Gravano summary profile
Sammy “The Bull” Gravano
Profile Summary
Former Underboss to Gambino Crime Family Boss John Gotti.
Served previously under Paul Castellano, who he helped Gotti to murder to become the boss.
In November, 1991, Gravano agreed to testify for the prosecution. He worked with Patrick Cotter, who prepared Gravano for the trial against Gotti. The lead prosecutor was Andrew Maloney.
In exchange for his complete cooperation, Gravano was guaranteed a maximum jail sentence of 20 years.
Gravano, accepting the FBI deal, implicated Gotti in 10 murders and admitted to 19 killings himself.
The FBI emphasizes that they did not approach Gravano, Gravano came to the FBI. Gotti learned about the deal when Gravano fired his attorney. Albert Krieger represented Gotti and broke the bad news to Gotti, serving in the place of attorney Bruce Cutler, who had been ordered off the case because he could be implicated in the trial.
The trial began in January, 1992, in Brooklyn under Judge Leo Glasser. The jurors were protected and brought to and from the court house in tinted window limousines.
The many charge against Gotti was charges that he murdered Castellano. Gravano testified how he helped Gotti plan and execute the murder in December 1985. Castellano had given orders that anyone Gambino family member implicated in any major drug deal would be killed. That year, Gotti was implicated in a major drug bust and he feared that he would be murdered, according to Gravano’s testimony.
The trial lasted 2 and 1/2 months.
Maloney, in his closing remarks, told the jurors they should be afraid of Gotti, and that prompted Krieger to call for a mistrial, charging Maloney had deliberately mafde the remark to instill fear in them and force them to find Gotti guilty. Glasser rejected the mistrial motion and found Gotti guilty and sentenced tolife without parole.
Gotti is serving his time in Marion, Illinois Federal Prison.
Gravano testified before Congress on the Mob’s infiltration of professional boxing.
In 1994, Gravano was finally sentenced to only five years, including time served from Dec. 1990.
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More Information on Salvatore “The Bull” Gravano
List of His Murder Victims & Bounty on His Whereabouts