk with the answer most frequently given being just two officer. William Tyrrell was last seen playing at his foster grandmothers home in northern New South Wales in September 2014, when he was three years old. New information led to a renewed search of the foster grandmother's home and surrounds where William was last seen. By adding in what would be obvious she draws attention to the fact she has a need to convince.We could also look at the order of the statement. He was last seen at his foster grandmothers home in Kendall, NSW. Heartbroken Natalie Collins, 57, yesterday revealed her son Brendan Collins' criminal past, drinking problems and rows with William's mother Karlie Tyrrell. Their relationship with police went from "empathetic" to "cold" when Detective Chief Inspector David Laidlaw took over one of Australia's most puzzling missing child cases. So we have William going down a path (the driveway) at 9 AM and at that same time a car driving by. In the years since William disappeared, the couple have spearheaded the official 'Where's William' campaign and made regular pleas for his safe return. Maybe its a ploy. "Please help my family, most of all me, find our precious William.". Post continues below. -> https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1889904/Video-Moments-William-Tyrrells-disappearance-described-father.htmlThe foster dad specifically mentioning getting out of the car and the foster mother saying "screaming halt" makes me wonder: was it a car accident? Who would have even known that William was at Nannas house? I need to watch it now and pay close attention to body language. April 17 - Police say the boy may have been a victim of a paedophile ring. http://williamtyrrelldisappearance.blogspot.com/2015/10/in-their-words-william-tyrrells-parents.htmlMother: hes got a really good understanding of his limitations. I watched the first few minutes till I realised that this documentary was based upon William being taken by Bigfoot. It is an unusual word to use when describing the noise one child makes while playing outside.Foster Mother: No, no, no, no well not that I no not that I'm aware of. She stops him from talking about it and takes over.She says and I remember saying can you see daddys car? Award-winning mother and daughter PRs Clare and Alice Collins' Insight Communications spearheaded the 'Where's William' campaign. You said Previously she mentioned that [missing pronoun] got in our cars and just started driving all around.Yes I agree there is a lack of commitment with the missing pronoun but also if you have followed the current William Tyrell case there is a similar language used. And, um, we are going to potentially have the helicopter do the search over a very large area so far, all the way around us, all the way down to, like, Laws. My heart just sank because I thought those two cars were there for both of them," she said. Etiquette bible Debrett's shares new rules on From breathtaking beaches to epic waterfalls and lost valleys: Fascinating new guidebook bursting with Adidas investors sue sports retail giant for 'routinely ignoring' Kanye West's 'extreme behavior' including 'A waste of licence payers' money!' Bless you and the work you do. Looking at either the first or second use of the word we end up with the same outcome which is deceptive language.A clever criminal may commit a crime and then drive round in order to be witnessed by others so as to appear they were looking/searching for a missing person. At the inquest she futhermore said she thought she heard a scream. December 19 - Coroners say William could still be alive and the inquest will determine if he died or not. I would expect the focus on we need to find her she is missing. Detectives take items for testing including a mattress, computer and vehicles. Go back to reading it with you as the pronoun and the deception becomes obvious.We also see a change in language with her use of the word car changing to vehicle. When a child over the age of 14 disappears without obvious signs of foul play, apathy settles in quickly with law enforcement. "I can put my hand on his head""He has asthma" "Wouldn't have wasted his time going uphill""I followed the path down to the cemetary". Um, and, uh, I'd fell back asleep and then that's when I woke up and she was gone. That stands out because by her making commitment to her other statements with I her sudden change to you becomes noticeable. The foster mother was working from home on the day before William vanished, her husband out having meetings with clients or colleagues, when they made a snap decision to get their cats boarded for the night, grab William and head up to Kendall a day early. She had just made herself a cup of tea when she realised the little boy had gone quiet. In February 2012, Family and Community Services came to collect William after a court had ruled that he was to go into the care of the Minister for Family and Community Services. Most people would say about or around when giving a time reference as an approximation, but the fathers use of the word within stands out. The parents went through a working with children check, interviews with social workers about why they wanted to foster a child, and an examination of their capacity to keep a child safe. She knows this because she [said] can you see daddys car? She has never mentioned that before. And so, if you needed to know all that great. OT Karlie GuseIt seems like a statement full of information (or missing information).Her sentences are odd and kind of "rambling", but not to a point 'not knowing what she says'.That's what I don't get, why would you not want to bring your missing child case to the media? Deputy State Coroner Grahame acknowledged the suffering endured by both families and thanked them from sitting through more than a year and a half of "harrowing" evidence. His biological grandmother told reporters outside court that it had been "hard" since he disappeared, but she hoped the truth would come out through the inquest. The family had moved into the neighborhood within the previous 2 months and they didn't know many people in the area. "As such, it is insufficient to trump the right of free expression, in connection with the accountability, in a democratic free society, of public officials and agencies in respect of the welfare of children in out-of-home-care, which is a matter of considerable legitimate public interest. While William's foster-father took a teleconference call from a nearby pharmacy, William, his sister, foster-mother and foster-grandmother enjoyed a relaxing morning at home, the inquest heard on Monday. Was she screaming, did she look worried etc.., those are things which should be etched in his memory.then I [immediately got out of the car] He feels a need to tell us he got out of his car immediately which is not necessary, in fact to tell us he got out of his car at all is not necessary. Why not?Autumn, Anonymous (April 8, 2019 at 6:38 AM): I'm not entirely sure but I think Unknown/Jo's comment was directed at a different Anonymous (namely: April 7, 2019 at 5:18 PM) and not at you. They already considered her a missing person. In July 2014, they took William to Bali on a holiday and it was there they bought the Spider-Man obsessed toddler his blue-and-red Spider-Man suit. and do the best thing by him that we could possibly do.'. As a wealthy professional from Sydney's north shore worth several million dollars, William Tyrrell's foster mum yearned for little in life. She also says the children were sending messages. I also find the tiger or lion game questionable: too much emphasis is put onto it. But they wanted to foster children on long term orders, which would mean they would act as the parents of children in the custody of the Minister for the former Department of Family and Community Services (FACS). I also thought it was unusual to refer to the stepmothers sons as her brothers-especially considering they are half-siblings. Immediately preceding her suggestion that Karlie is not in the desert, the stepmother says: I want to put this on blast, as if to emphasize her message (Listen up: Karlie is not in the desert!). Possible kidnappers had no way of knowing if and when an opportunity would arise to kidnap William. During the inquest she said she saw no less than three suspicious cars and even exchanged fleeting Why are you watching me? That may have been an important reason for cover up. Or is that sensation more likely to occur when you see your child dying before your eyes.Adrian, at the beginning of this thread someone posted a link to a video of William's foster dad recreating his search for William. William Tyrrell was put into foster care not long after he was born. Nevertheless, the foster mother wants us to believe that William was kidnapped the next morning as early as 10:15 AM. William Tyrrell's sister has been removed from the care of her parents. Melissa wasn't as talkative as she was in her FB videos. The Boy in the Box CaseRead the wiki on the case:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_in_the_Box_(Philadelphia)This case involves theories that the boy had been fostered.I get a strong impression of similarities to this case.I read about this case years ago, yet it came into my head the morning after reading the 911 call from the William case & watching the 60 min episode--my brain was getting an "impression".There is something about the psychology of the 2 cases that contributes to the impression I have.Read the testimony of Martha M.That is the only real lead they have, and I actually believe what Martha M says (although she told her psychiatrist the information).https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_in_the_Box_(Philadelphia). 'He's never opened up about that Look what they've done to me, look what they've done to my son,' his mother said. If we read her statement without her pronoun correction it reads:[We] were just out there talking with my mum and my [other daughter] soThis suggests that the mother and another person/s were talking with her mother and other daughter. A month later, he was located at the home of a relative, then taken into foster care, the Coroner's Court at Lidcombe heard on Monday morning. His height would be 2 1/2 feet were he standing above ground.What else?She hears him roaring like an animal that lives in a den beneath ground. Kids smoke pot all the time. Do you know where he might have gone? Did he go to a car-wash?Autumn. Also, William "couldn't sleep" without a female doll the parents show the interviewer.continued. I just want to be with you guys. She says she took three pictures that morning because she wanted the children to have memories of Nanna and her house. He [wouldnt] go far. And he knows better. Their behavior is unexpected for parents of a missing child. The foster family feared that the knowledge William was fostered would lead to their unmasking. Port Macquarie Local Area Command Senior Constable Chris Rowley arrived at the house to find the foster father who 'came out of the bathroom and was very emotional and upset'. She is (holding picture up) 5 foot 7hold onlets do this goodwait, there she is. The foster parents were preparing for a massive renovation of their north shore house to make their 'forever home', after obtaining DA approval by Ku-ring-gai Council in July 2013. Then she reports, without being asked, the reason why she went to check on William in the garden. Notice she says even in connection to across the road.From video clip: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1889904/Video-Moments-William-Tyrrells-disappearance-described-father.htmlif he was down at the road, you [possibly] would have seen him. Why? State park. Her language has told us on a number of occasions she wasnt. "The mother tells us that it felt like a scream. The transcript I worked from is inaccurate, it has omissions. I think she sold him to a pedo.That is why she kept saying he was wearing bright colors, you couldn't not see him. Any vehicles? The foster mother could have given a short and simple answer, like: No, not that I know of. But she obviously felt a need to explain. The most difficult part of this gigantic secret must be that they cannot tell their daughter (all the more because William was her biological brother). It's understood the alleged unspecified object is part of the focus of forensic search underway for traces of William, about 700m from his foster grandmother's home. Spiderman is more of a boy thing. The second reason she gives for abduction is it happens which I dont think we can class as reason, a lot of things happen right? Did Karlie, in her psychotic state, fire a gun? William was three years old when he vanished and the foster parents were renovating their Sydney house with a bedroom designated for the boy in their 'forever home'. The placement of emotion seems contrived. Karlie-Lack of proper social introduction. William was riding his bike on Nanna's driveway at 9 AM on the day of his disappearance. ^ William and his biological sister were fostered together - the little girl still lives with the foster parents - her biological mother wants her back. I just watched the interview with the father.He says "He was wearing bright clothes. Melissa herself seems to call into question the jacuzzi neighbors sighting in the following sentence: "And then, for the neighbor to say he saw her at 6:30 in the morning, is what he told me, but he's older." She said I cant find him, so I thenWe are informed that William was there five minutes ago which means five minutes had elapsed since he went missing. If someone is there hanging out we automatically draw the conclusion they are awake. Yet Justice Brereton decided that the fact that the child in this case disappeared while in the parental responsibility of the Minister is "a matter of legitimate public interest", and would therefore outweigh any risk of - as FACS argued - having a "stigmatising effect on the child" and his relatives. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. Im watching you glances with one of the drivers on the morning William disappeared. This is what is on her mind. She didnt take her cell phone. So, um, hmm, g-her brothers were awake, and Zac was awake, and we hung out, and she ate. If I had genuinely just watched TV I wouldnt have to worry as I would be safe in knowing that any investigation into my movements that day would prove my statement was true. I remember.TB How TB saved meAt night it bothers meThe most.I felt sadness today I never got to know him betterOr, actually that he never got to know me betterThat's one of the things he wrote to me"I wish I'd gotten to know you moreBut the way things are looking right nowI doubt I'll ever see you again".It's so sad really.I know he cared about meHe put his life on the line for me. How old was the playmate? I don't, I don't know what she's got and if she's out in the desert, it's hot here. Autumn. Those are the types of things I prefer to read! But today in the witness box the foster mother said she knew straight away it was far more sinister. Thankyou. Bishop PD, CHP flying overthey had their copter today. Leigh said:When Melissa was asked if she harmed Karlie she replied, Are you kidding me? I am an adult in the autism spectrum and the extraneous comments are too much for me. The operator asked if there was anyone suspicious in the area. Three past tense references from Williams father.While listening through the interview looking for omitted parts of the transcript I found:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZALVhn0hElY8m 15 secondsP: Parents know their own kids, dont they?D: He [was] cautious, hed cower away as little children would normally do, but he [was], he [had] this instinct about him about doing the right and wrong thing.Two uses of the word was, instead of he is cautious we get he [was] cautious. OT: Karlie GuseAutumn, I would like to know more about the witnesses as well. I think it would be fair to say though that most people would realise that if they said my daughter was high on drugs, acting weird and vanished they may not meet with a sympathetic response.We have the misspelled nwver (never) when hasnt or didnt could have been used. WAs the father disposing William's body at that time?A 3 year old who loves superheroes (spiderman etc) is not going to latch onto "Little Tara" and not be able to go anywhere without "Little Tara" (as the mother stated). What interests me in the sentence is she says I was out there talking with my mum and my [other] daughterShe feels a need to differentiate between her daughters. Autumn. On that September 12 morning, a Friday, the foster mother had encouraged William and his sister to hand draw messages to leave on their late grandfather's grave. So if Zachary indeed said that, maybe he wanted to steer attention in a direction opposite from Karlies actual location? I have found proof in the police interview that the Father has been totally deceptive and combined with other language strongly suggests there was a car accident where he ran his son over the morning of disappearance. I thought the following sentence from the mother (in the police interview) is very telling: His sister no longer has a brother, we no longer have a son, we no longer have a child, we no longer have our boy. Apparently they think or know William is no longer alive or else he wouldnt have stopped being a their son and his sisters brother.I checked the foster mothers statements in the police interview again and you are right: it is crazy how often she says just. The foster family continues to share a close bond with former detective Gary Jubelin who lead the investigation for four years before he was convicted for illegally recording four conversations with former suspect Paul Savage. If you see something in the woods that looked like a Deer you would say it looked like Deer. I am just listening to the Nancy grace interview Leigh linked to.The parents were not very helpful at all. The court heard the foster mother had her father's grave photographed by a stranger and posted on social media. Also you mentioned how they finished the statement with it. After desperately searching the yard and street, she called triple zero, sparking a massive hunt from police, the RFS, neighbours and volunteers. Listen to The Quicky debrief on the truth about William Tyrrells parents, and what happened after the three-year-olds disappearance. How very perceptive. If she says she doesnt have a physical description of a vehicle, that might imply that there was a vehicle -> she just doesnt (or wont) give a physical description. So we have big problem, we are led to believe she walked round from the front of the house but are then given conflicting information saying she had just walked out. Why was mother going through William's hair with a comb?Why is the freckle vivid in her mind since it is normally hidden by his hair?Shaved head?He is wearing a "spiderman "outfit"?Pajamas? This, this is heading down the path of abduction or something more sin, sinister. I believe Casey Anthony said something like I feel shes really close. Some recent posts (by advanced analysts? She's high on marijuana why would I, I just, it didn't cross my mindShe implies that being a mother means not taking your child to hospital which is worrying logic. The stutter is not in the transcript (that I linked to in one of my earlier comments). They are interesting stories but the language of the mother and father points to them being responsible. A black book of never-before-seen photographs of the three-year-old boy was handed to Deputy State Coroner Harriet Grahame at the conclusion of an inquest into his disappearance. Statement Analysis - Mark McClishSpeaking at the International Association of Interviewers on the unique word "just. After denying and subsequently entertaining the possibility that anyone suspicious was in the area, the foster mom probably without realizing it points the finger firmly at herself: I was out there.Autumn, Leigh, I don't know of such a forum. This is what she says as she recalls William disappearance:I couldnt see him, I couldnt hear him, it was the world, you, its like, the world just came to a [screaming halt], I just, there was no wind, there was no birds, there was no movement there was nothing.Adrian. Did he fall off the balcony?Did the playmate cause the death and the mother is withholding knowledge?Was William's body hidden in the state park? William's foster mother does not like the Spider-man suit image of William which has become synonymous with his case, saying it is a 'bittersweet' reminder of the lost boy, The foster parents were careful about William's nutrition, but allowed him (above) a fast food stop at McDonald's at the halfway point en route to Kendall the day before he vanished. I thought if police saw a group of kids playing. Brittany Chain For Daily Mail Australia, The screen for King Charles' coronation anointing is revealed, Doctor slams Laurence Fox for 'spewing out biased views', Ukraine drone strike hits major fuel depot in port Sevastopol, Women's rights activists and pro-trans campaigners separated, Historic chairs to be reused by the King for the coronation service, Hundreds of Household Division members rehearse for coronation, Russian freight train derails and bursts into flames after explosion, 'You motherf***ers don't understand': Bam Margera details 'turmoil', Monstrous tornado seen bearing down on Palm Beach, Devastating tornado picks up car and hurls it through air in Florida, Moment large saltwater crocodile snatches pet dog off beach in QLD, Braverman: People crossing Channel are 'at odds with British values'. We spent the night. She then states that after she got ready for bed with all of those activities that are sensitive to sexual and domestic abuse, And, so we ended up back in the living room with her brothers for a little bit. But en route to Kendall they would allow William to eat at McDonald's, Heatherbrae, the halfway point, where the three-year-old was captured on CCTV the day before he disappeared. How many daughters were at the home that day? For example, if the person is missing at sea, or in sub zero weather, the natural resistance to referring to the missing person in the past tense will be diminished. She said he was, was here five minutes ago, here five minutes ago. Was there a change in reality? The question produced a halting or repetition on the word "no", which increases the import of the question. At least I would think so. For example: "I see nothing" and "I hear nothing" (in the context of William having disappeared). [Ah hes in, hes in, hes in his bright clothes. My take on that statement is that theres a difference in her mind between Karlie dying and her story dying.

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william tyrrell sister in foster care