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You made me in Your image; and my home is with You. Sometimes, when the Mother is going to caress you, a shadow is caused by Her hand before it touches you. receptivity to divine help. Experience of Peace and Joy Is though there is nothing in the world to conform to your wish, when your will But when we come to the point of saying, Everything I When your mind is calm and filled with faith after praying to Two Short Healing Prayer Techniques 1. Read more aboutMetaphysical Meditations. Father, teach me to include the prosperity of others in the pursuit of my own prosperity. All rights reserved. They began my journey to God/Self for me. I see the effect on people who have gained a little human love, or a little money how happy they are! The Mission of Self-Realization Fellowship, Sign up to receive insight and inspiration to enrich your daily life. help themselves. Water condensed becomes ice, and so invisible Spirit can be frozen into form by my devotions frost. of Desires. Gods answer; because will comes from God, and continuous will is divine will. Second question: That booklet was never reprinted after the 1940s, so it isnt available in print only online. There are two kinds of seekers: those who are like the baby monkey and those who are like the kitten. He does answer silently, through His The little kitten is carried about by the mother cat, content wherever she places it. Yogananda's words convey great spiritual power, in this case the depth of his relationship with God as Divine Mother. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. Prayer to Divine Mother Divine Mother, Thou art omnipresent. Available in over 50 languages, Enjoy our weekly talks with meditations from SRF monks and nuns. As I called to Thee in the wilderness of my loneliness, Thou didst burst through the dawn to greet me with Thy joy. Those who practice the technique of Kriya deeply for even a little while, and sit long in meditation in the resultant stillness, find that the force of their prayer is doubled, trebled, a hundred times more powerful. The channel is blessed by what flows through it. Heavenly Spirit, bless me that I may easily find happiness instead of becoming worried at every test and difficulty. Heavenly Father, teach me to remember Thee in poverty or prosperity, in sickness or health, in ignorance or wisdom. You can unsubscribe at any time using the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email. Heavenly Father, charge my body with Thy vitality, charge my mind with Thy spiritual power, charge my soul with Thy joy, Thine immortality. It is a hunger for God that arises from within, expressing itself to Him ardently, silently. In creating this universe God revealed two aspects: the masculine or fatherly, and the feminine or motherly.In Nature you behold the mother aspect of God, full of beauty, gentleness, tenderness, and kindness. The Mission of Self-Realization Fellowship, Sign up to receive insight and inspiration to enrich your daily life. Heavenly Father, charge my body with Thy vitality, charge my mind with Thy spiritual power, charge my soul with Thy joy, Thine immortality. Then say to the Lord, I cant solve my problem alone, even if I Heavenly Spirit, bless me that I may easily find happiness instead of becoming worried at every test and difficulty. Unless there is simultaneously an increasing intensity of zeal and love for God, loud prayer can thus be spiritually dangerous. Dont forget that. Lord, give us Thyself, that we may give Thee to all!" In spite of our indifference and pursuit of sense pleasures, still God is loving us, and always will. Step away from your busy life for a few days; take time to be still and refresh your soul. Thou art in all Thy children Thou art in (name). Ananda is a worldwide movement to help you realize the joy of your own higher Self. That love is sacred within, an inner communion, silently giving its oblations into the Spirit. Join friends and members of SRF at an event near you. Through a psychic in 2009, He told me that He has always been with me. can be taken care of. by that which flows through it. Years ago I learned to love Divine Mother in the form of Durga when I was the one who cleaned the puja vessels at the temple where I worshiped at the time. some desire fulfilled through prayer. O Spirit, make my soul Thy temple, but make my heart Thy beloved home where Thou wouldst dwell with me in ease and everlasting understanding. Enter my shrine of meditation, O Bliss God! Saraswati, Goddess of music, wisdom, learning, Madonna and Child, William Bouguereau (1825-1905), Saraswati, Goddess of music, wisdom, learning, White Tara, Buddhist Goddess of Compassion, Green Tara, Buddhist Goddess of compassion and enlightened activity, Swami Vivekanandas Prayers to Divine Mother, Why not worship the Infinite as your Divine Mother?, My First Meetings with Anandamayi Ma, by Swami Kriyananda, part 1, My First Meetings with Anandamayi Ma, by Swami Kriyananda, part 2, Ask of Me Salvation, but not My love and devotion, The Blissful Devotee and His Cosmic Romance. is one form of answered prayer. O blazing Light! awaken my heart, awaken my soul, ignite my darkness, tear the veil of silence, and fill my temple with Thy glory. Visualize the person you wish to heal. He wrote: "I prefer the word 'demand' to 'prayer,' because the former is devoid of the primitive and medieval conception of a kingly tyrant God whom we, as beggars, have to . All rights reserved. "God as Divine Mother ever watches over Her human children," Paramahansaji has said, "peeping through the caring . Only Love,Joy, Beauty radiate. If you close your eyes and visualize vast, illimitable space, you become overwhelmed and enthralled you feel naught but pure wisdom. Invincible Lord, teach me to use my will unceasingly in the performance of good actions, until the little light of my will burns as the cosmic blaze of Thine all-powerful will. Eternally through it, I will talk to you. It was Thy love that spoke through the voice of friendship. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Thou art the essence of everything. If one tunes in to the consciousness of a spiritual master, that master has the power to help one feel and experience their spiritual state. Divine Mother. and people call You unreal! and Divine Mother smiled. This website is a veritable trove, that I look forward to raiding again and again. Divine Mother, I heard Thy voice in the speaking fragrance of the rose. You have faith that She knows best. No matter how wonderful it is within, spiritual realization loses something of its intensity when it is expressed outwardly. Yoganandas disciple, Swami Kriyananda, said that there is a great need in the world todayfor more of a consciousness of the Mother aspect of God. Thou art in all Thy children Thou art in (name). I am really happy to find this forum. With all the earnestness of our hearts we pray, reveal Thyself! longer and deeper technique for healing at a distance. When the consciousness is withdrawn from the sensory surface of the body and its surroundings and centralized in the cerebrospinal shrines of soul perception, that is the most effective time to pray. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. O Bestower of unceasing bliss! Nothing elsematters., Paramhansa Yoganandas Mission of DivineLove, Kali Iconography as explained by Paramhansa Yogananda. O Eternal Energy, awaken in me conscious will, conscious vitality, conscious health, conscious realization. I see that You are all one in Her.. done our best, and still it is inadequate, we turn to that other Power.. (LogOut/ He has always been near; it is we who have been wandering away from His consciousness. Break the night and show Thy moond face! thought a zillion different thoughts; but I can solve it by placing it in Your Kali Iconography as explained by Paramhansa Yogananda science of religion in your daily life. Yoganandas words convey great spiritual power, in this case the depth of his relationship with God as Divine Mother. The occasion was a visit to Yogoda Satsanga Math, a YSS ashram set on the Ganges River in Dakshineswar, West Bengal. Hold them in that light for as long as you wish. our body, mind, and soul. Also, the personal aspect of God embodying the love and compassionate qualities of a mother. His life and teachings continue to be a source of light and inspiration to people of all races, cultures and creeds. Thank you so much Devarshi! God Responds Through Fulfillment Paramahansa Yogananda. I prayed, O Mother, be Thou real unto all.. Paramhansa Yogananda left behind a wealth of divinely inspired poetry and prayers written to the Divine Mother. Divine Mother's Song to the Devotee- Paramhansa Yogananda Beloved Divine Mother, hide no more. A subsistent inner happiness The Mission of Self-Realization Fellowship, Sign up to receive insight and inspiration to enrich your daily life, Read Next: How to Use Thoughts of Immortality to Awaken Your True Self, Beauty and Joy, Grace and Refuge: Living in the Presence of the Mother Divine. Copyright 2023 Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship. Beauty and Joy, Grace and Refuge: Living in the Presence of the Mother I heard Thy voice in the lisping whispers of my devotion. Other terms for this aspect of Divinity are Aum, Shakti, Holy Ghost, Cosmic Intelligent Vibration, Nature or Prakriti. If you do not give up, the Lord will come unto you. I have a deep bond with all 6 SRF Masters. Prayer Quotes | Paramahansa Yogananda - Yogoda Satsanga Society of India Maybe I have done wrong, tempted by delusions of Your cosmic play; but because You are my Mother, my Father, my Friend, I know You will forgive me and take me back. His greatest work on God as Mother is the booklet The Cosmic Mother: One Aspect of God. Father, teach me to include the prosperity of others in the pursuit of my own prosperity. * * * * Power Of A Saint's Devotion 8 communities, 45 teaching centers, and 102 meditation groups. God has been with us all the time, talking to us; but His voice of silence has been drowned by the noisiness of our thoughts: "Thou didst love me always, but I heard Thee not." Silencing the thoughts means tuning them in to God. Others inspired him through their lives or poetry, including the mystical poet Ramprasad Sen and the great Master Sri Ramakrishna. I reconnected consciously with Paramahansaji in September 1993. Heavenly Father, teach me to remember Thee in poverty or prosperity, in sickness or health, in ignorance or wisdom. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[3]='CONTACTID';ftypes[3]='text';fnames[4]='SIGNUPURL';ftypes[4]='url';fnames[5]='ZIPCODE';ftypes[5]='zip';fnames[6]='COUNTRY';ftypes[6]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Please tell us your healing prayer stories, for they will be of great inspiration to others now. Gods Response Can Come as an I have always had trouble connecting to Divine Mother finding it much easier to connect to Master (Parmahnasa Yogananda) and the gurus. Prayer: Demand of the Soul by Paramahansa Yogananda In divine love and golden light The Omnipresent God knows all His This reverence to the Infinite, God, is essential for true spiritual healing. Break the night and show Thy moond face! Fill us with Thy healing light that we may share Thy blessings with those in need. O blazing Light! Saraswati, Goddess of music, wisdom, learning, Madonna and Child, William Bouguereau (1825-1905), Saraswati, Goddess of music, wisdom, learning, White Tara, Buddhist Goddess of Compassion, Green Tara, Buddhist Goddess of compassion and enlightened activity, Swami Vivekanandas Prayers to Divine Mother, Why not worship the Infinite as your Divine Mother?, My First Meetings with Anandamayi Ma, by Swami Kriyananda, part 1, My First Meetings with Anandamayi Ma, by Swami Kriyananda, part 2, Ask of Me Salvation, but not My love and devotion, The Blissful Devotee and His Cosmic Romance. Divine Mother, with the language of my soul I demand realization of Thy presence. Kali dancing the Cosmic dance, with awestruck girl at her feet. Thou art the essence of everything. Likewise with our financial needs; when we have Paramhansa Yogananda Swami Kriyananda - Stories of Yogananda -" Integrity on the Spiritual Path" Sri Yukteswar Ashram Thou art the essence of everything. O Bestower of unceasing bliss! 10 minutes. He will not talk to the devotee. I said to Her, Oh! Thou art the essence of everything. Only then is prayer truly effective, the mind having been freed to concentrate wholly on the Father who responds "in secret"in silent communion with the soul. The motive behind the evil ways of even the greatest sinner is that he expects to attain there from something that will lead to happiness. It was Thy love that spoke through the voice of friendship. Feel Gods presence as the source of all healing energy and visualize as clearly as possible the person receiving this blessing. Sharing the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Thousands of Suns, painting by Mantradevi based on Yoganandas chant. These forms are ways for people to have a personal relationship with God, and through that relationship, reach the goal of Yoga (union) with the Cosmic Mother beyond form. within. Change). Join friends and members of SRF at an event near you. Paramhansa Yogananda's teachings on the Divine Mother. Thou didst tear away the night of my ignorance to reveal Thy silver rays of speaking silence! In your silence God's silence ceases. Experience the power of spiritual community, Join us for meditation and inspiration. But if you are not very strong, they may steal that love from you. I plan to tune in here pretty often:). Jesus Christ, Great Masters of India, and beloved Guru, Paramhansa Yogananda, we humbly bow at Thy feet. He also said that She is far more than any of the limited forms in which She is worshipedthough worship of a personal form can help one more easily reach the Universal form of God. It touched my heart with such joy, For years, my relationship with Divine Mother was more transactional than selfless, as I mostly only turned to Her for Healing, for Protection of my loved ones and so on.

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